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Everything posted by jazzsax

  1. I'm still not sure why the league doesn't track "arrests per team". Riders would be leading that stat by far
  2. Yep, same here. We have plans to retire on our own terms, not the banks. The downturn sucks, but those of us who braced and prepped for it are coming out stronger.
  3. Doesn't matter does it? In the grocery aisle --- canned foods are canned foods. No need to pay $3.98 for the same can at Safeway or whatever other company when you can pay $1.98 at Walmart. Lots of decent stuff at Dollarama. Or costco, or wherever you look.
  4. This. Too many friends I know who work up north who make double what I do bought houses not much more expensive than ours.... guess what's happened... (yup, they sold, are renting at half the size and were lucky to leave with a little bit of equity). Plan for the downtimes and live like it's a downtime and when you're in an uptick you look like a friggin king.
  5. Speed, People don't need credit because everything is expensive. People can choose what to use and whatnot. Ignoring the obvious socio-economic factors that minimum wage, etc could impact, I'm referring to middle of the road, blue collar / white collar jobs, sub 100K salary (let's say 50K even). We run our house with a tight ship. If we need it today it's an emergency, otherwise we buy when it's on sale, or order from amazon to save money. We plan trips around timings that cost less, watch for seat sales, etc. We don't shop high end grocery stores --- we watch the flyers and buy bulk. It's afforded us to literally buy organic for the important stuff (milk, fruits, veggies), and buy quality meats, because we buy half a cow at a time, or we buy in bulk with other friends. If you saw our income you'd be shocked how we manage. We run a tight ship, but it's a choice. We still take family vacations, we still do sports, we still do everything else, but what we don't do is $5 coffees every day, $40 ATM withdrawals for random expenses we can't track, etc. If we have clutter that we don't need, we sell it on kijiji. If we're doing a reno, we manage it ourselves and hunt down the trades ourselves. Yes, I deal with the same taxes you do. Honestly I work with probably 150+ clients (personal and business) and see the difference between those who are intentional, and those who run paycheque to paycheque. Those who run paycheque to paycheque don't think about how they're spending --- I see it on their bank statements. Liquor stores, constant fast food, etc. Yes I'm generalising, but my experience has shown that the middle class if they manage their "home" right (barring the rare emergency) can save, spend less, still live a good life, and retire reasonably comfortably. Walmart is still walmart. You can still buy reasonably priced goods. Value village has great clothing at affordable prices. The average middle class family, with middle class income, shouldn't have a problem living if they are *INTENTIONAL* about how they manage their finances. I would argue this one until I'm blue in the teeth. Sorry.
  6. I still don't get why people live like this. I carry a mortgage (with a good chunk of equity), and an LOC for an emergency. Charge everything to my cards and pay it off in full every month. Agressively paying down the mortgage and choosing not to have all the toys now (buy a car 2-3 years old instead of new so someone else can pay the depreciation), then drive it into the ground. Easiest way to retire is have no mortgage. By the time you've paid off your mortgage your housing costs are dirt cheap --- utilities / insurance and maybe property tax, which honestly a small pension can cover. Even if you work part time, you can survive on way less than normal. We're in an age though where everyone wants instant gratification. $1000 cell phones and $100 plans. $90 internet. Come on... find the cheaper route and make it work and then live like a hog when everyone is struggling to retire.
  7. Agreed. The simulation is predicting based on how we are playing that we will win the next two games (shows us 11-7) and then storm through to the GC. AMusing. Not even looking past friday. Too many moving parts. We control our destiny, but one win at a time please.
  8. Stats Schmats, this is Winnipeg. 2 incompletions and the boobirds are running you off the field in hopes you too will buy a booster juice franchise so the next pariah can step in for the revolving quarterback door. Heck, Jim Zorn in 86 only lasted 25 passes before heading home...
  9. And I think alot of the idea of what to do depends how these last few weeks and the playoffs pan out. Defense is coming together. Offense is starting to run but can use some more receivers. Special teams is hit and miss. Salary cap will always leave us with a few holes, just depends which are more glaring going into next year.
  10. Yep, opening day and BC were ours for the taking.
  11. Honestly, depends what happens this week. Ideally if we want a guaranteed playoff spot we need Edmonton to lose this week, and we need to beat CGY. That happens we are in for sure. I have a funny feeling though everything will come down to the final week...
  12. So we can finish as high as 2nd, and as low as 5th! Worst Scenario for the blue SSK - if they lose to both CGY and BC, they finish with 20 points BC - if they beat EDM, SSK, and CGY, they finish with 22 points EDM - lose to BC, beat WPG, they finish with 18 points WPG - lose to CGY, lose to EDM, we finish with 18 points In the above scenario, if this actually played out this way, BC would host the semi to SSK, and EDM would cross over to the EAST due to holding the season series with Winnipeg and we would finish last at 9-9. So basically ---- our destiny is in our hands. If we beat both CGY and EDM, we are guaranteed 3rd place with 22 points as we hold the tiebreaker with BC, with possibly second place if SSK loses both games, hugely dependant on how BC fares in the stretch. These next few weeks are going to be a nailbiter! Those two losses to the riders earlier this year, plus a few other games we should have won (BC, EDM in Week 1) are the difference between cruising into the playoffs, and fighting for our llives.
  13. Stats don't win championships. Scoring points and winning games does. Just ask the stampeders how much stats have helped them in the grey cup the last few years. Not one bit. I could care less if matt throws for 150 or 700 yards, I care at the end of the day that we have the W. But back on topic. RIDERS SUCK!
  14. Well it's not like we can go on your board and insult your team because your mods are trigger happy at the sight of pretty much anyone making fun of your corndogs.
  15. Yeah, except someone on riderfans already said "The bombers still haven't beaten a good team yet".... LOL!
  16. Batcow - "This game or my wife feeding our baby, which is better view? I've decided. You decide, lol."
  17. Maverick - "Collaros still in...ugh" Polyphemus - "Well you overpay a quarterback by several hundred thousand dollars you want to make the most use of him." LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  18. Coastal Green - "Nope. Lets try to make a game of it. Losing sucks, but losing to Winnipeg is something close to Hades."
  19. Green81 - "Streveler has more TD passes than Collaros. Man thats bad"
  20. Sorry bud, if he had the heart of a rider, he'd have given up already.
  21. Go Green & White - "I hope in the off-season we go get Strevler. He has the heart of a Rider."
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