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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. Yep. The chances of some one taking all 3 jobs is extraordinarily slim which means we’d eat up cash and a di spot on a kicker while pushing legs progress back. Only 2 ways legs isn’t our kicker out of camp. We hit a schoen level generational rookie, or he gets hurt. Some one will be brought in for camp, but very likely not a vet and not a blue chipper.
  2. They do that every year. They don’t just ignore positions. They look for talent no matter the roster. Lots of kickers like moutada. Not a lot of good kickers. Look at the guys who keep floating around the nfl. The talent gap in kickers has never been bigger. Few great ones lots of filler. No rookie kicker is going to come in and be serious competition.
  3. Is there one for buck taking the ball out of collaros hands and having prukop throw? We had a TON of chokes in the gc. Zach threw for 183 1 pick no tds. Schoen had 2 bad drops and wasn’t the only wr with one. Wj had 0 tackles 1 teams tackle no pass kds no sacks no tfl no pressures. Bighill had a similar line with just 1 tackle. Rose was attacked a lot. Easily a half dozen guys had the chance to make 1 play and win the game for us. You can’t look at legs and blame him. The block wasn’t on him either. I think he counts as a naturalized thai-bo jazzercise gymkata instructor in the cfl. Atleast as much as he counts as a player any way.
  4. Doesn’t take much of a wind speed head on to turn a 43 into the equivalent of a 53 yarder. And a cross wind on a long fg is about as good as a Hail Mary. What do you suggest the bombers do? Serious competition like who exactly? And how do you plan to fit them in the sms? Any rookie kicker isn’t going to be serious competition in their first camp in the cfl. Look at how long Sergio took to turn into a good pro. if legs brings up his consistency just a bit from his average performance last year we have the best ni three job kicker in the league and the cheapest. Who is also still very young. It’s always good to have an extra leg in camp to keep the no1 fresh, push them a bit and have a back up plan if they go down. Which I fully expect we will. Probably a multi job global or ni. Not likely a top prospect at the level of legs when he came here.
  5. To me all I will ever think of godbeer is how stove on his return from injury embarrassed him repeatedly even through double teams with suhk. Stove is a bad dude but godbeer is kinda meh. It’s hard to get ahead of teams when your improvements are their cast offs. And yet every year the hype train is in the station and ready to go in ssk. maybe they will manage to dig them out lol.
  6. He understands the high risk low reward situation of trying 50 yarders with regularity. Unless your name is Justin medlock. Also note that in 22 the average nfl kickers make rate from 50 was just 72%. I would bet it’s handily 15-20% worse in the cfl in the last two seasons. Then legs also hit from 55 last year and has 3 game winning 50s in his time here. A confederacy of dunces also generates a common consensus. Yep. And he understands the risk of td or big returns on fg kicks that long. Plus he has good reason to have faith in our defense holding teams that are pinned deep. The amount of safety’s forced by the D directly or by stopping a team pinned inside the 10 is tremendous during the mos era. Not to mention turn overs and defensive tds. personally I love the gamble to get a safety and the ball for our offense over trying a long fg. Plus the option for teams to punt to grant with him getting the ball around center field is tremendous. Unless the punt is shanked, or the other teams offense gets back to back first downs punting instead of trying a 50 yard field goal is generally a winning move. Especially here. the punts I don’t like are the mid field ones. Our 50 to their 35 after the return isn’t a good exchange but one most every ones goes for. Especially on 3rd and 6-7 or less. A mostly automatic pass for collaros.
  7. Kinda off topic but xfl 3.0 kicked off week 1 with a 30% attendance drop off from version 2.0. It’ll be interesting to see what tv ratings look like.
  8. His leash also got longer last year spending a big chunk of the year at around 90% on fgs and doing a tremendous job punting and kicking off. He dropped off late, but gave a lot of hope that he can translate his college success and excel long term in all three jobs. I wonder if that global Hackett is in camp this year punting.
  9. I can understand that. If the cfl tracked hits and pressures it would certainly be ideal. I love to track it during the games, it’s such a critical impact on the game. You can really see the flow of the game alter as the qb gets hit 5 times and more.
  10. Honestly with his play style I wouldn’t be concerned. he’d just be better at twisting inside and rotating inside.
  11. Boateng =/= kongbo. Though kongbo is sound in the run stop and more versatile. Healthy jeffcoat is among the best defenders in the cfl.
  12. While being a guy who had some great runs as a fill in for the sweep package, is an excellent blocker, two time champion and major culture setter. He could be a 1k receiver on a lesser team. He never quits either. He’s faced a rough start and a slow start. He’s been passed by a rookie and a free agent pick up. But he just keeps on grinding. Every team in the league, in any league is fortunate to find a person like Sheed. Hopefully he turns to coaching here after his playing career cus he has a whole lot to offer. I have no doubt other teams offered more cash. I mean jake got like 220k. About 100k too much. Lots or mediocre and past it wrs getting big pay this year.
  13. + Brady. We are gonna need the defence to create a lot of turn overs zach can get every one enough touches.
  14. Like most very happy to have Bailey back on what I’m sure is a team friendly deal. Best wr core in the league. I’d say it’s mission accomplished for Walters n co for free agency. Just rookie / first year guys and the draft now. I’m sure Danny mac is ready to bring us some new guys to compete for roy again.
  15. They could do this fairly easily now by adapting how the nfl tracks them. (Hurries plus knockdowns plus sack plays) but that would also mean adapting the assist tackle / sack stat. Which would be a good thing imo. Imo a stat with some flaws is better than no stat. It’d take a bit of time to get used to for trackers but in the end it’d be better than qbr is up here.
  16. I think he would’ve developed into a starter here. Jy is an amazing coach and we have a bunch of great players that make guys better. Mtl doesn’t have much of that.
  17. My thinking was exume is a fa and hasn’t flourished in mtl plus it’s far from stabile. Really they are stabs in the dark but worth taking those shots imo.
  18. Ah not a bad get for them. true. I doubt any one picked in the bottom half will be on the roster and probably won’t play into the salary cap when it comes into effect. Imo stock up on all the fa vet nis that are young/ fresh enough to contribute and make moves for the cap at the end of camp. Good nis are really few and far between.
  19. Wouldn’t mind if we kicked the tires on litre, exume, or herdman reed. Cheap ni depth / teams guys are always a bonus.
  20. I don’t think we will bring him back unless dirt cheap. What he does well we can find in spades down south. Lots of running qbs who are far more dangerous carrying the ball. Imo it’s a situation like grant last year. He’s gonna see where his value is at around the league and realize it isn’t worth leaving over.
  21. just need him healthy. If he was healthy last year yoshi and Bryant could’ve both gotten decent time to recover.
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