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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. I cannot recall a worse refereed game of late.
  2. What is going on with the Bomber kick returns and coverage?????
  3. Come home, Chandler, all is forgiven. But if you bite on the inside move, I will curse you and all your family.
  4. Damn. Our corners are getting their lunches eaten.
  5. Yup...like the RedBlacks beating the Stamps. Major upset.
  6. Ok, the first half was all foreplay, but how well the Bomber offence and defence make adjustments will give us an idea of the season to come. Last year, too many of the close games got away, and the Lions are very beatable tonight.
  7. They have been consistent, but consistently bad.
  8. Okay, I'll settle for Harris punching it in.
  9. Score is a pretty accurate reflection of the game thus far. Looks like the first game of the year. Bombers getting to Nichols pretty regularly now.
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