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Everything posted by Booch

  1. thats what I said earlier...pointless reason...but I sure that isn't the thought process for why.....but wish Osh could give us the reason tho for his moves...but all he gives is smart arse comments...Like when asked about gys running reps with the #1's...the obvious starters for this game....he spouts off his schtick of "what makes you think those are the #1's" and "all the guys are #1's"...ya ya we get it....You consider all the guys on the roster as capable guys...but c'mon man...stop being such a tool about it when it is flat out obvious some different guys were taking starters reps with the other starters
  2. BC loses a Dline guy...they replace him with another....we Lose a Dline guy...we replace with a fullback....makes sense yup
  3. 100 PERCENT.....BC also tho has been healthy all yr, especially on defense and I think VA/Evans is a wash there anyway...both are kinda hot/cold guys and lack consistency...
  4. I expect us to win....hope we win....but to win we gonna need to shoot the lights out on offence and try and keep our defense off field as much as we can.... that would be ideal as those players there...and Fox would be a nice group...will we ever see it tho
  5. and 8 actual DB's as well....hence why they been so stout on defence this yr...they dont wear down as game goes on....look at their depth chart...an then ours...and then make an intelligent decision on which looks better, and one you would prefer with Briggs or Kramdi flailing away trying to make the tackle....cause they Osh boys who been here 3+ yrs and prob our best tackler (parker) is on sidelines thinking...yeah I coulda made that play...while The Jeffs and Walker are puking in a pail they so bagged out
  6. what other team in the CFL would roster those 2 guys as defensive rotation pieces...I cant think of one and yeah....you can get away with a smaller guy way moe effectively now...thats why our cheetah with 4 ends worked so good.....too bad we didnt have/use 4 guys in that manner healthiest lineup we have had all yr for sure with projected starters being available...I wouldn't say the strongest lineup tho, as we are thin in the second most important part of the team....have no return threat at all now in the punt return aspect, and had our second best HB back on roster last game (and probably most versatile).....then promptly sit him down basically for a fullback
  7. didnt help last game against them....and to alleviate that pressure...you scheme for it better and then they cant pin ears back and come after you...we didnt do that....a FB in if we dont have a scheme for that isn't gonna help us...especially when his insert takes a playmaker off the field
  8. damn good thing we have a roster of #1's according to Osh....or else we be screwed lol
  9. but really...we have enough ST guys anyway...and I sure a Canadian who has had reps there before...can be adequate in that role when we playing one of the better offenses in the league...with minimal defensive depth and 2 guys fresh off the 6 game Just look at BC depth chart...and rotational depth they have on defense....and what they have been doing this yr...then look at ours....and correlate it to the issues we have been plagued with on defense...BC defense is gonna be fresh all game and bringing the heat...so hopefully Buck has schemed for it...looking at their depth chart doesnt have me feeling too good
  10. but we have one of our fullbacks from last yr on roster now tho...and thats not a scheme you scheme for, as you don't know where he is lining up, or if he is dropping out...so that would be pointless
  11. but we have a backup fullback who is one of our DA's...so we good...we started the8...9 dlineman trend a few yrs back....surely we faking teams out to follow suit and burn a DA spot on a pointless player...Kudos to you coach Osh...u sneaky s.o.b
  12. IF we used him on the dline...or even just tried him out a few snaps then I'd be somewhat ok with it...but still not ideal...
  13. then why he on roter?..I'd say a return from an achilles and a CB who had a foot issue is more vital to back up than a fullback who may get a handfull of snaps...especially when we have had games this yr where we didnt even dress/declare one on the depth chart Meanwhile BC has 9 dlineman dressed...and 8 DB's....Their defense wont be getting gassed or have injury issues......again Next to Nichols...Parker is our next best HB...sorry all u Holm lovers nut thats a fact
  14. we do have some coverage....but shuffling 3 guys around to replace 1 guy in event of injury isn't ideal...or smart either....plus the fact you go into a game where good field position might be a key thing in winning, but u pooch the only true PR guy you had on roster...basically for a fulback....is just.....dumb....anyway you look at it
  15. but Osh is perfect.....so I hear here...his main flaw...for yrs...is still there...and actually getting worse tbh
  16. and a rotation we were somewhat first to do and excel at...thats the funny part
  17. Lions will be without Dlineman Josh Banks for tomorrows game....how much does anyone wanna bet BC doesn't dress a useless DA fullback....or feel need maybe for another Olineman to stand around all game?...I bet they also have adequate back-up in the defensive backfield....guess we will see shortly Far from it...and you have 2 guys coming back on defense from injury, and there is always the risk that they could re-aggravate....yet you remove the one guy who could fill in for 3 spots on defense in case that happens...in favor of a fullback who likely only sees special teams reps now, as why would you us him on offence and have to replace an american receiver??
  18. having football knowledge....and actually using it seems to have no place here in some regards....baffling indeed
  19. It's guy...plain and simple....You think Hall or Younger wouldn't want an extra DB or Dlineman instead of a fullback who will see what...maybe a few snaps on teams now that we have our National Fullback back on roster?....I sure they silently shaking their heads too but wont say it out loud And Parker is an actual PR....McCrae is not...and this game may be a battle of field position, or having good field position to start drives could be key...so hey lets neuter our ability for a possible edge there too....while the Dline gets gassed for a 3rd straight game
  20. Or dress a backup dline man who can actually be usefulI?... i guess tho when u have Bennett and rapidly declining Thomas u have no need
  21. for all the Osh defenders and people who think he can do wrong...who truly thinks this is the best use of the roster??...like really??
  22. yeah if they declare only 1 starter on defence than Kramdi or Thomas/Lawson can be subbed for freely....be a nice option to toss in Fox to the dline mix all game....but oh wait...we chose to dress an American fullback with one of our DA spots.....for minimal pointless use now that we have Burtenshaw back.....
  23. YUP....And again....stubborn Osh refusing to use the Nationalized American rule....basically because he doesnt like it as there is no other reason not to....
  24. yup...no need to start him there ratio wise, and BC receivers will chew him u and spit him out....Get your starting National fullback back...and still burn a DA spot on an American one so you have to remove your only true punt returner in Parker and a guy who can play SAM...CB...and HB.....or go into game lean on the Dline where u could have dressed Fox, or the new DE...again another example of a pathetic use of the roster....but didnt expect anything different to be honest
  25. and...with Burtenshaw back...we still burn a DA on Jackson....and dont add a DL guy...or keep Parker on...like wtf Oshea??...again....just questionable stupid roster management...
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