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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. Can I get an Irony Alert on aisle 1? I'm pleased with this news. O'Shea would be one of the few "first timers" I would like to see coach our depleted team, the other was Dave Dickenson.
  2. I feel better about that than Khari as HC, though Mike would have a tough job ahead of him. Mike is very smart though. Interesting.
  3. No, but a fricken job interview process would be nice rather than the usual (convenient) Removal Of Interim Tags process. And do you know for a fact no other candidates were interviewed? Do you know for a fact that Walters quite possibly may/may not have had the best interview? Are you seriously suggesting that there's been an "secret interview process" being conducted that neither the Freep, Sun, or CJOB know about? Just trying to get a reading of your personal level of gullibility...
  4. According to the article, the GM is Walters as per Miller, and the coach (KJ) has already been chosen by Miller, presumably in discussions with his interim/soon to be GM. A flawless system of checks and balances. Is Sam Katz involved somewhere too?
  5. No, but a fricken job interview process would be nice rather than the usual (convenient) Removal Of Interim Tags process.
  6. Nothing wrong with Danny M -- he'll be fine -- the problem is towards the end of the piece where they talk about how "tight" KJ is with Miller, yadda yadda. Just seems so... business as usual in Bomberland.
  7. NO! I did NOT say or imply that. Just that, well.... am I the only guy who used to see the old school players in the bars after games? Damon Allen was another piece of work. Guy sure liked to "socialize." Okay. You didn't say it, but you certainly implied it. Groan.
  8. NO! I did NOT say or imply that. Just that, well.... am I the only guy who used to see the old school players in the bars after games? Damon Allen was another piece of work. Guy sure liked to "socialize."
  9. Danny Mac? Hope there isn't an open bar in the new Bomber offices. Kidding aside, that was a nausea-inducing article, basically confirming that convenience hires continue to rule the day in WPG. Good luck Khari. You are going to need it.
  10. Ouch! No love for the expansion draft ? Free Agency, Canadian draft etc ? Uh, are those things happening in the next six days? Yep, it's all going down tomorrow at FOOTBALL FEST '13. Did you miss the memo? How could I? The CFL has mandated a gag-order on anything non-Grey Cup related, remember?
  11. Ouch! No love for the expansion draft ? Free Agency, Canadian draft etc ? Uh, are those things happening in the next six days?
  12. Given the weather, the crowd, and the fact that Burris is on the decline, I fully expect the Riders to win pretty handily. So I'm not watching the game, not reading about it, and not watching TSN. I'll still support my lame-arse Bombers (about to fork over $1700 in season tix fees) but I am done with the CFL til day one of the off-season -- which is only a week away.
  13. Noeller had a room mate back then who was a diehard rider fan and I remember quite clearly one night while we were all drunk this guy says with a straight face and in all seriousness that Nealon Greene is just as good as Khari Jones... The level of delusion amongst that fanbase, I also recall rider fans at some point trying to claim that Szarka was as good a FB as Mike Sellers. I am not looking forward to the week long circle jerk that's going to happen for "Canada's team" I hate Burris very much but I have no doubts that I'll be cheering hard for him by the weekend just because I'll be so sick of everything green. That is implanted on my memory. Couldn't believe anyone would say that then; still baffles me today.
  14. * Takes a deep breath * Noeller, the point isn't whether Wade Miller or Joe Mack know more than the average fan -- of course they do -- it's that saying "I'm going to accept whatever these guys say cause they are CFL authorities" is a really weak, fallacious argument.
  15. You can't possibly be this dim. I swear you couldn't find a point in a needle factory.
  16. ' And refusing to acknowledge the concerns of fans by saying "I don't care what you guys say, the guys making these decisions have way more CFL experience than any of you" is not an example of one. This statement is completely fine in my books... Did you get that IMWT tattoo removed from your backside or just going to run with Miller?
  17. ' And refusing to acknowledge the concerns of fans by saying "I don't care what you guys say, the guys making these decisions have way more CFL experience than any of you" is not an example of one.
