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Everything posted by FrostyWinnipeg

  1. Couple extra teams tanking to get picks 1/2 in the draft. Sure Buff was going to do it, we knew that but AZ?
  2. It would back up their point that Minny should not have made the playoffs
  3. One of those games where everyone is skating hard. End of 2 and we got 3-2 lead. Kinda lucky CHI not finished off the 2 on none, 2 on 1 and Toews(?) breakaway.
  4. Interesting stat. Pav no wins against Hawks, Hutch no losses. Think I heard that right.
  5. You left out our best defensive dman?
  6. T-7 Arm solid rocket booster range safety safe and arm devices
  7. Winners n losers for March 28 Finnesota + 2 = 95 pts Vancouver + 1 = 91 pts L.A. + 0 = 88 pts
  8. I can see them letting Postma, Clitsome walk. I've liked Harrison but his age is up there.
  9. Winners and losers for March 27 Finnesota 2 - 93 Calgary 0 - 87
  10. Minn. They are 3 regulation wins up on us while Cal is only 1 win up.
  11. Winners and losers for March 26 Vancouver 0 Winnipeg 2 L.A. 2 End of the night WC standings Minn 91 Wpg 90 Cal 87
  12. You'd think Slater read the forums today. Extension! Extension!
  13. The only kings interned today were in England. Thanks a lot Islanders for nuthing!
  14. I wonder who abuses the away jersey more. Jets fans or MTL fans?
  15. WInners and losers for March 25 Cal loses in O.T. 1 - 87 PTS
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