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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. Interesting was in Bomber training camp this year. Richardson looked good but Johnny Adams looked better.
  2. Have to enjoy it while you can, Hamilton is the next stop on the roller-coaster ride.
  3. Lulay calls a lot of audibles and with the crowd noise that just wasn't going to work very well.
  4. Coaching decisions are hampering BC as well, Tedford has made some questionable calls that have backfired on them.
  5. This statement kind of describes the Bombers at this point, doesn't it? Solid mid-pack team with much to prove.
  6. Quotes feature maxed out. Bomber_fanaddictHow F***ing old are you? LMAO. I would guess he's at least 20 years younger than you think he is. There was a big 50's revival in the 70's that spawned spinoffs such as "Happy Days" and "Grease" and yes my Jr. High had lunch hour sock-hops in 1974 but Spuds didn't take me.
  7. Wonder which coach told Penton the following.. We are scrambling to find Canadians in July. We are starting Canadians who aren't good enough, but there's nobody left. A couple of our backups shouldn't even be playing pro football. With three months left, all of us will have more Canadian injuries. The ratio is killing the quality of our game, not the rules. I can't coach a good product when we have too many bad football players on our 44 man roster. What the hell are we going to do in September and October? I'm hearing the same thing from other coaches. The other commissioner (Mark Cohon) screwed us big time when he didn't fight to change the ratio when Ottawa came back ...
  8. I think we should stop starting 2 Canadian receivers and start 4 International Moore, Denmark, Adams and Veltung plus 2 big backs with Marshall and Scott will make Willy's job a lot easier. 1 big back is plenty. I don't know why you have taken a dislike to Paris Cotton but he's still a good runningback. Very explosive and very dangerous. When paired with a guy like Marshall you have the potential for a pretty dynamic running game. Since his good game on the first week, he's been regressing. I am a fan of Cotton, but if it doesn't work (now) a change has to be made. Look at the Pat Neufeld change it made a difference to the game last night. Bull dung. The Bombers have two excellent RB's, they just need to figure out how to juggle them to achieve the greatest result. It's still early on and Cotton will have games were he excels so I don't think we've seen the last of his 100 yd. performances.
  9. Was just going to post that the head first dives were to keep opponents from landing on his knee. It was intentional. I was screaming at Schultz for being a moron yet again when he was bitching about Willy not hook sliding.... Yeah but he rarely ever slides. That, and what if he gets cracked in the head or something worse. I think he was thinking that the D isn't supposed to hit the QB when you slide, so it's always better to slide. But life doesn't always work perfectly, and it's true, they may have gone after his knee and sacrificed a penalty. I'd hope none of them would intentionally do that, but people are stupid and you never know when one of them is going to go full ***** on you. Let's just hope Willy running was the Bombers "trick play" for this game and that they don't rely on it as much against Hamilton. When ever anyone mentions QB and warrior in the same sentence I have visions of Buck and his sad fate.
  10. Lot's of interesting tidbits from Penton from around the CFL. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/07/28/cfl-blitz-early-attendance-woes-should-ring-alarm-bells Formatting is bad but here are some excerpts. CFL coaches and managers give their anonymous thoughts on what they're talking about behind closed doors: Want to protect quarterbacks? Change the ratio ... What's wrong with Saskatchewan's defence? Bad players. Hamilton should have scored 40 on them. We play the Riders next month, and scoring on them will be like stealing candy. I wouldn't want more than two guys they are starting on defence ... Matt Dunigan understands how the game is played. Quarterbacks have a feel for the game. They see it different than guys like me who didn't play that position. He's TSN's best guy ... I don't think either of the Grey Cup teams (Calgary and Hamilton) are playing that good. Right now, Edmonton is the best team in our league ... As coaches we all think too many penalties hurt the game. But it's bull(bleep) what Toronto gets away with. After half their catches they spin the ball. They should be flagged for delay of game 10 times a game, but the refs let them get away with it week after week ... Winnipeg is easy to defend because they don't have enough speed. Their team speed on offence is like it was back when I played ... We were looking at film of the Eskimos. (Shakir) Bell may be better than the little guy that got hurt (John White.) When I heard Chris Jones found him, I wasn't