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Posts posted by BomberDynasty

  1. 2 hours ago, B-F-F-C said:

    Here is an excellent review of last nights game:


    I found these two points to be interesting as it supports what many here have said. Firstly, Willy  played like shat and he hasn't shown any progression from the day he arrived.  Also, the O-line doesn't deserve the criticism for Willy's poor performance. 

    3. With that being said, Drew Willy needs to rebound in a huge way from now three consecutive poor showings. The third-year passer seems to be regressing in his development as a starting quarterback despite being in the phase where he should be peaking. I almost didn’t even recognize the 29-year-old out there last night. For the first time in his career, I genuinely thought Drew Willy looked scared in the pocket – and I’d usually never say such a thing about a professional football player. He repeatedly stared down his first read and panicked when it wasn’t there. Willy hesitatingly double-clutched several throws, as alarms seemed to be going off in his head the moment he touched the ball. Struggling to throw against pressure is nothing knew to Willy, though. But it was entirely surprising to see him miss so many throws. Willy over-threw three Bomber receivers deep in this game, and all three likely would have went for touchdowns. His wide-open over-throw on Ryan Smith’s corner route late in the fourth quarter would’ve made it a one-score game. (Willy did, fortunately, hit Darvin Adams deep on the next play to cut the deficit to 8 points). Knowing of what Willy is capable of from previous performances, it’s crucial that he re-gains his confidence, a mental element that was evidently lacking in this game and surely affected his accuracy. There’s absolutely still hope for the 29-year-old passer, but it won’t get any easier against the upcoming stout defenses he’s set to face.

    8. All things considered, the Blue Bombers’ rough offensive line does not deserve much of the criticism that they will receive in the loss. Although the Bombers surrendered five sacks, really only Gabriel Knapton’s third quarter sack was at the fault of the offensive line. The remaining four can be attributed to Willy holding onto the ball for far too long, failing to recognize a halfback blitz from Jovon Johnson, and the fumbled snap late in the fourth quarter – the ultimate salt in the wound.


    I disagree with this. The O-Line continues to be the root of all the Bomber's problems. All game long the interior of the O-Line was being pushed back into Willy's lap. In short yardage, Bombers were getting zero push up the field. Something is definitely wrong when you fail on 4 different 3rd and 1 attempts in the last 3 games. For a pocket passer it is not enough to just keep the defense from blowing by the O-Line on their way to the QB, they are responsible for creating passing lanes. The biggest problem with the Bomber offense in the last 6 to 10 years is that the O-Line is not controlling the line of scrimmage and they are getting pushed around when they are not just missing blocks completely. They are not creating passing lanes for the QB, and this causes the QB to hold on to the ball too long, and also causes the passes to be inaccurate as the QB has to worry about lobbing it over or around defenders. I think the reason there is no touch on some of the passes is due to the lack of throwing lanes being created by the OL.

    In addition to this, sacks are not the only indicator of O-Line problems. Willy has been hit and hurried more in the last 3 years than most QBs see in an entire career. He is indeed shell-shocked, and the verdict is still out on whether he will recover or if the crappy O-Line has ruined his career. Since Winnipeg is in love with that crappy O-Line, it is only a matter of time before he is permanently damaged either physically or mentally. Buck Pierce, Marve, Broom, Willy... the Bomber organization is a QB destroying machine, all due to the worst O-Line in the history of pro sports...

    PS: Similar to Willy's numbers, the Harris rushing and receiving yards all came in Garbage Time. When it counted, Harris was stuffed with ease, so I'd say the Oline failed in that regard as well.



  2. 40 minutes ago, B-F-F-C said:

    The doom and gloom comes from the fact that I didn't see one glimmer of hope that this offence is any better than last years.  From Willy looking dazed and confused to an OC who hasn't learned to make mid game adjustments.   Also a d-line that couldn't put any pressure on an o-line that's probably just marginally better than ours. 

