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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. Got my second dose today and I have to say that I think someone tampered with it, after I left RBCCC I had a strange thought and then found my self in line buying a green suit, passed by Superstore to pick up a watermelon, then ended up at the LC buying Pil, wasn't done yet as I needed new sneaks but I didn't want adidas I found some nice white ones with 4 green stripes, felt hungry so I went to lunch with a female cousin of mine who I felt attracted to. Just woke up in a cold sweat...................................it was only a dream but my God was it ever terrifying.
  2. Trump has decided to make a fool out of himself yet again by suing Twitter, Facebook and You Tube, proving once again there is a stupid lawyer right around the corner who wants to work for free
  3. Looks like restrictions will loosen more next weekend
  4. Do you think they do that this week or maybe wait a week, lots of positives in terms of hospital icu cases, daily new cases, active cases and of course tpr all trending in the right direction, on a different note new cases are slowly trending up in Japan weeks before the Olympics in what some are calling the 5th wave, which poses a question, did they just skip the 4th wave
  5. August 1 milestone reached in the first week of July, second doses flying out the door
  6. As they say you can't fix stupid, how the hell doesn't someone tell him to STFU in light of what happen this past week
  7. I don't know what ailment Toews has but the speculation is that what he claims he has is bullshiate, don't know him, not a doctor so I don't know if his diagnosis is true or not or a little bit of both
  8. The economy would never recouver and the stock market would tank, words of wisdom from the dumbest human being on the planet
  9. Looks like we will meet the August 1 milestone early next week if not sooner.
  10. I don't think the Jets have much interest and I'm sure he has no interest in coming here
  11. Crazy that they didn't impose a mask mandate or proof of vaccination but in America it's all about your rights and to hell with everyone else
  12. Americans in general can go take a long walk off a short pier they have no standing internationally after they let their former pos of a President trash his allies and act the way he did on the international stage, they don't care about anyone but themselves proving it by hoarding so much of the vaccine that they really didn't end up needing
  13. So these two either needed to get a chili dog and beer or they had to hit the can together or they are just tired of Trump's ****
  14. Trump had a rally yesterday in Ohio and even the stupid people are starting to get tired of the same old garbage being spouted by the grand stupid one, apparently he is going to make a decision on running in '24 soon cause August is coming up fast and he needs to change to the talk about being reinstated so as to continue the grift
  15. CDC in the States says that the majority of deaths happening now are unvaccinated people, pretty sure that's happening here and it's sad that people are to stupid to have something injected in them that could save their miserable lives
  16. Well the Defense is asking for probation and time served
  17. NEW Last updated: June 25, 2021 Public health officials advise one new death in a person with COVID-19 has been reported today: a male in his 70s from Southern Health-Sante Sud linked to the B.1.1.7 (alpha) variant of concern. The current five-day COVID-19 test positivity rate is 5.9 per cent provincially and 6.5 per cent in Winnipeg. As of 9:30 a.m. today, 85 new cases of the virus have been identified. However, one case has been removed due to data correction. This brings the net-new number of cases today to 84 and the total number of lab-confirmed cases in Manitoba to 55,777. Today’s COVID-19 data shows: 10 cases in the Interlake-Eastern health region; eight cases in the Northern health region; five cases in the Prairie Mountain Health region; nine cases in the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region; and 53 cases in the Winnipeg health region. 1,635 active cases and 53,007 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19; 197 Manitobans hospitalized with COVID-19 in Manitoba and neighbouring provinces, including: 98 people in hospital in Manitoba with active COVID-19 as well as 87 people in hospital with COVID-19 who are no longer infectious, amounting to a total of 185 hospitalizations; a total of 66 Manitoba patients receiving intensive care for COVID-19 including: 28 people in intensive care units in Manitoba with active COVID-19 as well as 26 people with COVID-19 who are no longer infectious but continue to require critical care, amounting to a total of 54 ICU patients in Manitoba; and 12 Manitoba patients in intensive care units outside the province, with 11 in Ontario and one in Alberta; 35 patients previously receiving care in an out-of-province ICU have now been returned to Manitoba hospitals for further care; and no COVID-19 patients were transported out of province for care yesterday. 1,625 laboratory tests were completed yesterday, bringing the total number of lab tests completed since early February 2020 to 823,640; and the total number of deaths in people with COVID-19 is 1,135.
  18. Derek Chauvin gets sentenced today, what kind of a sentence does a cop get for killing someone who happened to be black out in the public, guess we find out shortly
  19. While people are praising Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley for his testimony in Congress lets not forget that he walked with Trump and his cronies after people were cleared and hurt so Trump could get his photo op wearing Combat Fatigues.
  20. Looks like the majority of vaccinations being done lately are 2nd doses, the 75% first dose mark might take a while.
  21. What a disgrace Giuliani is and for what a guy who would throw you a boat anchor if you were drowning, can't believe this guy was a one time called "America's mayor"
  22. Cases up today but they also did close to 800 more tests, tpr continues to fall, active cases are coming down, and it seems like they have a handle on the icu and hospitalization front and those numbers are falling slowly
  23. So who exactly is going to make sure people have had both shots and are fully vacinnated or are they leaving it to the honour system, I might of missed it since I didn't listen to the q and a but will you have to produce a vaccination card to get into events or indoor dining with friends and acquaintances.
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