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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. Neal Thorpe future Bomber coach.
  2. OC needs to be fired but he won't be.
  3. Thanks for helping me kill time till the NHL was back, Bombers. See you next year!
  4. Why should that have been a safety. He wasn't in the end zone when he was tackled. Because it was a dumb decision to even take it out. Lucky bastard
  5. Horrible fumble by Burris. Middle school kids protect the ball better than that.
  6. Which part of him getting away with poor decisions and bad passes is confusing?
  7. Demski makes a brutal decision. Should have been a safety.
  8. Hamilton is not a good team without Collaros, what have you seen to make you think otherwise? They were hideous the first part of last year.
  9. And has been for awhile. I still find it comical how many were disappointed when we "lost" out on him prior to the start of last season. Agreed.
  10. How so? Objectively his numbers are better than Glenn's and KG is having a decent game. Are you looking at stats or watching his horrid decision making? Should have been picked off about 4 times already. But he has a strong arm so people are easily impressed
  11. It's not an Achilles. It's his knee...ACL. Previous guy said achilles. Out for the rest of the regular season it would seem. Concussion issues, knee issues, dude is a mess
  12. He's done for the year if it's an achilles injury.
  13. Players and coaches want to win. They may not be part of the future so they are interested in the now. Pretty simple.
  14. And you lecture too much. It is a lecture to tell grown adults to stop feeling personally offended by someone doing something which should have no tangible impact on their life? Hilarious that you make such a comment when lecturing Muamba on how to live his life. Here is some reality: 1. You are an adult, sports is entertainment, stop allowing it to impact your life. You aren't on the team. 2. Some here take their opinions, and professional sports far too seriously. 3. Henoc Muamba can take a day, a month, a year, or 10 years to do whatever he wants, his life, he can do it the way he wants, and he isn't wrong. He didn't ask for, nor does he care, nor should he care, what anybody thinks about how he is going about it.
  15. Here's the thing though. EVERYONE dislikes his agent. Hardaway is brutal. The story made it seem like Walters told him to shove it in a nice way. No plans for muamba to come visit the city. Just listened to it. Not at all what he said. He basically said the agent is looking for a one year contract that has a huge signing bonus for December and then have him go back to the NFL. I want Henoc back, but that is ludicrous.
  16. A complete embarrassment. Too bad Stala didn't headbutt him in the yap.
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