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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. I'm getting pretty fed up with this game
  2. oh no, Myers is down he's probably done
  3. and Myers scores 3-2 wild come on guys you can catch up and back to the PP we go and we fail to capitalize again 4-2 OH COME ON!
  4. 2nd period Jets fail to capitalize on previous period power play dammit wake up jets!
  5. Dumba's in the box again #RefsYouSuck chant
  6. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/r-lee-ermey-dead-golden-globe-nominee-full-metal-jacket-was-74-1102863
  7. 1st period PP time Dumba in the box. Jets had good possession for a majority of the PP but could not capitalize on it well that didn't take long for the wild to get physical PP time again Cullen in the box #OhCaptainOurCaptain for the third straight game the jets open the scoring Jets have their first penalty of the game Chiarot is serving and we have another fight...when did the Wild become goons? and now Lowry is in the box game is now tied with seconds left in the 5 on 3 oh man if I had a drink for every penalty drawn by the jets this period....I'd probably be sober still
  8. hey that reminds me who is starting for the Wild, I don't really see them starting Dubnyck again after fridays game
  9. oh this is sad news and to think this morning I was watching the Simpsons episode Mr Lisa Goes to Washington (it was a bush era episode)
  10. hooo boy I wonder if the fists will fly as soon as the puck drops....good the the NHL doesn't carry over penalty minutes onto the next game with the same teams
  11. Sportsnet keeps doing that heck I think I heard one of them mispronounce another players name (I can't remember which one though)
  12. must have been back in the 70s when he said that
  13. the Jets have flown back to Winnipeg because the weather is not letting up, they will try to get to Minneapolis again tomorrow
  14. I don't know....he won't speak to me anymore
  15. would you like to do the game 4 thread?
  16. well then I hope she cools it a bit so that both teams make it to Excel center alive
  17. This time we don't have home ice advantage Jets lead 2-0 in the series Sunday 6 pm SN
  18. http://variety.com/2018/film/news/milos-forman-dead-dies-director-one-flew-over-the-cuckoos-nest-1202753397/
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