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Posts posted by Dragon37

  1. Goalie your assessment of Brown is dead on the mark. You have him pegged to a T. Brown is and has always been all about himself.


    Who else is he supposed to be about? His job is to give an opinion and that opinion is ultimately going to serve his needs and that is people reading or listening to him.


    He is condecending and a jerk at times but lots of fan favorites have had similar attitudes. I thought Walby was always full of himself, too. Nick Bastia, while not condecending, was a scary mofo ... and so forth.


    17to85, I respect the response, however, it is a mistake to say that a coach is not accountable to the media/fans. It is true that those folks do not pay him directly nor are they his boss, however he IS a representative of the organization to the public and as such he has a duty to do his best to placate them. Ritchie, Berry, and the great Don Matthews were crusty buggers but they STILL gave ANSWERS to questions. They did not do what fans asked, and I agree they do not HAVE TO, but they SHOULD be able to throw us a bone and at least give us some indication of what is being done behind closed doors to fix problems. Afterall, the biggest part of their job is to put a team on the field that draws people in and not chase them away. He may hate that us fans and the press get on him but the dollars he is paid ultimately come from our pockets.


    How would MOS feel if he hired me to rake his leaves and I didn't but I took his money up front anyway? I am a paying fan and I don't pay to watch my team blow chunks all over the field and country. If they do I wanna know why they did and what is being done about it or I may opt out of giving them my time and very hard earned dollars. It is real simple math and ultimately not much to ask.




    Add in a couple of blocked punts for TDs .. you might get your 5 .. 


    I remember one block and one partial. Which games were the TDs off blocks?


    (BTW there is no need to be snarky. I made a mistake. I am sure you are not perfect)


    I know voodoo personally...that wasn't snarky.  He was trying to help you figure out where the 5 came from.





    The only one I know of that was (for sure) a TD was Week 4 against Calgary ..


    And if I was being snarky .. you'd know it.  Heh.



    Okay. Sorry.


    Not to beat a dead horse but just checking, wasn't there a punt return TD called back on a penalty in one of the Hamilton games (in Hammy it think)? That might have been what caused my confusion in counts.

  3. The problem is that too many fans have anger issues and they just expect everyone else to be as angry as they are. They want a head coach ranting and raving about how angry he is, they want Bob Irving to be unloading on the coaches and players for playing to poorly, they want everyone to feel like they do. They don't want the head coach to be calm and give non answers, they don't want Bob Irving to let the coach be calm. Look at how this place is immediately after a loss, they want everyone in the media and with the team to react like that. 


    Well, I think actually for the most part the members of most forums have been fairly tolerant of losses. Not long ago people here and elsewhere still were saying MOS was a good HC (not me). I think as losing streaks start coming though they want to hear not the coach getting angry but something that tells them the coach is seeing what they are seeing out on the field. This way they can have some hope that those issues will be addressed.


    Our coaches, for a while now, have not been the types that have wanted to say anything of substance and it is really frustrating. We have had coaches such as Dave Berry and Ritchie who have said something even if it was fairly minimal. I have also heard plenty of inteviews with current and past coaches from other teams and many of them are quite straight forward. Maybe not naming names or anything like that but giving giving their general views without tipping their hat or coming across as a jackass.I mean it is not rocket science, you can talk and not give the other teams any trade secrets.


    How MOS, and Burke before him, interacts with the media and talks about the team tells me he isn't well versed in how to deal with the press and appease fans. Also the way he seems to want to be a player's coach and his sideline actions (or lack thereof) tells me that while he may be evoking loyalty from the players it isn't doing much to foster any accountability amongst the players. They keep taking undiciplined penalties and mkaing just amazingly stupid plays over and over.


    I can deal with non-answers only so long before it evokes exactly the reactions fans are giving to it now.


    I don't expect Irving to be any different than he has been in his long career. He is respectful to a fault and always tries to find a silver lining even in the worst of times. He is no pansy he is a good media man that knows how to keep the lines of communication open.



    Bombers have allowed 3 punt returns for TD’s this season. 


