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Posts posted by Dragon37

  1. Ottawa did what needed to be done and not just the bare minimum. Seriously, though Walters has basically already admitted that he doesn't see the whole picture very well. It took a year for him to do something about the OL, he barely did anything about the D line, he didn't bother trying deal with Sear's spot by finding an actual LB, he barely addressed the Canadian talent, didn't bother looking for any more receivers, etc, etc. Never mind some of his current hires in the coaching ranks. I won't even address the whole rebuilding attitude, other than to say that's for losers.

  2. I'd say with Drew Willy we are 6-6 at worst so he's not wrong. Not sure why some of you expect him to say they are worse than their record, I mean who the heck says that..


    Starting RB INJURED... Starting QB injured... yeah, the team is better than their current record. Theres no doubt about it.. They aren't like 10-4 or 9-5 better but they are at least .500 if Willy was still healthy, probably better. 


    Don't think some of you really realize how important Drew Willy is to this team, he's what makes the O work... he's the guy, he's done for now tho so yeah, we aren't gonna be as good without him. Cotton is a loss but losing your starting QB, man that's the end of your season really. 


    Look at Sask, Montreal for that matter, BC now... 


    every team outside of Edmonton who has lost their starting QB to injury THIS SEASON, so that doesn't include the argos, isn't good. 


    Look what happens to Hamilton in the coming weeks, when you lose your best player and your teams MOP... yeah, you aren't gonna be as good.

    With Willy we MIGHT have one more win. However, Willy's numbers were dropping and even with him in we weren't competitive against teams with a good defence. Good teams prevail even with major injuries.

  3. Can Ian play OL or receiver?

    Cant ignore upgrades at other positions because of a hole in another area. Cut of our nose to spite our face. If there was a turn key OL that would make a strong impact for us and was available we'd a made that deal all ready. I also dont think wr is a problem at all. we have tons of talent, but the worst run pro offense ive ever seen in any league. (including AFL2 etc)


     I wonder if this will push us further to a 3-4. We are really stacked at LB now. If it does, id love to see a traditional 3-4 NT come in.

    I would respectfully have to disagree on receivers. We have a serviceable lot but no serious deep threat. No serious yac yards threat. Also, we seem to have the absolute worst set of receivers for coming back to the ball/helping out the QB when he is in trouble. If you watch other teams as well on hitch screens, end arounds, and just about any other wide play many of them get great blocking from their receivers we ... Don't. granted that may be an OC thing but it has been an issue for the last two coaches so I have my doubts. We can win with what we have but we absolutely must keep on looking to upgrade. For the life of me I cannot figure out why we passed on Sinopoli in FA. That was a no brainer to replace/upgrade from losing Watson and our Canuck pool.

  4. He has more experience than Walters. Has contacts everywhere in the US proven by the fact he can find quality players. I mean, the fanbase here ******* about everyone. Don't want experience like Higgins because he was away from football too long in  the CFL front office. Don't like Murphy because he's too inexperienced  so you tell me Jacquie, if Walters leaves who do we hire?  Bomber fans don't like this guy, don't like that guy, blah, blah, blah. Something always not to like.

    Honestly? Absolutely no way do I want Higgins touching this team. My choice would be find someone who has good contacts north and south of the border. They should also be able to turn the team around in two to three years ( that means showing improvement each year) and has a long vision. Someone who can rebuild the scouting system here. It would be nice if they were capable of working on more than one or two aspects of the team in the off-season.

    All that being said, until they get an independent "audit" of the organization from the board down it really doesn't matter who the hell they bring in. If the last 25 years hasn't shown you that then I don't know what to say. We have had some really good talent here at all levels and it has never panned out into any sort of lasting success. That tells me there is some systematic fault that has yet to be dealt with.

    Clearly I would love someone experienced but by no means am I opposed to a rookie who has shown he has experience with some of these more important aspects. The problem with Walters wasn't so much a experience thing as it was a serious overestimation of his actual skills. Under Mack he did nothing and I blame him every bit as much as Mack for it, maybe more. If he didn't have the stones to make his rather senior voice heard then he doesn't have what it takes to be the top gun. Face it Mack has been gone a long time and our Canadian talent still is laughable. For some CIS expert and having had duties in finding Canuck talent Walters is a spectacular fail. Nobody fears our Canucks. If I am not mistaken many of the "best" we have had were either brought from other teams or other GMs drafted them. Regardless, compared to many other teams Walters is middling at best.

