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Everything posted by Booch

  1. 3rd time white had him beat and finally bo finds him...if he was accurate like ZC he'd have 3 TDs and a diff game
  2. 1 st Tackle for sure Houston with a night!
  3. Yup...seen it right away in that preseason game...Phillip Hunt 2.0 in our midst
  4. Bryant's like get outta the way...old man eh...he just fine
  5. Practicing his spitting and eye gouging for 4th quarter melt down
  6. Eli will fix that...said all along Kolo is a good depth 6th online type...just an adequate starter
  7. Tsn prob just hates this beat down...they so wanted to Yammer on about maybe sticking with experienced vets wasn't smart and slobber all over Bo
  8. Yabba Baba do...dudes gonna be a stud...WJ looking good too and Jeffcoat u see what he can do ..on the int drive the tackle right in Bo's lap...thinking they gonna limit his reps tonight Our online are beasts...love their downfield play as well....now just imagine when Lawler is back...yikes
  9. Just wait...we gonna have to listen to Suitor now cream his jeans babbling on and on about the Navy Seal lol...so get ready
  10. but...but...but...Osh does no wrong...lol...love him as our coach...but this is a prime example right out o the gate on what a few of us were commenting on...
  11. Isnt it 45 guys on game day roster?..if u count up all the names...it equals 45 does it not? Jackson was brought in to fill that FB role so doubt he's scratched
  12. plus....if that was any other game than the Grey Cup...ZC wouldnt have played..he was hampered and limited and it was plainly obvious
  13. generally you wont use all big bodies like that on FG blocking....a couple....but not many in case of a miss Jackson is versatile, but a run plugging DT would have been a wiser choice and prob served more of a use, unless they plan to put him in dline rotation....but then again...Thomas would have been the better choice if that is your plan...heck even a DB like Swarmay...
  14. and for what a full back does in our offence...basically just blocks or takes up a TE position its pretty easy to get a guy up to speed who knows the offence to fill that role...aka BOLO...as we trumpet how all our guys know each role....hence the reason for the overall success...and use that DI spot on Caleb Thomas...
  15. well...he makes a convert and we likely go to O.T....there is that....and his kick offs allgame gave T.O instant field position...theres that too.....also his punting that game blew...there is also that....so a culmination of that can be construed as he had a major hand in the loss....tho there was other factors, but he was a biggie
  16. hmmm....and we were saying Osh and his questionable at at times right useless use of roster...Exhibit A and B for 2023
  17. yeah...lets see at least what it looks like into and after week 3 for a more indicative trend
  18. almost certain it would be...well...should be.....guess we will see And if we were wise....we would declare a Nationlized player on defense...and make use of it if Haba is on roster....but I guess some extra Global and Import LB's to run around on teams so you can bag out your Dline on a hot humid day is more important than a global DB and American end...both of whom tkae reps on teams...and would help you in dline rotation, and in case a DB gets hurt so yu dont have to make 5 position switches to cover it...but hey...I will slap on the Blue goggles and lick back some Gold Kool-Aide and ignore the lunacy of it... I would also Insert Cole for Clements this game and scratch him....
  19. as have I...It didnt just come up now...I been bringing it up for yrs too....agree...he is gonna likely be the all-time win leader here for coaches, and likelyadd to the Grey Cups...but taking of the blue tinted glasses...he has faults...a couple glaring ones and yeah I said it...and will say it again...we have had the horses and talent to win more than we lost lately....but I will stand by my take we have done so in a few occasions despite his bizzare roster management on more than a few occasionsLuck eventually will bite u in the ass on the way out the door...You have to have critical input/opinion along with all the blue pumping
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