    I can't remember if it was Osh or someone else but they said that this years offence was away ahead of last years offence at the same time.   I didn't see it. 

    So, yes it was game 1 but I just needed to see that all the changes would have netted some improvement.  Again, I didn't see it. 

    Also, it looks like the search for a #1 QB is on again.  How long will it take this time?


    Exactly Right.

    The team is clearly no better than last year, perhaps even much worse, and yet the organization lies openly to everyone saying how much better it is.

    All Bombers are good for is milking money out of the pockets of their fool fanbase, who perennially support perennial loser.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Think they are going to have to establish a run game first and then can go deep more. They didn't really do that until the third and that's when Montreal started to give up some yards. In the first quarter they need to run run run rum so the opposing D sits back more and then boom over the top. It's basic. Establish Harris.  Do that and the O will be better 


    I don't think so. Montreal had already started to let up. The only reason they were moving the ball was because it was already garbage time and the Bombers survive by looking good in garbage time. That is the one talent in which they truly excel.


  4. Bombers need a top-down clean out. It has to start with a new structure other than the BOD that can appoint a management and coaching staff that is something other than the rampant cronyism that has plagued the organization for the past 25 years.

    That is unlikely to happen any time soon, so they will be lucky to win more than 3 games this season. You can count on another 5 or 6 years of rebuilding again after that.

    Iron Mike Oshea = an autistic version of Mike Kelley 2.0


  5. This is the best you will get this year, and this has to be the most futile game I have watched in 30 years.

    With an O-Line as terrible as the Bombers, its no wonder Willy looks lousy - and so does Harris! It will not matter what running backs or QBs the Bombers put in. They are lousy team with lousy coaching and management. 

    This year will be worse than last, and the coaches and management will stand pat with that. Y'all just got sucked in again for another heaping load of hot garbage.


  6. Not a fan of Wylie.

    His attitude is a big part of the problem. He needs to go along with all the crappy O-Line players he has supported and helped bring to the team in the last 3 years. The fact that he remains and has done next to nothing to improve an O-Line that got 3 quarterbacks seriously injured in less than a half season of football epitomizes all that is wrong with the Bomber organization.

    Not buying the BS that the majority of the sacks are the fault of the running backs blocking. Let's turn that around. It's his fault and his line's fault if the RB's are consistently put in a position where they can't be successful either in terms of running or blocking. Ultimately Bombers have shown themselves to be disgustingly bad in terms or protection and the run game for many years. Excuses are not what is needed.

    If this team gave half of a rat's back end about the quality of product that shouldn't happen.


  7. WPG: 3-15

    The worst O-Line ever in pro sports continues its reign. You can expect to see Willy injured seriously before game 8. FA's are mostly cast-offs from bottom dwelling teams such as Sask. Realistically this is a parallel move at best, not any kind of upgrade. Rookie talent looks good, but only when comparing to the low standards that are already in place in the organization. Fans get sucked in by wishful thinking, as is the case every year, due to slick marketing and controlling the message by a club that cares less for winning and more for the bottom line.

    Bombers are like someone taking a 2nd hand Lada and trying to compete in the Grand Prix.




    Someone call his wife (for the hundredth time). Pissy pants has already wet himself (for the hundredth time).


    Dear douchebag,


    I'm not in the habit of pissing my pants.

    If you like though, I can fly up and give your wife her first orgasm ever...



    Of course it's not a habit. It's your characteristic.

    And about the wifey, your too drunk. You'd never get it up.



    I'm always "UP" for a challenge...

    And you seem to be the one dipping into the sauce and concerned with bed wetting, not me pal.



    BOD replaced, Wade Miller fired, Walters fired, MOS fired. Rest of coaching staff gone. The only one who has done anything is Richie Hall. He has taken a defense that started slow and was inept and has molded a above average d, still a work in progress but a least  there's progress. Have a feeling none of this will happened till after the season unless there's some token sacrifice, Pat Tracey i'm looking at you. No I think it will be statue quo for the rest of the season. I hope i'm wrong but this horror movie is far from over. And by the way i don't want to hear we would have won if Willy would have played, they would have killed us if Durant would of played.





