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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. so I guess True North wants to host away game parties too https://www.chrisd.ca/2018/04/25/winnipeg-jets-whiteout-viewing-party/
  2. so....apparently Double Dare is going to be revived on Nickelodeon....but I don't know if it ever aired in Canada so I don't know if anyone here will get nostalgic over it...no word yet on a host
  3. I think my college tutor once said, that if you are a billionaire you can look however you want
  4. oh right. So I guess if we advance we would get home ice advantage since we had more points than San Jose and Vegas
  5. so how come Nashville gets home advantage in this round first?
  6. http://www.tmz.com/2018/04/24/damien-lewis-rob-ford-movie-on-set-run-this-town/
  7. yay https://www.nhl.com/jets/news/wheeler-named-finalist-for-messier-award/c-298233532
  8. Harry Anderson's COD revealed.....apparently he had influenza AND Heart disease http://www.tmz.com/2018/04/24/night-court-star-harry-anderson-cause-death-revealed-death-certificate/
  9. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...did he catch Ehlers's Maliase or whatever that was? ALSO
  10. and the leafs force game 7....hey I'm glad they won, Toronto doesn't need any more bad news today
  11. oh it's a shame they're not coming to Winnipeg, my mom would love to see Vince Gill
  12. the death toll in that attack just rose to ten
  13. as we speak? oh.....I thought the Eagles weren't touring anymore
  14. TMZ says he's responding to treatment I don't if the person that did this nice drawing will do another one when HW goes
  15. yeah but what have either of them done lately? I know Gill has made a couple of appearances on Nashville but that's it
  16. that Carrie Underwood won't get a seat or something?
  17. http://tvline.com/2018/04/23/lethal-weapon-season-3-cancellation-clayne-crawfords-behavior/ oh and CBS all Access is now officially available in Canada.....but Star Trek discovery airs on Space and hey is W airing the Good Fight? go home netflix you're drunk http://tvline.com/2018/04/23/the-fast-and-the-furious-netflix-series-first-look/
  18. Laine was a Calder finalist last year and the jets weren't in the playoffs
  19. and the Wild have fired their GM.....you know I used to have a joke that went. MTS Center: Where coaching careers or Winning streaks come to die (because I recall that some coaches of teams we played against were usually fired the next day, heck I think Carlyle was one of those people)
  20. now that you think of it, when I did have a stats sheet from yesterday's game, and apparently the Moose had better luck on the road than at home
  21. good, because after that Massacre that the moose put up with they could really use Hutch right now
  22. wow you have done your homework. It is expected for the 2nd round schedule to be released tomorrow
  23. man the Avs might as well be done the preds are leading 5-0
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