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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. Well Netflix Carmen ended the way I hoped it would end.
  2. Down a bit and HOLY CRAP ONLY ONE DEATH! no wait two, apparently I was unaware that ChrisD removed a death
  3. If this is true then SOMEONE needs to pay for this https://www.state.gov/fact-sheet-activity-at-the-wuhan-institute-of-virology/
  4. one of those rare moments where I'm glad I'm right
  5. I'm glad I got to pay my respects at True North Square back in the summer, can't wait to see that statue when it's ready Schief puts us closer and I'm betting they're probably going to review it. Guess not
  6. I know it's just the first game of the season but COME ON GUYS WAKE UP
  7. game is tied at one in the first period as Laine just scored
  8. I wonder how long until a fight will start holy hair on Laine
  9. oh right cases have been spiking up North
  10. TMZ says he passed 2 days AFTER announcing his diagnosis, I bet he and Roy are performing a helluva show up there
  11. either way it's not good timing, let's keep our fingers crossed that he tests negative
  12. Have it your way https://deadline.com/2021/01/mike-pence-donald-trump-25th-amendment-1234672492/
  13. next up on the list of Jeopardy interim hosts: https://tvline.com/2021/01/12/aaron-rodgers-jeopardy-guest-host-alex-trebek/
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