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Posts posted by bearpants

  1. There were many times Collara could have dumped the ball quickly and avoided the pressure but he just stood there doing a jig.

    Ken brought a team that was totally unprepared for a pro football game. Edmonton will hammer them as well.


    Is there a joke I'm missing here or do you keep calling him Collara cuz you don't know his name is actually COLLAROS??

  2. I actually wanted to watch this game since I missed it.... I went to watch when they were replaying it last night and I only lasted about 5 minutes cuz I couldn't handle Rod Black.... I really wish they had made Rod Black the panel host and given the real talented Rod (Smith) his pbp position... or just get rid of Rod Black all together...

  3. That guy, I forget his name, that said back in the offseason that Collaros would struggle in Hamilton because of how he plays against the blitz and the quality of their offensive line, and that Willy would be the the QB to get in the offseason really knew what he was talking about. If only I could recall who that was....


    You never miss a chance to pat yourself on the back, eh!  ^_^



    What a joke that is. But it doesn't really matter. They can rank us however they want, we'll just keep winning games.

    LOL yeah I can see it now - week 17:

    Winnipeg Blue Bombers: Rank 7

    With a 16-0 record, and a points for and against of +350, the Bombers still look for that elusive ability to finish games by half time. Brian Brohm hasn't been able to get into the game at any point this season before the end of the third quarter. Aaron Kelly seems to be stagnating, with only 30 TD's so far, not able to keep the two TD a game pace he'd been setting earlier in the season. Drew Willy's play has been lagging of late, with only three TD's and 295 yards of passing in his last outing against Edmonton, where the Bombers barely pulled off a 48 - 12 squeaker against Edmonton. The Bomber defence got really lucky that Mike Reilly threw three pick sixes and also fumbled four times. The O-line also struggled, giving up one whole sack against the vaunted Eskimo D-line; granted it was in the last minute of the 4th quarter, when the team water boy was brought in to play left tackle due to Mike O'Shea losing a bet to Bob Wylie. Still, the Bombers still seem to only slightly be improving over last year, and the 10-6 Stamps should dominate them thoroughly this week.




    I can't even take you seriously 



    That's kinda the point.... excellent post KBF, laughed the whole time...


    but power rankings clearly mean nothing since obviously this one was done before the season started.... and they were too lazy to change it by considering the games that actually happened.... maybe it keeps our guys motivated...

  5. We can probably save the "get pressure on the QB and make him force throws" analysis for pretty much every QB who's ever played the game...


    Good article in the freep about Ottawa being filling with guys who "have a chip on their shoulder... also hard to game plan for a team with no film.... I expect a Bombers win but I think it'll be close... let's say Bomber 28 Redblacks 20 

  6. Seriously, what MOS presents to the media and how he addresses the players on the field can't possibly be the same as some are making it seem. The flip side is that bizarre Gary Lawless article warning against MOS going full-Vesuvius on the team.


    Yeah that article was extremely bizarre.... I got about half way through I couldn't finish cuz of how ridiculous it was... all I kept thinking was 'what has MOS ever done to give the impression he has a bad tamper and would blow up on players at any moment??'... If anything he's given the impression that he's the opposite.... 





    @PentonKirk: Romby Bryant was out on the field this morning with the #Bombers.

    Romby should have some inside info on the Argos playbook. Nice timing for this considering we play the Argos tomorrow.


    The TJ Harris stunt!



    OK, so just like Harris in Hammy - will will mine Romby for the Toronto playbook. And then shortly thereafter we will release him.



    Then we should sign RetBacks castoff (LeMarquand or Hargreaves perhaps? ), Tyron Carrier (MTL) and Jacory Harris (EDM)   :D



    I'm assuming this is some kind of sick joke  ^_^

  8. The issue here isn't Burke's honesty... I think everyone agrees our talent was **** last year.... he's right about that... the issue with what he said was the fact that he deflected ALL the blame elsewhere and did not take any responsibility for his own failings....


    he may have been "forced" to take over the team mid-season, which isn't an ideal situation.... but if he didn't want the job to start the 2013 season there was no one holding a gun to his head then (well maybe Mack was, I can't confirm that  :P  ).... point is Burke = good DC, terrible HC

  9. Burke is honest to a fault. He clearly is being genuine. It would be easier to lie. He's not throwing anyone under the bus. He's being honest. There are still people on here who whine about Mike Kelly. I wonder how many years will pass before they stop whining about Tim Burke.


