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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Schoen back to work today....our full projected starting Offense all back and healthy can only have good results
  2. thats the one main thing with ends...if they can keep the contain...know when to crash nd recognize the pre-snap tendenciesthey can excel in no time...especially athletic ones
  3. and at least from being a QB....He will know a bit more of what needs to be available to help a QB out a bit...like they showed on TSN...a lot of times based on what they had their receivers doing poor Corney was basically just hung out to dry, and mix in his wavering confidence now, and probably utter feeling of helplessness...well we see what happened...he trying to force stuff...make dumb decisions basically to just try and accomplish something....anything...I feel bad for the poor guy.. as he is just out there...alone...trying to figure it out himself....we should do them a solid and flip them Prokop and Bennet for him and one their dline guys, and use him as our Short Yardage guy...I bet he would thrive here in that role
  4. Thing with Corney...his confidence is so shook now, basically from his OC giving him zero outlets, for the most part, and no help whatsoever....Sure he needs to hit them when they actually there...which is hit and miss so far, but he can make all the throws, and we know he can use his legs...but they have him so all over the map they may have effectively just ruined him this yr At worst he would be the ultimate Short yardage and come in a few snaps to mix things up kinda guy.....but what a mess there, and almost looks like some guys now are right checked out...and who's to blame them It also looked like some Riders have gone to the front desk and are starting some checking out too
  5. for the ends...fast twitch guys and guys who can bend and get low....It's almost an advantage as they dont have the Tackles meat hooks into them immediately
  6. Most likely...as opposed to whatever Suitor does to prep......
  7. so.....BO is second in the league in yards after the catch...believe it or not....so why not incorporate that early and often if the Lions try and do that pin ears back and rush with zero regard for anything off the edge in the flats or short dump passes?...something we did nothing of last match
  8. yeah...not to concerned with D-line auditions...easiest spot in Canadian ball to jump right in...
  9. Godbar just ads to the suck of that Oline....And then banking money on Blake too.....Weineke who has done nothing other than that one yr, and looks in decline for 3 yrs now and a non factor...Toss in Walker who is basically the same thing.....and bring back Micha who isn't a building block moving forward as he has limited tread left too...what an epic failure of an off-season....Paying a fairly large amount to Lenius who has done nothing to warrant it, and is a horrible technical WR and has hard time grasping the playbook...and you get what you see there...especially with a coaching staff who has to rank near the basement in the league....
  10. he was in an NFL camp last yr...undrafted invite...Stove was a rookie guy who literally was never in a camp...panned out well...half the guys who come up here and excel are straight outta school...with minimal pro camp experience....doesn't mean much If he has half a brain and can grasp the concepts...has physicals skill no reason why he can't slide in on rotation if he in game shape
  11. Yup...Lapo once he polishes it up...goes over the film on his first time doing it...will get better....he explained things well...what players/coaches see, and how they try...or should try to attack was really good and easy for even the new fan to grasp...as opposed to Suitors ramblings...incorrect info....totally wrong explanations and almost zero worthwhile insight....I think Lapo may have found his true calling now...he should stick with it as for the bolded part...the dumber...slightly less hate-able brother made change threats last yr too...I think with the discipline issues and then reneged on it...lets see what younger whiny bro does....the shots of him on the sidelines all cranky/confused and irritated was just glorious tho haha
  12. yeah....if we do any semblance of that...will be a totally different game and outcome
  13. Size grade is pointless and should only be referred to in analysis as player being "undersized" compared to league average If you can do the job ..u can do the job...many undersized guys excel The one instance where that could/should be a grade consideration is for short armed on-line guys ..as that trait makes a huge difference.. I
  14. Gray was hurt actually...hence the switch I still seeing that game as an anomaly...and if we actually use our offence as we have had before...and incorporate more runs with different guys...and the motion..then the Dline will have to respect that or be eviscerated as a whole. For whatever reason that game we seemed to wanna work from the pocket...and incorporate zero motion...and ZC couldn't climb the pocket cause Kolo is more times than not going backwards into the pocket so ZC had nowhere to go as the ends just crashed down..and they had zero reason to play a contain game or respect out side runs...plain and simple I think Lawler being back...everyone basically healthy...we will see a totally different game
  15. He actually seems comfortable doing it
  16. Can we fire suitor now and keep Lapo... Refreshing listening someone who knows what they talking about and adds some actual interesting content
  17. There's Harris...Cotton...I believe one of the Riders useless olineman is a Jr player...that Putz Mack Henry was but I don't think he rostered anywhere this yr...other than that I think right now that's it
  18. Wonder if he is/was a neg list guy that we were tracking as he exhausted any NFL opportunity...seems built for the CFL game
  19. If I was a betting man I bet Jones and Dickie get canned in and around labour day
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