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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Nice! Love Luc Besson. Looks like a fun movie.
  2. ****... where did I see that same list? Oh yeah, this tweet:
  3. Democrat, republican, independent- he is still a terrible person. I am not blindly going by party lines- If it was Kaisic Vs Clinton, I would have hoped Kaisic to be elected. And in that scenario- I would have lambasted people who voted for Clinton, because it is the choice you make between the two decisions that count.
  4. That is certainly an improvement, cuz **** the environment(!) amirite? I don't think this is going to work. He can't unilaterally dictate the terms on imported goods...
  5. Not Scratching- just shaking my head in disgust. Anyone that chooses that shitbird to represent them is a terrible person.
  6. Most racist, misogynist, homophobes and bigots and everyday shitbirds view themselves as non-racist, non-misogynist, non-homophobes,non-bigots and everyday ordinary people- so this example is moot. And why is yelling the only way to convey that some one is being a racist, misogynist, homophobes and bigots and everyday shitbirds? You can just tell them plainly and call them on that mindset. And yeah- many people who voted for Trump are gullible. Most people who voted for Trump are terrible people.
  7. I am still trying to figure out what his New and improved economic plan is. Please inform me- but only if it is a viable one and not empty rhetoric to appease the masses like "Lock her up!"
  8. See... Again, I don't know if you are being sarcastic or serious again- Cuz that Strategy won Trump the presidency... Awaiting another ironic/sarcastic rolleye gif from a lefty entertainer.
  9. HOly ******* ****... First you go on and post angry hateful rhetoric, then you talk about angry hateful rhetoric, and then you go on and post angry hateful rhetoric. This thread is FILLED with your hateful rhetoric, so I think it's pretty rich that you should be so sanctimonious about hateful rhetoric. (I am not going to post specific examples, because all one needs to do is read your posts throughout this thread. TUP was stating that the kids/minorities/people in general feel and are afraid that The Federal Government is going to "swarm in" and eject people- not that TUP is saying that the US Feds ARE going to do that. Re-read TUP's excellent post with an objective eye and you might have a better understanding of what he was trying to convey. "Look, I'll be the first to apologize if even a quarter of the apocalyptic nonsense you posted above comes true, but I've seen this crap before, in 2011, when every single PC loon was moaning about how Harper was going to get rid of abortion laws and gay marriage, and it never happened. " -KBF No- you won't, you will not apologize for any of it. it's not in you to apologize for anything "left" that may be true or "right" that is proven to be false or anything that goes counter to your narrative. So i call bullshit on you. and sure Harper didn't abolish abortions or got rid of gay marriage but he did re-open the debate on abortion (private member's bill...). Though there was a metric ****-tonne that was done that people were afraid of. Cherry-picking two things out of a laundry lists of public concerns is not very convincing. Instead of babbling on about "tragedy and horror" why not actually give the new administration a chance? Sure beats eating the massive pile of sour grapes you have piled up in front of you. Yeah, he can follow your lead from Oct 20th, 2015 and onward.
  10. Holy ******* ****... Do you even re-read the drivel you post? There is so much wrong with the quoted post above...
  11. You know what... I honestly can't tell if you are serious or being sarcastic- it's a little unnerving.
  12. Well, He has the presidency, the house and the senate... he has no excuse to not fulfill all the batshit crazy promises. gonna be interesting...
  13. Going to be interesting to see the Hangover from this... I think it's going to be akin to:
  14. Damn... Email Server... trumps everything that came from The Cheeto coloured muppet... Aaaaand here we go
  15. I don't think we have to worry about Trump in check. Keep an eye on Pence- he will be doing most of the policy work- domestic and foreign.
  16. Unless Harris had a 1k rushing cash bonus in his contract.
  17. No, but we are in the worst play off position- 3rd place in the west. It seems like the 2016 Bombers like to do things the hard way.
  18. Wait... wut? They Kill off Eddark Stark? Thanks jerk face. JK
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