    They have allowed at least four if not five. There was one in game 1, the hamilton game here, the TO game, and LDC. I think they also allowed a TD in game 2.



    Same game.


    And there wasn't one in week 1.





    Thanks Mike. Clearly mixing up a few games there.

  5. That could be it, too. If that is the case though it is still a part of the coordinator to deal with it. They have tried this play far too many times this year. Some of them I haven't objected to but a few of these deep punts were ill advised because of the situation and at least twice resulted in return TDs (and no I am not doing a hindsight thing it was a matter of logic at the time (ie don't temp the devil too many times))


    It's not a scheme problem when the punter puts the ball between the hashmarks. Make one guy miss and it's a TD.

    Agreed, that's the first thing I noticed on the play... not only was the punt right down the middle it also had no hang time ... the ST unit was basically SOL right from the beginning... Lirim shoulders most of the blame for that particular punt return...



    Was it a matter of Liram putting it in the wrong spot or was that where he was asked to put it? If you go back virtually every one of the returns for TDs this year have been when we (mistakenly) kick from deep in our end to the middle of the field. I am pretty sure that is what PT was calling for a middle punt  because Liram was NEVER trying to punt that anywhere but the middle of the field (or maybe the left hash)

  7. I don't live in Winnipeg but I refer to a comment I heard last night on the CJOB website listening to the post game show. About how Wade Miller recently was describing a 3 year plan & that the Bombers would stick to it no matter what. That's a huge concern to me as the Bombers situation is a fluid one, not static & changes need to be made as needed not after the 2016 season. If Miller sticks to this plan of no changes then we're in even bigger trouble than we all thought. I was actually quite taken aback to hear Bob & Doug talking about it.

    Heard that interview on Hustler and Lawless.  Wade said the Bombers are heading in the right direction.

    Crazy.Totally out of touch.

    Yep. Pretty scary, eh? Which is why I say this entire organization needs a serious audit. More than twenty years of mostly futility should tell you your system is forked.

  8. Perspective folks : you were playing a highly dubious backup against a desperate team and were still mostly competitive

    Um. The real perspective is Winnipeg is in real serious trouble. If they were even a mediocre team they would get by with having a dubious back-up. There is not one positive to draw from this game ... Other than fans will not have to pull out their winter wear to watch games in November.

  9. Not sure what the complaining is all about with the kicker. Greaves was flat-out awful yesterday, and needs to go back to the bench.

    Yeah. Liram's been decent. That return wasn't the problem of the punt at all it was where he was asked to put it and the ensuing coverage. It seems that every time the Bombers have to kick from deep in their end Tracey ask Liram to place the ball in the middle of the field and the blockers are called to basically spread contain which leaves them totally weak up the middle. The ball should have been placed on or inside the right hash and contain left which should mean the cover team only has to cover 1/3 of the field.

  10. Nichols is the starter now.  There's no way anyone would toss a guy out there with one get-to-know you practice at Quarterback.  Hopefully we see improvement from the quarterback position, because outside of QB, Greaves/Picard/Neufeld and Hajrullahu as a punter, this is a pretty good team.


    You've sold me on the O line being bad. It explains the problems on offence.


    So I don't see how a different quarterback is going to make much difference. As you've pointed out, Willy was making completions with defenders in his face. prior to getting hammered for the last time. and, even with willy, our offence wasn't very productive.


    The o line isn't much better than last years. So running plays don't work, and neither do passes longer than ten yards. That's why the play calling is limited. It's limited by the amount of time they expect the quarterback will have before he's on his ass.


    What difference would it make which running play was called, if there's no blocking? If there was a running play that would work, they'd call it. 


    Can't have any kind of offence without a half decent O line. which we don't have. again.

    Thing is they do have the players for more than a half decent line. Problem is they don't have plays to counter the other team's so it is hard to keep your QB from getting hit or pressured. Our receivers are not getting open or coming back to the QB. Most of all though is we are completely unable to adapt to what happens on the field.