    You need to start right at the very top to clean house this time, or else the result will be just the same...


    What will cleaning house now do?

    It won't salvage the season;

    It won't bring back Willy;

    It won't change the fact the Blue lack Canadian talent.


    This is a process these guys aside from Bel-FAIL deserve another year wit ha healthy Willy and solid qb and some Canadians maturing specificlly Gossen on the o-line.

    This seaon was over after last weeks game now it will be a string of blow outs wit ha win or two sprinkled in to give us fans the faint hope that things will get better but there is no quick fix and that is sad but true. Don't forget these guys are cleaning up Mack's mess, which is akin to cleaning up a nasty oil spill!



     You are wrong, because with free-agency and players being offered more NFL shots these days, no team has the luxury of 3 or 4 years to build a contender - by that time, the "core" of good players you start with are gone, and you're in rebuilding mode again.


    This is a "what have you done for me lately" business. The problem with the org as it is now, being driven by the BOD and it's prferences towards management and the onfield product, is that there is no urgency to win. If you do not have the attitude of "win at all costs" then you will never dig out of the hole. What Bombers really need is a private owner who has very deep pockets and a big ego that wants to win at all costs. Someone who doesn't take 6 months to make decisions that everyone else realize are necessities after a week or two... Someone who doesn't think that hiring their old cronies, or finding some fan-popular has-beens is a blueprint to success...

  10. BOD replaced, Wade Miller fired, Walters fired, MOS fired. Rest of coaching staff gone. The only one who has done anything is Richie Hall. He has taken a defense that started slow and was inept and has molded a above average d, still a work in progress but a least  there's progress. Have a feeling none of this will happened till after the season unless there's some token sacrifice, Pat Tracey i'm looking at you. No I think it will be statue quo for the rest of the season. I hope i'm wrong but this horror movie is far from over. And by the way i don't want to hear we would have won if Willy would have played, they would have killed us if Durant would of played.





    You need to start right at the very top to clean house this time, or else the result will be just the same...




    On the bright side, we've made our Sask neighbours feel good about themselves.  It's good to help others right?   :lol:


    And they are making it look respectable in garbage time even though they were never really in it from the beginning.

    The silver lining is that they didn't get embarrassed, although chances are that could happen next week...


    I disagree with you. This game was a disgrace, from start to finish. The score was close at times, but we were never in the game. 



    The game was fine until after the first touchdown we scored. We were out playing them on offence and defence. Both facets fell apart after that.




    Yeah, if football games were only 10 minutes long, this team might be able to win one...

  12. On the bright side, we've made our Sask neighbours feel good about themselves.  It's good to help others right?   :lol:


    And they are making it look respectable in garbage time even though they were never really in it from the beginning.

    The silver lining is that they didn't get embarrassed, although chances are that could happen next week...

  13. The OP is not a WBB fan.  He's a Rider fan in disguise (albeit a bad one) trolling.    


    I probably shouldn't use such big words.  Do they have dictionary's in Saskatchewan?  If so, would they know how to use it?  


    Nope. Not a Rider fan, and not Crunch in disguise either.

    I'm not a melon-header or any kind of gap-toothed aberration either...


    Just a long time Bomber fan who has become dis-illusioned and has seen the light that nothing will EVER change on this team until the current organizational structure is completely abandoned in its entirety. The reason why this team never shows any improvement in its "rebuilding" phases is not due to the team being gutted sometime in the distant past, but is actually a result of poor decisions by the BOD and management. Those problems are systemic and will not go away until that structure changes...

  14. 1) Riders are hungry and desperate for that first win, and a message has been sent to the players with the firings...


    2) On the other hand, it's business as usual in Bomberland, as the powers that be are very comfortable to maintain that status quo of losing ways and incompetentcy...


