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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. and then she asked "I wonder what he's like in road rage" I said I don't know but I don't want to find out. Besides he hasn't had any road incidents yet
  2. so Buff was basically standing up for the captain
  3. whoa man what a fight, my mother just called Buff an a-hole
  4. man most new talk shows in the 2010s don't have the best track record do they? http://tvline.com/2018/02/16/harry-cancelled-connick-jr-daytime-talk-show-no-season-3/
  5. Well this is going to happen https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/mitt-romney-announces-bid-u-s-senate-utah-n848591
  6. man I want to believe we'll have everyone back by the time the playoffs come but.....
  7. well Tambor isn't coming back for sure http://tvline.com/2018/02/15/transparent-jeffrey-tambor-fired-season-5-harassment-claims/
  8. and here's where it gets more upsetting he was training with white supremacists http://www.tmz.com/2018/02/15/florida-shooting-nikolas-cruz-trained-florida-white-supremacist-group-rof/
  9. I would have defunded the NRA
  10. I bet Hillary would have put them back
  11. no one has been able to get it done even Clinton and Bush didn't get it done during their times in office
  12. okay Hendricks was wearing a regular contact jersey this morning and Brandon Lemieux has been sent back to the moose
  13. okay so canada won three more medals overnight including Ted-Jan Bloemen who won gold in Speed skating I love our team
  14. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/marty-dolin-obituary-1.4536489
  15. oh and here's the Jets skills competition if anyone wants it
  16. I mean I know the dems have been wanting to do something about this for a long time but....I always thought that they would have gone all Little Red Hen on their asses if it happened either way I wouldn't want to wish this one anyone or anywhere, I work in a school, and sometimes I find myself worrying that something like this would happen on a day that I'm there (I work part time 3 days a week)
  17. so you're saying that even if Trump gets shot they still won't do anything about it? It's times like this that we have responsible gun control in Canada....don't we? I mean didn't they do something about it after Polytechnique?
  18. what will it take for all this madness to stop
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