    Except for every player on the team, the rest of the coaching staff, and the entire management staff... he's deflecting blame from himself to everybody else.... not really sure what your definition of "throwing under the bus" is....


    From the Scratching Post:


    Stadium will be ready - but far from done - for Ticats opener
    The delayed Pan Am Stadium will be useable for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats' home opener July 26, but will be far from finished, city and team officials said Tuesday morning.
    At a joint press conference held at City Hall, public works general manager Gerry Davis and Ticats president and chief operating officer Glenn Gibson assured the media the game would go on.
    "You buy a house in a great new subdivision and you're all excited, and the house is great, but you look out the window and you still have to do the lawn. I liken this to that," Davis said. "It will still be a construction site."
    The stadium was initially set for completion at the end of June, but that deadline was not met due to bad winter weather and contractor issues.
    Now, the city says the field will be able to host a game on July 26, but many aspects of the stadium — including vendors, bathrooms and landscaping — will be incomplete.
    "It's a quick turnaround," Gibson said. "We're pulling out all the stops."
    The field and the seats will be ready and the seats are in place, he said.
    The new target for substantial completion is early October, Davis said.





    Who needs bathrooms?? Just set up a bunch of porto-potties like at beautiful Moasic stadium!


    LMAO - that's usually me. I forgot about Darryl Rodgers though, he was pretty bad too. Yeah, a lot of bad coaches, but some good ones, Mike Riley, my all time fav, Cal Murphy, even Ray Jauch for a couple of years did ok, and I even remember Bud Riley. 


    Though Burke is still the worst for the reason many here have pointed out time and again, his failure to make any adjustments at halftime. I think that's why the team wilted so bad. I mean, they knew there was no other strategy to employ. So if their gameplan wasn't working then that was it. I do like Burke as a Coordinator, and he'll do a fine job in Toronto. Does anyone know if we're still paying him? If so, at worst I hope that his salary with Toronto counts - i.e. he was making 100 grand for us, Toronto is paying him 65 grand as a coordinator so we only need to pay him 35 grand. 



    Yes you're bang on about the half time adjustments... yes it's been beaten to death but it's the one thing I'll never forgive in his terrible coaching regime.... and no, we're not still paying him.... we're currently only paying current coaches and current management, what a novel concept!  ;)



    I'll go on the record and state I just don't like Romby Bryant and it has nothing to do with what football ability he may or may not have left.


    If Romby Bryant had told Mike Kelly to go fork himself in the locker room, I would've been suggesting we throw him a parade. But he quit on the field. Visibly gave up.


    I don't pay to watch guys living out their personal vendettas on the field. I also don't think it's fair to his teammates.


    If he wears the uniform again, I won't boo him but I won't be sad if he doesn't pan out and if he does, when he's replaced either.


    Well, I might boo him if he dresses for our club. Because Bryant clearly quit on his team-mates last time he was here and in my opinion he doesn't deserve to ever again wear a Blue Bombers jersey. It also bugs me that current management shows such obvious disregard for recent history - and disrespect for fans and former players. They may not be mindful of that - new slate etc. but to bring in a player like Bryant, who demonstrated an utter lack of professionalism while here, borders on arrogance more than desperation. Such arrogance is not a good sign and will inevitably boomerang on Walters, O'Shea and Bellefeuille down the road. 


    You guys have no idea of what a total schmuck Mike Kelly was.


    I can't blame anyone for not wanting to play for him.



    Unless you're Mike Kelly's ex-girlfriend, you know just as much as everybody else...

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