  11. I listened to the coaches show last week on the radio. Pretty lame really. If you actually listen to what he says, he doesn't say anything. The vanilla questions he gives an answer, but anything to the point, there's no reply. Does Paul Maurice really give an answer to a question??? Not. They don't want to reveal anything that may give the other team an advantage.

    Um, what could he give away? Everyone and his dog knows the Winnipeg playbook. What damage could MOS possibly do?

    Oh and Maurice gives more answers than MOS. MOS doesn't have any answers. It is hard to when you have no clue what's going on.

  12. BOD replaced, Wade Miller fired, Walters fired, MOS fired. Rest of coaching staff gone. The only one who has done anything is Richie Hall. He has taken a defense that started slow and was inept and has molded a above average d, still a work in progress but a least  there's progress. Have a feeling none of this will happened till after the season unless there's some token sacrifice, Pat Tracey i'm looking at you. No I think it will be statue quo for the rest of the season. I hope i'm wrong but this horror movie is far from over. And by the way i don't want to hear we would have won if Willy would have played, they would have killed us if Durant would of played.





    You need to start right at the very top to clean house this time, or else the result will be just the same...

    What will cleaning house now do?

    It won't salvage the season;

    It won't bring back Willy;

    It won't change the fact the Blue lack Canadian talent.


    This is a process these guys aside from Bel-FAIL deserve another year wit ha healthy Willy and solid qb and some Canadians maturing specificlly Gossen on the o-line.

    This seaon was over after last weeks game now it will be a string of blow outs wit ha win or two sprinkled in to give us fans the faint hope that things will get better but there is no quick fix and that is sad but true. Don't forget these guys are cleaning up Mack's mess, which is akin to cleaning up a nasty oil spill!


     You are wrong, because with free-agency and players being offered more NFL shots these days, no team has the luxury of 3 or 4 years to build a contender - by that time, the "core" of good players you start with are gone, and you're in rebuilding mode again.


    This is a "what have you done for me lately" business. The problem with the org as it is now, being driven by the BOD and it's prferences towards management and the onfield product, is that there is no urgency to win. If you do not have the attitude of "win at all costs" then you will never dig out of the hole. What Bombers really need is a private owner who has very deep pockets and a big ego that wants to win at all costs. Someone who doesn't take 6 months to make decisions that everyone else realize are necessities after a week or two... Someone who doesn't think that hiring their old cronies, or finding some fan-popular has-beens is a blueprint to success...

    Private ownership is no guarantee of a turn around. None. I should point out Sask and Edmonton are also community-owned and have the drive to win. It is all about the structure, checks and balances, and hiring the right people. I should also point out that a number of the privately owned teams in this league cost every teams bundles of cash over the years because of their mismanagement. (Some were even crappy on the field, too)

    IMHO the season is clearly over so there is nothing at all to be lost by showing MOS, MB, and PT the door and moving Hall to HC, Howell to OC and just about any schmoe to ST coach. At the end of the year bring in and independent person to assess this team from the BOG down to coaching and go from there. I would turf Mini Mack too since he, like most other GMs since Taman, has zero ability to work on the WHOLE TEAM in the off-season.

    Like someone so wisely mentioned above, this is the CFL in the 2000's you simply do not have three or four years to build a winner. If you cannot significantly improve a team over two years you need to find another job. Perhaps a HR at McDonalds? Buh-bye Mini Mack.

  13. Anyone who did not see this coming over the last month should be ashamed. Despite all the losses Sask still had way better talent on the field. Smith had been progressing, the were scoring, etc. They mostly were just shooting themselves in the foot. Winnipeg, on the other hand, had been dropping in offensive production, even with Willy, were incredible inconsistent, taking way too many penalties, sucking on special teams and giving out points like they were candy. Despite the records Winnipeg was the worst team in Canada by a long shot going into this game.

    Oh and regardless of records Winnipeg usually loses this game. Sadly though gone are the days when we could return the favour in the Banjo Bowl.

    To sum up, Winnipeg drops the next two games, Sask wins their next two.

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