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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. She was seen whispering sweet nothings into AG Barr ear at the Coney Barrett event.
  2. Add another one from Trump super spreader events to the Covid list, Senator Thom Tillis come on down for a Clorox IV.
  3. That exact number of people in Trump inner circle and people that have attended his events in the last week who may become infected wont be known for a week or so, they are still announcing cases from the Titans football team many days later
  4. Some in Republican circles think that Trump should get an extra 2 weeks to campaign for his stupidity, as always they want to reward the uniformed and stupid, Trump couldn't protect the American people and with all the precautions at the WH couldn't protect himself.
  5. Trump heading to Walter Reed, this has taken a serious note.
  6. When other people fall ill people generally are compassionate, Trump not so much
  7. The hoax bit him in the arse, and by together he means in separate rooms in different parts of the WH
  8. Jets are terrible, Darnold doesn't have much help but for a top draft pick he got out played by Mark Rypien's nephew who I never heard of until this week
  9. It would be a great way of getting out of the next debate with Biden, maybe the cardboard cut out got it to, would save him from the beat down he will get from Harris next week
  10. Seriously Cruz is such a spineless sniveling rat
  11. Trump now saying he doesn't know what the Proud Boys are, he really lives in a world of one
  12. "Move to Canada" spiked on Google last night and this morning.
  13. Typical Trump supporter " I don't like him, the way he acts or like the way he talks but I'm still going to vote for him", unfortunately in the States atm you can't fix stupid.
  14. Tim Scott comes out as says that Trump misspoke and actually meant to say "Stand Back and Stand Down", Trump likes to talk and tweet, today so far nothing to support this, doesn't matter damage done
  15. How many do you think they will sell
  16. His wannabe's got the message loud and clear last night, America has some big trouble coming up.
  17. Didn't watch the debate, to busy watching the Yankees clobber Cleveland, but watching the various shows tonight I get the feeling that nobody learned anything new tonight.
  18. Biden just needs to be cool and collected tonight, Trump will lie, just call him out on everytime he does and maybe throw in 750 after each response.
  19. Bonus points for Dale for being Canadian
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