surprised. Nobody outworks that guy ... I'm starting to worry a little about the possibility of an Eastern crossover. We (in the West) might not have three teams with nine wins ... We are scrambling to find Canadians in July. We are starting Canadians who aren't good enough, but there's nobody left. A couple of our backups shouldn't even be playing pro football. With three months left, all of us will have more Canadian injuries. The ratio is killing the quality of our game, not the rules. I can't coach a good product when we have too many bad football players on our 44 man roster. What the hell are we going to do in September and October? I'm hearing the same thing from other coaches. The other commissioner (Mark Cohon) screwed us big time when he didn't fight to change the ratio when Ottawa came back ... The biggest reason why the RedBlacks have already won more games than last year is because they've been able to make plays at crucial times. That wasn't the case last year ... The Bombers should go with Brian Brohm if (Drew) Willy can't go. Everyone needs to trust that (Mike) O'Shea knows what he's doing ... The Argos are a solid team and as good as they look. Forget Edmonton. They are the best team in the league right now ... If I was in charge of the Riders I would be more aggressive. Give the players back some confidence by letting them play and not worry so much ... The three main reasons I hear why the Stampeders aren't playing up to par are complacency, injuries or they're just not that good. The reason why they don't look good right now is complacency ... Who's the best referee in the league? Whichever crew is on the bye week ... Going with Matt Nichols is the right move for the Eskimos. You gotta go with the more experienced guy ... If I had to pick one left tackle to go with, (Josh) Bourke still has to be the guy. He playing well, and he's Canadian. That gives him a big edge over any American ... Any Canadians that can contribute are on a roster or a practice roster. The free agent list is quite short in season, as it was last year. Those who bring up changing the ratio are not realists and simply haven't figured out you need to draft and develop Canadians to adapt and adjust to your ratio issues ... I have narrowed my most underrated CFL player list to three: Deon Lacey, Simoni Lawrence or Deron Mayo ... The Argos know how to win close games, so until I see the Ticats do the same I have to give the Argos the edge on Monday night.
  11. Re-watch the last play of the game when Arceneaux tried to smash Johnny Adams's head into the ground. I know he played. It was just my way of saying he was invisible Invisible but visibly upset.
  12. Re-watch the last play of the game when Arceneaux tried to smash Johnny Adams's head into the ground.
  13. Great game, every player earned their keep and a few exceeded expectations. Excellent victory, no luck, no fluke.
  14. Has anyone ever figured out exactly what the Bombers ended up paying the Ti-Cats for Brohm? Didn't they give us one of their neg list guys? 4th round draft pick in 2015 - Ron Omara LB Has anyone ever figured out exactly what the Bombers ended up paying the Ti-Cats for Brohm? Didn't they give us one of their neg list guys? 4th round draft pick in 2015 - Ron Omara LB Thank you for doing my homework.
  15. No stream on http://www.reddit.com/r/cfl for tonight's game! Anyone have any links? Found one! http://www.gofeed2all.eu/watch/359646/1/watch-winnipeg-blue-bombers-vs-bc-lions.html
  16. Has anyone ever figured out exactly what the Bombers ended up paying the Ti-Cats for Brohm?
  17. Edmonton Eskimo Eddie Steele was fined for a low hit on Winnipeg Blue Bomber Drew Willy. http://www.cfl.ca/article/banks-among-players-fined-from-week-5-action
  18. Again, it comes down in almost every case that the person disobeys the officers orders and decides to fight or flee instead of cooperating. If the Police do not do anything to restrict this response than the word on the street would be out in no time that a sure way to evade the law is to run. Not to say that the killing is justified at all but the Police can't be expected to not react when a person disobeys their orders. Some background on the victim. DuBose has been charged with driving without a license more than 13 times between 1995 and 2009, according to court records obtained by Cincinnati’s Fox 19. He has also been charged with driving while suspended eight times from 2005 and 2011 and with failure to display a proper a proper license plate on his vehicle four times between 1995 and 2009. Dubose had more than 75 offenses charged to him over his lifetime.
  19. I see the sheep know well what game "lonely" llama wants to play.
  20. Not a gif but well done none the less. http://www.bluebombers.com/video/index
  21. They brought back Keith Price a couple of weeks ago and have him on the PR. Edit: Just noticed the Riders have 12 men on their PR. I thought the limit was 10?
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