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Everything posted by Booch

  1. I'm not overly concerned...Bryant and Yosh been nicked all yr, and still are playing basically as the best Tackle tandem in the league...Couture is gonna be back sooner than later, and even tho Kolonkowski has been adequate.....its the fact he's adequate and a bit over matched a lot of times, and it has caused some issues....there is a reason he has been a career backup, and he will be fine as the 6th guy when Couture is back. Grey as well gets a lot of grief on here, but it's unwarranted...sure he's not Desjarlais but who in the league is?...ya...nobody...he will be jut fine...is just fine and plays with an edge and irritates the hell out of defenses...Neuf knicked too, is he starting to decline?...maybe....maybe it's injury/compensating to help Kolonkowski...we will see when Couture comes back. Especially now that BO has seemed to hit his stride... Dobson is not ready yet to replace anyone, and likely sees the bench once Couture is back, and thats fine...I see him being more a factor for next yr anyway...and who knows...maybe next yr we tweak ratio and go with 3 imports on oline.
  2. likely cause they are somewhat under a microscope and being untra scrutinized....and rightfully so....so prob didn't want it "leaking" out
  3. If anything that may help them...Hickson is the better true back...every down type....and with reps would get even better...Morrow is not a true every down back....and doesn't wow me one bit...heck he barely ahead of BO now and he did nothing for 2/3 of his season.....and Duke is just trash, not a difference maker...out of shape and injury prone and sucking up more than we paying Schoen and Ellingson combined...which is soooo funny
  4. O'Conor can make most throws...but has no elusiveness, and no threat to kill you around the edge, also he isn't even close to Rourke at processing , and reading, and Rourke was still learning too...he was just being pin point on his first read and hot routes, and had ability to scramble away to ake the deep shot when a receiver got in behind someone....so BC is going to look way different now, and possibly flounder a bit....and I know they "claim" O'Connor is the guy moving forward, but the switch to Pipkin is just a matter of time. Their defense is going to have to be lights out now, and I dont think they have the horses to do that...especially with now prob being on the field more, and not having a 3 score cushion to work behind
  5. They saying that as of now. If its solely a ratio reason then sure...but if it's not.. it will eventually be Pipkin I bet
  6. BC kinda begged for this to happen tho...cant deny it...in every game he was in there well past practical...save smart and prudent...so hate for it to happen...and would never wish it but it was avoidable. In my opinion I see PIpkin starting this week against the Riders...and even then I still see B.C winning..that first game after an injury like that a lot of times teams come out hard and get that win....then reality sets in and other teams see what they have to scheme against. Nothing is ever guaranteed but it makes our opportunity to clinch a west final much easier
  7. There was a Bomber quite a few yrs back who had that kind of sprain I believe...not sure who it was but recall it...I think was a bomber
  8. Lawler tho is benefiting from targets too..has to be factored in...has like 26 more than Schoen and basically same yardage but Schoen found endzone more...and almost double Ellingson...yet Ellingson is right on his arse
  9. Hopefully he ends up over payed in sask...and sucks even more and installs that pissy attitude there...that be icing on the cake haha Begalton def seems to have lost a step..or some burst...is he injured? I dunno but he seems lacking in something now
  10. I think Lapo time as a coach in general may be done....or not seen for a while...too many failures now..and I do think yes he has an ego problem. I feel bad for Darvin stuck with that crap again...and feel bad how it ended for him here... BC yeah is riding the wave of out gunning lesser teams of the league...not a good plan for prolonged success...and I think too their defence is suspect...and oline is avg at best..come cold weather..and playoffs...if they havnt secured a west final then they will be one and done in playoffs
  11. The Faj's feelings...mental capacity and skill are now firmly planted on the PUP list...he's done...
  12. Yeah...the Fajardo panics immediately...never throws from a set position...or rarely and every throw over 15 yards is a literal heave with all his might...and yes definately now in his head he's lost it ala Willy If Dicklesson had any sensibility he'd be using and starting...whoever to start the transition now...and use Faj as his short yardage guy...and what a pricey albatross that is now....but he does have a brace...so there is that lol
  13. Duke seems soft...always seems to get nicked Oh oh...Rourke with an injury
  14. Yeah...i was just waiting for a challenge...or a command center over rule as I saw same thing
  15. Panel hit nail on head about Marino..just a garbage person and average at best player...glad Lucky ducked out of that cheap shot....but almost wish he got drilled so they can kick that loser out of the league
  16. 5 yards or more are 50/50 balls with Badjardo
  17. Any hint of pressure.. even if not even there and he's panic city
  18. Yes cause he feels more explosive Yeah but he has a knee brace
  19. And what an effort by your 275k a yr leader reciever...weak
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