    3) Bombers never play well in Regina, and are particularly vulnerable on Labor Day. Even with the great Bomber teams of 30 years ago, there was always fear of being blown out in Regina on Labor Day.


    4) Bombers are going to trot out Broom with no other viable option, and we already know what thay means...


    5) That Bomber O-Line is averaging allowing about 4 quarterbacks per year to be injured. There is a good chance Broom may not even finish the game...


    6) Bombers of the modern era have a long and storied history of always embarassing themselves at the hands of the worst teams in the league... Think back to that one Ottawa game last year as an example...



    So as the title says, in most likelihood this could get very embarrassing for the blue and gold. Knowing this, we should not get upset or emotional about what we see, because that is the brand of Bomber football we have been willing to accept, and what the Bombers really need is a little unconditional love at times like this ;)  They may be losers from top to bottom, but at least they are our losers. I hope they manage to pull off the upset, but I'm prepared for the worst...


    15% Chance of win

    20% Chance of a close loss

    65% Chance of being blown out


  15. It'll be interesting to compare Winnipeg vs BC offenses this Thursday. It's no coincidence that the most dynamic offences in the CFL are run by scambler style QBs: Collaros, Mitchell, Lulay, Harris. Guys who can make plays with their feet as well as via the toss. It's exciting to watch. These teams: Calgary, Ham, BC and Argos also all are coached by ex-QBs. Meanwhile in Winnipeg, (where our coaching and management braintrust comes from the D side of the ball) we are plodding along with an offence designed around a pair of 3-step drop pocket passers in Willy and Brohm. Fans are calling for a more dynamic QB such as Robert Marve because our offensive structure, built around a limited style of QB, has basically failed. Now is the time to re-design the offence to accommodate more of a Bo-Levi or Collaros-Lulay type of QB so Marve can play a bit and give the fans some excitement. I say go for it now even if it means abandoning an offensive structure that's better suited for our #1 and #2 QBs. After all, this is the wide-open CFL. Why should we have to wait til next year and the inevitable changes that will come from another losing season, because Bomber brass were too stubborn to switch away from an old-school offence that's designed around a style of QB that's essentially ill-suited for the CFL?



    The problem is that for decades now the Bomber organization upper management has had a dislike for scrambling offenses or mobile QB's. The pattern we observe is so ingrained across a period where there were so many different head coaches and offensive coordinators that it must be mandated from certain members of the BOD.


    In my opinion Winnipeg's problem of having consistently lousy teams for the last 25 years is a testament to the failure of this BOD governance model. Governments are not capable of running organizations with excellence. Politicians are known just to provide the minimum level of service that is acceptable to prevent mass revolt - nothing more. The BOD has become nothing more than an old boys club, and there are no new ideas or different strategies being applied to run the organization. It is top-down, politically run, and completely dysfunctional. As long as the bills get paid, I don't think they really care that much about quality or winning - they are used to having a fan base that comes out even when they are not winning.


    Wade Miller is just a slightly more likeable PR-friendly version of Bauer that brings all the high-level sophistication of a Booster Juice stand to the organization. (Think Corky from "Life Goes On") His role is exclusively to keep the wheels on and the money flowing in through the ongoing losses.


    Despite some differences in strategy, Walters is much more like Taman than he is like a Roy Shivers as he can't consistently find good import players. Things are still not going in the right direction there.


    Mike OShea is Mike Kelley version 2.0 minus some of the Drama (Lets just not think about that one at all!)


    Bellefeuille is not any better than Crowton when you look at the bottom line (scoring TDs) where things actually count


    Willy is a Buck Pierce clone, and behind that O-Line, even after the so-called improvements this year, his career will be much shorter than one would expect


    etc, etc, etc.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same, and the losing ways keep rolling along... This isn't rebuilding, and this team will not be markedly better in another year, two years, or even 5 years. It is "rinse and repeat" mode to the max.


    Drop the BOD governance model, get an owner who cares, and then we are talking...

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