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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Is Dukes like...13 yrs old?? Lol Yup...live to battle another day
  2. Yeah...Fine could prob be adequate....if ...had a legit OC....an actual Oline....a real RB ....and a HC who can put that in place
  3. I dunno...good ownership in MTL and BC now...cats are fine...Ott still gets fans...other than the usual T.O bs...league isn't that bad...if CGy gets their owner ousted or head out his ass...they will be fine....Elks just need to field a team and end that madness out there Its more a matter of as soon as many are able to they leave Sask and move to real cities...but still support the riders in their new city...
  4. Yeah u need a cleansing there....do u even get 5 wins this yr??...any more games with Elks? That offence is just...badddd...
  5. I dunno...Ott has a legit defence...any companent QB play and they can win games Yeah Kelly has been meh...it's just the Riders are...don't even know what they are...but looks like discention in the ranks is starting to bubble to the surface tho
  6. "Guys practiced hard all week" "just didn't make the plays in the game"
  7. Yup...they settled for...I guess he was already there??...brutal...Sask is a bad bad team...if they didn't have Elks for 2 games early this yr...both of which they had no business even winning they would be lucky to have 1 win
  8. If their staff realized Hickson is a legit back and that Morrow isn't a complete everyone back...never had been or will be they would be much better off...but they continue to try and use and make Morrow something he never will be
  9. I've seen highschool teams with more diverse offences that what Jeffries for Sask is putting out there...brutal
  10. That was some horrible kick coverage there ..when a team has 5 guys leading the returner into the endzone with no rider in sight?..that's some bad ST work ..Riders brutal right across the Board..starting with coaching..they need to clean house...GM on down
  11. I guess taking away an Argos home game doesn't hurt bottom line for the Argos than any other team so I get that....but why the Riders? A diff team each yr would make more sense...it would sell out regardless who is playing.
  12. That oline...looks extra sad sacky on that first possession...guys just flying thru
  13. So....Riders get a good thrashing?...that's what I expect...and excuses abound is Sask with the yea buts
  14. I think they are screwed...C'mon Walters swing a trade for a Carney..or one of Kongbo/Bennet for ratio reasons so we can park our Bennett on the PR
  15. Yeah was gonna say...his passes have no velocity anymore. Just soft tosses..a couple of those int's weren't his fault...but his ball is so easy to jump now
  16. I'm not as sold on his demise as most...he won't be what he was...but if he can adapt a bit there is a good chance he can be successful...guess we shall see
  17. NO....U are correct....and using minimal run plays from it as well....not sure why but it is noticeable
  18. yup...the loyalty thing can be good, and create a nice environment etc....to a point...when it starts to lead to at times lesser talent getting the reps....because of it, then here is a bit of a problem
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