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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Staying the course with Jonesie......they may be cleaned out in a helluva hurry
  2. Pay no attention guys.....They are tired of the 'their too old' gag'.....that didn't work so they've changed the narrative to 'anyone but the Bombers'....It's so obvious it makes you want to puke..BUT we'll soldier on and prevail....like we always do and piss them off endlessly
  3. Jones being given a pass by their management, seems to reflect the reason why they are in the position that they are....The old saying that 'there are none so blind as those that will not see' certainly applies here
  4. What the hell universe are these yokels reviewing in.....I have totally lost confidence in anything they have to say....That was a bloody penalty and they know it.....Trying to bull$hit and save face at Zack's and our expense....garbage
  5. Watching Betts called for a less than egregious rtp in the leo's game has me wanting the league to apologize to Zack.....Those calls and their lack of consistency make our league look so 'rinky dink' and bush....just bull$hit
  6. Maier sure didn't impress in that one.....kind of a cheesy performance resulting in a nothing burger....IF they play like that against us this week, there could be two Dickie birds on the firing line....One of them might have to fire himself
  7. Riders are a joke........coach is abysmal....the gm is clueless, why they didn't part ways with these losers in the offseason has to be a wonderment of great proportions for the watermelon heads....They're now going to reap the whirlwind they sowed, and as far as I'm concerned, their fans should have no time for weak kneed decision makers...They're getting what they deserve and belated changes at the top have to be made or empty stands could get worse
  8. That last pic looks like my wife's reaction to me not winning the lottery.........nasty lol
  9. On the positive.....Kenny Lawler keeps working his magic......on the negative.....what the hell is with the lackadaisical starts to our games......It's like we sleep walk in the begining of some games....wake up finally and usually pull off a win BUT considering the opposition , they could put anyone to sleep...I wish the club would stop scaring the hell out of me to start some games off
  10. I can recall far lesser lesser 'roughing the passer' calls resulting in 15 yarders ....Protecting the qb's in this league is supposed to be the mantra.....that didn't happen.....When a qb. is down and you leap on him that's a penalty...That was as close a call to 'deliberate attempt to injure' as I have seen in awhile.....
  11. Dru Brown...........................magnificent in relief Lawler/Schoen.....................those guys just keep on getting it done Rose...........................................he's getting back to his old form.... Hon mention.........................Holm ....he just keeps on getting better......note the footwork
  12. Most likely and by the way their fan base was reacting after we drafted him...for sure....I can recall a lot written by their locals that we robbed them of their shot at drafting Leggs.....He's home now, and it was an eventuality at any rate
  13. I think Noeller should get himself a 'Don't Blame Me' tee shirt .........that would cover everything
  14. I just hope we don't take this game for granted and keep the pedal to the metal ALL game....We've seen Ford before so there should be no surprises there ....Lewis on the sideline doesn't bode well for them BUT we still have to keep Ford in check and pressure the heck out of him....Do not like the fact Parker is not returning this game.....I'm going to get a little antsy watching McRea fielding kicks....Long as he can keep the ball in front of him and make sure he doesn't cough it up he can be adequate.....barely
  15. how about picking up some indepth on what's going on with the new arrival.....between munches of course...lol
  16. I was positive about acquiring Zack.....I knew his history of injuries were concerning ....especially the 'concussion' issues he had at the time, but was certainly willing to give him a shot....He has proven and continues to prove this was a monumental deal that the club made, and just luv watching the guy perform as the best qb. in the league game after game
  17. Helluva athlete was Gerry James.....the guy lived football and to some extent hockey.....I remember Grant not being too happy with his signing with the Leafs in the offseason ....but just looked the other way when hockey season rolled around....Youngest player at 17 to play in the CFL....I believe James is still playing golf somewhere on Vancouver Island and doing well
  18. You know they're going to hype Kelly to no end....Argos and the media have replaced Rourke in 23 as the flavour of the year....I'll take Zack anytime over Kelly as far as talent goes....Kelly seems to be a little vulnerable now
  19. Bad juju coming from that guy......he looks like he should be practising voodoo....Scary looking dude
  20. Zack/Lawler/Schoen......................dynamite when you put those guys all together Brady O.................started slow but when he got going ......boom Bighill........................he was really laying on the hits and they were really feeling them ....especially Evans
  21. That call on Biggie was just pure unadulterated bull$hit....This is football and I think someone in the league office has to remind some of the refs of that fact
  22. Damn good pummeling I'd say or good old fashioned arse whoopin' if you prefer....Bombers firing on all cylinders right out of the gate....Zack long bombing them to get things started and it was all down hill for the leo's after that....We needed that to get the bad taste out of our mouth after the first game we played those guys....Luv'd every minute of it and it's sure nice to right the ship and sit atop of the standings once again.....Now we just have to stay there
  23. I'll be looking for our O to put it all together tonight and eat up the clock doing it......also makes things a lot easier on the D....especially in the fourth quarter.....
  24. There's gonna be big games all year.....I think we can safely say this is one of them......GOBIGBLUE
  25. Definitely......roster management is going to bite us in the ass and it's becoming a glaring problem
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