  5. O'Shea has had enough time to demonstrate his skills and judgement and both have been seen as wanting.  I think he has passed the point of no return and cannot redeem himself in the eyes of the team or the fans. Kelly and Burke were so abrasive that I was glad to see them go, but O'Shea's looming departure is just sad. He tried his best but it just wasn't good enough.

    Time to turn the page.

    Burke was abrasive? I find MOS more abrasive. What with his getting all defensive and he is even less into answering questions than Burke. Honestly? There isn't much difference between Burke and MOS.

  6. Now, I'm not blaming the fans here at all but... part of the problem is the lack of patience around here, I'll be the first to admit i Want MB gone but i've wanted him gone for a long time now but.. after every loss, fans lose their minds and want everyone gone. I'm not saying the fans are the reason but... at the same time, we need to show patience, the BOD needs to show patience, you can't keep firing guys every 2 years or so and expecting someone else to come in and be a god immediately and if he's not, he's shown the door and the cycle keeps repeating itself. The other problem is QBs, we haven't had a legit QB in years, we got one now in Willy but the OC is getting him killed so really, it's like we don't even have a QB anymore. Nichols is ok, he's not great, he's not awful, he's just ok, good backup really but probably not a starter. 


    The main reason tho in my opinion, at least this year and last... our OC, we are dead last in many categories, our D is pretty good, our special teams not so much but again that's lack of talent there, young canadians really learning on the fly... Jake Thomas is the only played Joe Mack drafted that is still on the roster for us, that's a problem.. Our drafting hasn't been good, some of the guys walters have taken have shown the ability to play but they are also rookie and or 2nd year players... really lack those vet canadians out there and the ones we do have just aren't good. Pontbriand, Cronk,Remple to name a few. 


    There is no magic formula here, i think firing the OC would be a step in the right direction tho. 


    I think for years we got a reputation around the league of an organization that lacks patience and fires people way too quickly at times, some justified, some maybe not.. it takes time to reverse that reputation, stability is important and for a long time we have had no stability at all.. front office on down really...


    You look around the league at the really good teams, Calgary..stability. Hamilton has stability now, didn't for years but finally do.. Montreal has stability, Popp has been the man for a long time, BC, not so good but stability there for sure with Buono. It's something we have lacked... I also think if you look back at our OC's the last several years you will see a whole lot of terrible coaches, Crowtown and MB come to mind right away... why do we have to settle for these guys tho? Probably because of our instability as an organization, do coaches want to come here and coach and be fired in 2 years if things don't go well? Probably not, they want the ability to build a team, it takes some time, our Canadian depth was so poor for so many years, this goes back to  Taman trading away our picks for vets, it goes back to Mike Kelly gutting the team, it goes back to Joe mack having only 1 drafted player still on the team.. it takes time to repair that damage. 


    In the CFL, you are only as good as your QB's and your Canadians... for years we have really had neither. 


    You hear about players like Eric Norwood who was on our NEG list but didn't want to come here, why is that? he's not the only one either, he's just the guy that sticks out to me at the moment, why didn't he want to come here? Lack of stability i bet played a role cuz when you really think about it, i'll bet for lots of players in the CFL... cost of living is an important factor... outside of regina, i'll bet winnipeg is a lot cheaper of a place to live then say toronto montreal or vancouver yet players still don't want to come here.. why? once we figure out the why, i think you will find that the answer to the question of why have we been so bad for so long will be right in front of your face.

    Some players and coaches will not come here because it is Winnipeg. Not TO, Vancouver, or Calgary. Winnipeg is a small time city with big city problems. Those other three have way more to offer. Some guys also want to play for a winner and to do that you don't want to be in Winnipeg.

  7. FIFA was many dates. An NHL Winter Classic would have been the icing on the cake this year. The various revenue streams is very helpful for the long term viability of the Blue.

    Well, they need those other streams of cash because the Bombers are not going to be capable of it if they don't start fielding a real CFL team.

  8. Would have been better if the riders had won, we need to beat out 3 others teams for a playoff spot and Ottawa is in the mix with us.

    Oh please just give up that this team can make the playoffs. They are freaking terrible. They are easily the weakest team of four crap teams.

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