  18. I still think Miller is a great fit for CEO of the club and while I'm leery of his side businesses getting a lot of contracts with the team, I think his business savvy will only help. But the quicker he hires an experienced GM who's been in similar rebuilds to direct this team (and get the hell out of the spotlight) the better. Playing 10 years in the league makes you a smart player and experienced teammate (and much more knowledgable than the average fan) but it doesn't mean you can coach and certainly doesn't mean you can GM.
  19. While I respect the spirit of your position, that was, without question, the most laughable example of an Appeal to Authority that I've ever seen. Check this -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority As the kids say, "logic fail." Except, in this specific case (the one where Wade Miller makes football-ops decisions) it isn't a logic fail because he IS a subject matter expert, being a former football player. He's not Feterik or Buchko, where someone is "deferring to the boss because he's the boss". Miller is someone, based on his prior experience, who is capable of making that decision and just happens to be the boss, and not the other way around. It's the GMs job to choose the coach. If the HC is picked by Miller instead I may not agree with the optics, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll disagree with the choice. Not to sidetrack things guys but you're incorrect -- it was still an appeal to authority, and therefore, a logical fallacy. Fallacious examples of using the appeal include: cases where the authority is not a subject-matter expert (Here I would agree, Miller is an expert on the CFL, at least more than any of us) cases where there is no consensus among experts in the subject matter (This is debatable) any appeal to authority used in the context of deductive reasoning. (THIS is where "Miller is an expert so do what he says" is a logical fallacy -- see below) In the context of deductive arguments ..... authorities are not necessarily correct about judgments related to their field of expertise. Though reliable authorities are correct in judgments related to their area of expertise more often than laypersons, they can still come to the wrong judgments through error, bias or dishonesty. Thus, the appeal to authority is at best a probabilistic rather than an absolute argument for establishing facts. Error, bias, or dishonesty. See how simply deferring to Miller outright without being objective isn't wise, especially the bias area? For Pete's sake, we just lived through 3 years of In Mack We Trust -- because he was with the Bombers in our glory yeas, been in pro football for 25, and has a ring in the NFL, but still did a TERRIBLE job --- and now you're suggesting we blindly switch to In Miller We Trust? I say we need higher standards moving forward.
  20. While I respect the spirit of your position, that was, without question, the most laughable example of an Appeal to Authority that I've ever seen. Check this -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority As the kids say, "logic fail."
  21. Is anyone trying to ret-con Crowton into being anything but a giant bust? Gawd, I almost forgot about the Gary Crowton experiment. It is really painful, the way this organization has been run since 08.
  22. Chamblin had 3 years as a DB coach and 1 as a DC before becoming HC while Khari has 4 years as a QB coach and 1 as OC but it's different for Chamblin because he was in Calgary and Hamilton and Khari was in Hamilton and SK? What is far more relevant is that CC went to a team with a decent roster, capable GM, and above average QB, and surrounded himself with a lot of experienced coordinators. KJ will be arriving to a deleted roster, no QB, no GM (certainly not one who chose him), and at this rate will have to scramble to find coordinators.
  23. Sure, but what if said GM is someone Miller chooses whom he has considerable influence over? Of course, business is always "one hand washing another" to a degree but the Bomber brain trust seems to take that to the next level.
  24. I would not want Higgins as HC & GM. While he's done it before and is more than capable I'm sure, I think we need a GM that's focused on finding good players, arranging camps, hiring scouts, and above all bringing in a good coach. So Khari as HC with a seasoned GM like Higgins and a good group of coordinators (Burke, Cortez, C Dicken, etc) might be okay, though if I were Khari I would still think long and hard about this one. Its going to be a tough gig for any HC. Maybe he should bide his time and get into the Calgary family tree after DD moves up, or come to WPG as an OC.
  25. but wally did just that when lulay went down with injury... so, theres that... if lulay didnt heal in time, bucky woulda been wallys starter.. No, he didn't. He brought in Buck mid-season as a stop-gap between his injured starter and his green back-up. He didn't sign Buck in May and say "heres the key, youre the man, now drive the bus the next 18 weeks."
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