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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. Yup. Don't show people up. Particularly when you have been suspect all year Ritch from BC always has a home here.
  2. Ref ****** that call up for both penalties
  3. The field in BC continues to be an issue
  4. Not sure I would have Sayles at safety
  5. I have literally asked myself out loud "why am I watching this?"
  6. Didn't see the Dedmon injury but I hope he gets back ASAP. Feel bad for the player. Not the team or GM
  7. Johnny Augustine definitely deserves some reps and I agree that we probably see him in 3 weeks.
  8. I am sure he will get more chances to play should we lock up first place. We haven't yet.
  9. The Elks should not even have been tied at that point. The 2 point convert should have been blown dead as forward progress had stopped. Grymes is a well respected talented player. If you want go play "woulda coulda" on plays guys should have made that would have impacted the game I can show you about 40 missed tackles. Despite that, their O still did **** all for yards or points.
  10. Good teams make plays, bad teams don't. Good teams find ways to win, bad teams don't. Saying you know what would happen with complete certainty had Grymes picked the ball off is just ridiculous. By the way, Brady Oliveira was pass blocking that play and would certainly of had a chance to prevent a TD. So no, it was not a guaranteed TD.
  11. Finding a way to win when you are not playing your best is as important as winning while you play your best. Games like this give you experience on how to stay in the fight. They made plays when they had to. The offence was struggling for parts of the last two games, but still put up close to 200 yards rushing a game. So, more accurately we can say the passing game has struggled at times but did make plays at important points. The defence definitely did not struggle last week, it was complete domination. This week they "only" played good. The biggest issue was tackling. At the end of the day they gave up 258 yards of total offence and 1 TD. ST came through this week, as a unit. It is clear kicking is still a problem in all aspects. MOS and the team will enjoy having stuff to fix all week. I expect them to be fired up and have a good chance to clinch 1st next week.
  12. Give me a dominant D over a dominant O any day
  13. Talk **** about the D. They have given up 1 TD
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