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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. There is a healthy dose of racism behind bssically everything. Nobody uses marijuana as a racial term.
  2. Do you know that marijuana is federally regulated and you get the CBD and THC expressed in mg/g. You seem to be fine with a drunk pilot flying your plane. This is pure hyperbole you are using of extreme hypothetical examples I do suggest looking into this more as I believe that you are using out of date research.
  3. Exactly. And I don't even really use it. But I have in the past and probably will in the future.
  4. Also have you ever seen how cocaine is actually made? You are not just crushing up some leaves. Marijuana is not processed. "Cocaine" certainly is.
  5. The comparison was alcohol and pain killers vs stigmatizing marijuana. I never said it was harmless, I said it was better than the other two. Do you think toradol and alcohol are better for brain development?
  6. It is better than alcohol or pain killers in every way. These side effects are quite honestly comical to bring up. It comes from years of stigmatization of a a naturally occuring plant. It has proven therapeutic benefits, alcohol has some sketchy "wine can be good for your heart" non conclusive reports. Alcohol is basically all physically harmful on some level. it devastates lives after first use many times I am sure. Far more often than marijuana. As far as work requirements that is between someone and their employer and none of our concern at all. Just from the States?
  7. The stigma around marijuana is old schooll bullshit. He has the right to privacy but nobody should care any more than any other legal substance.
  8. Better weed than harmful pain killers and meds. More should do it. Obviously in a safe way. Great article. She sounded awesome. Glad she is in the HOF. Outing him for using a legal substance? Who cares?
  9. I don't want him here either. You quit on your team and fans. Someone is welcome to trade for him because he is suspended.
  10. Listening to Harris on Winnipeg Sports Talk he definitely sounds like he wants to play. Said that he still has the fire.
  11. I am more concerned about Kongbo. He wants to get reps as much as money. He will likely go somewhere where he can get a chance to start.
  12. Zero chance BA leaves for another team. He has basically said the opposite.
  13. I am sure he is considering it, but nothing about his play indicates he has lost the fire. I am not singling you out here either, I just think people in general want to tell guys they've had enough. I know he mentions that in the article you cite, and fair enough. I would just bet he has been having that convo with himself for 5 years or so.
  14. Calvin McCarty is playing and few years older than Harris. William Powell is a year younger and isn't retiring from anything I have seen. They may both retire this year, but that is likely due to lack of interest from teams vs lack of want to play. Harris played great and missed half the year. I think he still wants to play. How many touches he gets may change.
  15. People always want to retire guys with their own feelings. He has said he feels great and wants to keep playing. He wants to win another Grey Cup I am sure.
  16. I mean, to say we are not going to pay Harris top RB dollar is not really a bold statement. I still think he will be 6 figures.
  17. "I don't think they will pay Andrew Harris next year" meaning what? Doesn't sound like he is retiring and he isn't leaving. They will definitely offer him a reasonable contract.
  18. Yup. He created this mess. The Riders still want to bring Labatte out of retirement
  19. Nichols made 2 huge plays in back to back drives. What a find.
  20. OS is a good coach, no doubt. But this is simply a way to give him more money. This wasn't a merit hiring.
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