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Everything posted by BigBlue

  1. Ottawa has said they won't pick Fa's but they might do one like Collloras or Muamba just for negotiating rights till Feb 15 .... so who are not FA's? I am guessing the non-FA number two QBs available are: Nichols Montreal's other two (besides Smith who they will protect I believe) Marsh or Neiswander Hamilton's scat back QB LeFevour Willie Either Tate or Levi DeMarco So who is worth trading for and with how big a draft pick?
  2. Will Kyle Walters get fleeced when he tries to trade for a QB before the expansion draft in December? He has made 3 trades so far: 1. Wall & our 2nd pick for Neufeld & a 2015 pick 2. Pierce for Foster 3. Woodson for Parenteau How did he do with these 3? Is he a skilled negotiator or was he just making some noise at Wade Miller's behest? Would he trade our #2 overall pick (Ottawa has the #1) for BLM, Tate or Willie or someone else?
  3. Burke never gave a Garrett a chance, not really
  4. Did you see Garrett run in the game against Edmonton …. their offensive star of the game in my books The naysayers who said the achilles injury finished him …. well I hope they run away and hide knowing they have been schooled Not getting Garrett back on the field is another example of Burke's inability to recognize and assess talent … or perhaps his prejudiced attitude does his thinking for him … Garrett could have given the Bombers a bit of a chance this year at a time when it might have mattered … well maybe Now what is this I hear about Burke's negatives on Sims-Walker?
  5. Its not a choice or a popularity contest, its a singular opportunity to get one of the best NI's in the league …. the point is to wake up
  6. It seems like the injury from last night will keep Hall out of next game but that's a guess ,,, has anybody heard about his medical status?
  7. We all know how we lost Labatte... Parallel that Harris grew up a Winnipeger.... best, he has a girlfriend and a child here in River City anfd he lives here in the off season Harris is a FA Feb 15 and he won't be resigning in BC He is mad as hell at the BC OC .... seems he insists on using a zone blocking scheme which is totally unsuitable for their type of o-linemen ... its why Harris' production is down so much this year Now I am sure Andrew would like to test the NFL waters - - he is big enough and the fastest player on the BC club - - but how often does a Canadian RB make the NFL? Maybe he catches on as a punt/kick returner If the Bomber brain trust is alert enough and willing to pay up, maybe we see Andrew Harris as a BB come July or September
  8. His throwing mechanics are almost identical to Dinwiddie. There is nothing wrong with any part of his release in his upper body, but he almost never settles his feet before he throws, which makes the ball sail. Yes, and he is often overthrowing on the long bombs .... can a QB coach get that corrected or is it to imbedded to change?
  9. Listening to the TSN panel at half time, I heard the CFL rule that you cannot slam a QB to the ground and put your full body weight on top of him. I have never once seen a ref call that. Dunigan says that's just football, the way it ought to be. I am not sure of the NFL rules but they do go to great lengths to not have the body slam or the bend back hit ... and it is enforced by their refs.... Would the CFL do well to adopt the American rules to protect our Qbs?
  10. When was the last time we won a game when we wore gold plus gold? Does anybody know?
  11. ... Watson? Brain cramp .... meant Foster
  12. As someone who is on the cheaper end of that pricing, I say no thanks! Then again, my season tickets wouldn't be in the same area next year so I guess it doesn't matter. I can't really stand the people in my section, so I'd be looking at moving if I buy. IF I BUY: we have gone past the excitement stage with the stadium and we don't have the scarcity factor or the prestige of the Jets... the Blue have to actually provide entertainment 'value' instead of frustration and futility Hosting the Grey Cup will be big for season ticket sales but I expect more 'price shock' that year I suspect paying the building costs is playing a very heavy role in pricing decisions, more so than we suspect The premium seats are going to sell but I am not so sure about the very expensive "cheap seats" next year ... that's where the discretionary consumer lives in this town As for walkup pricing, I get annoyed at the agency fees, big time How full do you think the end zone and corner seats will be next July?
  13. Poblah & Watson have more talent than shown .... the lack of results/success: some of that is coaching, some is lack of experience, some is opportunity and some is confidence Its hard to be the 5th receiver on the field Watson in particular will get better as he learns the team, the playbook and the QB .... the balls he's dropped has a lot to do with the pressure of being a newbie and wanting to show well
  14. Transportation is easily one of the things the Bombers have done best. With the exception of pre-season the park and ride system has been a delight. I never have to hunt for a parking spot, basically never have to wait in traffic while driving (since the drive to the park and ride is basically traffic free) and have to wait little to no time for a bus. Riding a bus nauseates me and takes recovery time before I feel ok again ... I would just as soon stay home
  15. Penton wants to protect 5 FA's: Suber Ford Kolhert Labbe Henoc Muambe Only Henoc according to Penton's own reasoning makes sense
  16. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2013/10/21/redblack-and-blue-a-look-at-players-the-bombers-should-protect-in-expansion-draft 25! Crazy times. Has Penton been reading this thread? format & content makes me wonder Why isn't he protecting Sims-Walker? And how can you protect Poblah ahead of Kolhert? Is Kelly easier to replace than Will Ford?
  17. I have heard many complaints about Max Hall's arm, his throwing strength. While his errant passes do seem to typically sail away too high (how many does he throw in the dirt?), I really like the way he throws: "And that's this -- the 466 yards of net offence registered on Saturday by the much-maligned Bombers offence was the most by any team in the CFL over the weekend.... their combined 775 yards of offence over the last two weeks -- they had 309 yards in a win over Montreal two weeks ago -- is second best in the CFL during that period, behind only Calgary's 785 yards....then there's been the much-improved Bombers receiving corps in recent weeks. Clarence Denmark has played his best football in his three seasons in Winnipeg during the past five weeks, hauling down an eye-popping 28 catches for 410 yards during that period. Aaron Kelly, rescued from the CFL scrap heap after he was released by Hamilton, has looked great in a Bombers uniform and is definitely a keeper. And so too is former NFLer Mike Sims-Walker, who replaced an injured Kelly versus Toronto and did nothing less than lead the team with eight catches for 137 yards in his first CFL start." Yes, we need another starting QB but I don't see us as desperate at QB as a few weeks sago. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/blue-pit-of-despair-not-bottomless-228579421.html
  18. Same reason Edmonton traded for Reilly's rights when we was about to become a FA
  19. in the case of my sister you have someone who works in customer service .... she always comes across professionally ....you have to do a lot to rile her up and I believe they did
  20. Why evaluate FAs for the expansion draft? We won't be protecting them and for good reason You keep saying that but it's not necessarily true. That's why we protect Henoc ... still Ottawa has said they won't select FA's and why would they pick bargaining rights for anybody except superstars I expect with Ottawa's brand new team starting from scratch the bidding wars in February will be furious compared to most years ... drafting FA's will make that worse for Ottawa, not better
  21. My mother, my brother are not renewing their season tickets and are probably gone forever My sister canceled theirs this year because of hassles with customer service .... says she won't be back for a while I used to buy Pick 10 but I find the transportation on game day (as a non-parking-pass holder) just takes up too much of my time Besides I am not a masochist (well maybe not) I am waiting for big changes before I start buying tickets again ... for now, I prefer to suffer at home, privately Is there any doubt our season ticket base will fall, not rise, for the 2014 season?
  22. Why evaluate FAs for the expansion draft? We won't be protecting them and for good reason
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