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Everything posted by captaincanuck12

  1. I think that's the biggest issue. The team has no leader, and they are all searching for someone to look up to.
  2. Unfortunately Chevy isn't going anywhere with Mark "Loyal" Chipman.
  3. Blow this ******* team up already. Just a pathetic showing. Time to rebuild.
  4. 55 - 26 - 81 line doesn't know how to play defense. We saw that script last year. Bowness shouldn't be putting them together.
  5. Down 2 because demelo was watching the puck instead of his man
  6. ******* god awful pp. Even if by some miracle we make the playoffs... The Jets will be done in 4.
  7. Ffs. Another game where we give up the first goal.
  8. Helly back in net. Sweep the Blues. Get these points.
  9. Season slipping away. Top 6 forgot how to play. playoffs are a dream. this team makes me scream. Jets booking their tee times today!
  10. For fucks sake. A shitty bounce after we dictate play for 5 straight minutes.
  11. Agreed. HUGE GAME. Playoff game in March. Jets need some Ws.
  12. Well that game in Nashville is looming large now. Jets need PLD. They lose Saturday kiss the playoffs goodbye.
  13. Chicago is giving the Jets a break by leading Nashville 2-0.
  14. 0/5 pp. Jets have no puck luck. Need to start making their own. Season is slipping away
  15. 3 pp already in the first period? C'mon we gotta click.
  16. Really good pp.. how did Schiefs miss that open net???
  17. Un-*******-believable. Guy is wide open in the slot. And it's Baaaaahhhhston
  18. All things considered... 4 out of 6points on the road isn't too bad. I thought for sure this team was going to go 0/6. Got some hope down the stretch run
  19. Jets looked alright from the bit I saw. They almost tied the game. Hopefully they get equalizer in the first part of the 2nd. 3-1 now... *Sigh*
  20. If we could get at least 1 more point tonight, that would go a long way for the teams confidence, heading back home to face Boston.
  21. Wow... Sweep the series against the Lightning. Man alive they got outplayed today. But 2 wins in a row.
  22. Will that be called back for goaltender interference... And shorty given up... And TB pp. Jets can't do anything easy.
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