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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. So it jumps out to me that it seems to be called so rarely that we recall penalties from close to 20 years ago. I hsve a feeling it occurs more often than that. Called or not.
  2. So like I was saying with the first sentence of the first post of the thread because it was the most important: Win this week and we clinch the West.
  3. That isn't what you said. You said a Bomber win and a Rider loss or tie. Emphasizing "and" to clinch. We don't need the Riders to do anything if we win against BC. They can't get to 11 wins. We have the tie breaker against Sask. They need to be one win ahead (11). They can't, winning out puts them at 10 wins.
  4. I am sure some teams have called Burris in the last 6 months.
  5. Yeah, that is a deep cut. Also how dare he even remotely compare Ray to Harris.
  6. I am talking about pushing the ball carrier. OL also drag guys over the line often. It is never called
  7. "Every game" may be an exaggeration but it happens a lot. Every team does it. That TD at home against the Esks where Harris went through the whole team probably should have been called based on the way the rule is written.
  8. They should just ditch that rule. Happens every game and is never called.
  9. The Bombers don't need Saskatchewan to lose. We are 9-1 they are 5-4. The best they can do is get to 10 wins and we win the tie breaker.
  10. But who could be in the market?🤔
  11. Yeah. I am not losing sleep over Trevor Harris. Never bought into the hype from the numbers.
  12. Just remembered Sewell is on the Als. Extra hilarious. That won't be awkward at all: Montreal Alouettes’ defensive tackle Almondo Sewell has taken a shot at former teammate Trevor Harris following a season together in Edmonton ahead of Saturday’s game between the Als and Elks. “I know Trevor, you know? You hit him one time, he starts folding. Let’s see if that old Trevor Harris is going to show up again. It doesn’t matter what he looks like on [Instagram] where he’s posting all those pictures looking like a pit bull, but we’ll see,” Sewell said in a videoconference
  13. They gave up basically nothing for him though. He will keep them in the mix to come out of the East.
  14. WTF Ok get us Sean Whyte immediately
  15. Yeah, scoring 39 points and putting up 1 TD on offence is pretty special.
  16. If it was supposed to be easy everyone could do it. We went there for playoffs and won in 2019 and an Andrew Harris reception from possibly winning the West Final in 2018. They can come here this time. Not scared of Calgary
  17. Win this week and we clinch the West. No trap game here. I think the Bombers will be pissed off watching the film against Edmonton. BC has terrible lines, I don't see how they stop us from doing what we want. Jets game at the exact same time time. Thanks, NHL.
  18. The great thing about us is a dominating D is so much more reliable than a dominating O.
  19. 2 Canadian QBs in the game! BC loses back to back games by 21 and 29 points.
  20. They need a complete rebuild. They will be going hard after our FAs next year. Calgary is the 2nd best team in the West. Not really close. They are much better than Sask.
  21. Calgary said the loss to Saskatchewan really fired them up ... They are legit terrible. On paper worse than Edmonton. Horrible OL, no Front 7, mediocre secondary.
  22. Yup, used to do the Bisons. Could he be worse than Farhan? Marcus Sayles is a safety disinterested in hitting
  23. Great blitz call Surprised TSN has not taken a look at Bauming for PBP
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