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  1. Some knuckle draggers, even here on this site, will do everything in their power to pretzel themselves around this.
  2. Knuckle draggers yell smaller government, keep your hands off my business, muh rights, muh freedoms until of course their personal situations need government support, oversight but that’s different of course. Everything else that doesn’t fit their narrow rigid uniformed it’s all a conspiracy narrative is intrusive government!
  3. Another example to throw on to the heap that demonstrates the true ilk of the GOP. “If this Legislature collectively decides that legislating hate against children is our priority, then I am going to make it painful — painful for everyone,” We need more of these types of approaches where dangerous lunacy, drivel and knuckle dragging thoughts lurk. Well done.
  4. I wish some people would have the courage to show certain parts of themselves and not hide behind the 'I'm open minded, I've talked with people so that disproves what you say and/or yea but everyone's bad, stop being so divisive' when it comes to giving others (from many varying political ideologies, backgrounds and experiences btw) a hard time in getting angry and frustrated with dangerous lunacy and knuckle dragging thoughts. Grow some balls and be true to who you are. Note the bold that emphasizes reacting unfavorable to moronic lunatic dangerous drivel IS NOT AN ECHO CHAMBER. I feel like Clark from Christmas Vacation after his boss screwed him over with his work bonus.
  5. You're much too kind and less cynical than me. They aren't overlooking, they are endorsing/supporting what he continues to do not only to own the libs (that's secondary) but because what he does and says is who they are as people, their genetic makeup, how they are hardwired. Jordan gives their knuckle dragging 'views' legitimacy. But hey, sane critically thinking people from all walks of life and political stripes are actually the problem for not tolerating and listening to this ****. We're the divisive ones causing all this hate and anger in the world living in our echo chambers.
  6. Danielle Smith is a great example that being a polished articulate calm communicator DOES not always translate into being an educated and informed person on complex sensitive matters requiring critical thought controlling for one's political ideologies. It just means you're great at articulating your drivel and really great at selling bridges to the mouth breathing knuckle draggers who seem to like to part with their money on things they think will punish others.
  7. And just to close out this one out, here's a regular sentence I see a lot with knuckle draggers that tells me a lot about Americans: 'Despite the confrontations, Eastman easily won reelection in his district last year'.
  8. Knuckle draggers are unable and unwilling to read reports such as this to help inform them. They just use these factually driven reports to support their 'cause'. We've got to the point in history where factually driven reports actually embolden factually resistant people to keep doing what they're doing led by people like PP, Theo Fleury, Jamie Sale etc etc. It's weird and bizarre that reliable and valid facts coming from the best sources of truth with limited bias helps entrench 'it's a lie if it doesn't fit into the way I see the world' people even more.
  9. As the rural and urban knuckle draggers of Alberta (and other provinces across this fine Country of ours) get sucked right in . . . This is their 'research'.
  10. I continue to be fascinated less with him and more with the knuckle draggers who voted for him.
  11. For some, good ideas for the benefit of the general masses are not their incentive nor part of their rewards system. So it makes sense because they don't want them. Some are not there to serve the general public, they are there to fulfil their own personal circle agendas by steering, distracting, deluding the knuckle dragging me me me crowd away from good ideas. It's their business model.
  12. He's a perfect fit for the GoP. And now a lot of his voters are flabbergasted at his lies? lol. Apparently they did just fall off the turnup truck. Telling the truth no longer matters in this party of knuckle draggers, it's enabled, it's promoted, it's swilled around on the internet and it works to get what people need until of course lies, deceit, mistruths, half truths etc work against them (i.e., Santos giving them a bad name) then it becomes an issue as they clutch their pearls.
  13. Yup I hear you. But for what it’s worth this specific conversation I was lurk following about Pensions, Politicians and Preston Manning between you and others was actually a good conversation to read with a lot of critical thinking going on, differing and legitimate perspectives from a variety of sides. I’ve been on both ends of these types of discussions over the years here that can get a bit heated in their own way BUT at the end of the day it’s all good, we all move on and continue to agree and disagree where we see fit but know ultimately we’re all on the same team and part of the same community with similar and differing viewpoints. This is much different than engaging with knuckle draggers like covidiots as you mentioned as an example who bring nothing to the table other than their self entitled, misinformed, misguided non critical thinking narrow view on the world.
  14. 'True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love and Humanity!' Right, just another viewpoint I'm been told I need to listen to or else all I'm doing is living in my own echo chamber (Editors note: even though these words knuckle draggers use don't not match their actions).
  15. What does that even mean? I tell what it means. It means nothing. It's just a bunch of words put together with limited thought and understanding. It's nonsensical, absurd moronic drivel that makes no sense but it gets the knuckle dragging mouth breathers going. Morons getting other morons jacked up, frothing like Neanderthals. But hey it's just another way at looking at things, another viewpoint. ffs
  16. And yet people who demonstrate limited to no civic responsibility with their hardened beliefs that it’s okay and encouraged in getting away with whatever they can regardless of who it impacts are, according to some here, just offering another side, another perspective. Thanks, way to normalize knuckle dragging jerkhood. Oh and Happy New Year my favourite online community. 2023 is there for the taking.
  17. I’m thinking some or alot of these soft core republicans present themselves as such but really aren’t. To me they are more frustrating and embarrassing than the self-identified knuckle draggers.
  18. Freedom of speech, freedom of choice comes with consequences good, bad or indifferent you knuckle dragging self-entitled mf’rs. Using the courts to push this drivel needs harsher consequences other than just being dismissed. It needs to come with harsh financial penalty for wasting the courts time.
  19. This picture of these two says it all. These are the types of people who say are fighting for our individual freedoms and standing up to Ottawa. These people don't represent anything good and view the world from a narrow self entitled perch taking cues from knuckle draggers to the south of us. They can spout at, froth at and mock everyone else for doing the right things for each other. Freedom of speech allows them that right. But consequences should follow but unfortunately doesn't always. They willfully ignore the balance between individual freedoms and social responsibility. And they consistently say nothing will change the way they think and do. They do not speak for us nor do they represent what the majority of us Canadians are all about. Period.
  20. While MGT slobbers and knuckle drags across the floor frothing away yelling in her hardly understandable language drivel America first.
  21. Public health crises or not, one can be socially responsible, take care of oneself, ones loved ones and complete strangers AND still not live in fear AND live life to its fullest still enjoying the many freedoms and choices we have in this great country. It’s not an either or. It just ebbs and flows as appropriate you knuckle dragging MF’s said to no one specifically here.
  22. Not our Premier. She’s UCP’s knuckle dragging card carrying ‘Premier’.
  23. As she tests the water with her kooky cockamamie knuckle dragging drivel and pulls it back by saying more clarity is needed, just another reminder to DS you were not ‘duly elected’ to sit in the premier chair of Alberta nor has any legitimate percentage of Albertans given you or will give you any trust to do anything. Go. Away.
  24. On top of that even when she uses the most misused term when she starts her sentence with ‘’Albertans want’, no it’s not what the majority of Albertans want, it’s want a kooky group of knuckle draggers want.
  25. I’d also add the real danger is not only what is being said here but how it’s being said. Look at their body posture, how articulate they are with this drivel. That has and will continue to drag in the knuckle dragging self absorbed morons into their web.
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