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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. '... if the referee would blow the fricken whistle!!!' Love the colour commenators.
  2. Klingberg could be a good fourth liner for the jets next year... Morrissey, ODell, Klingberg, Hutchinson - I'd say these guys are closest to NHL - maybe Redmond or Chiarot...
  3. We're probably playing a vanilla special teams scheme...
  4. Technically, Jerome Messam did have one kick return for 17 yards last year. So there.
  5. Some one doesn't pay attention to kick returns... but aside from that I don't particularly want Ford on the team all that much either. He's an OK change of pace runningback and servicable kick returner but you can do better than a guy like that. HA! That's right! I forgot about his KR... man.
  6. The funny part of this argument is that Messam sucks because he had 121 carries for 565 yards and 300+ yards REC... ...but Will Ford is a potential all-star because he had 113 carries for 595 and 47 yards REC. Don't think either of them plays ST.
  7. Glad you've got it all figured out. Three import OL and two import running backs sounds great.
  8. And don't complain when Bilikudi and Muamba come back to Canada this year either. Then we go from suck to blow on the ratio. Pretty sure I won't complain about that. I also wouldn't base my entire season on it either. Anyway, I'm tired of arguing about Messam... probably damaged goods anyway, just dont see the sense of not even taking a look.
  9. Filer in a walking boot and Wojt not practicing... not sure any OL are shaking out of Hamilton Or anywhere for that matter...
  10. Messam is the best NI RB to come available. Laurent was the best NI DT on the market. Lots of guys acting like its easy to just pickup NI talent in this league... that's cool, just don't complain when the ratio kills us this year.
  11. If Cotton goes down in a game and Messam is his backup, that is not a waste of a roster spot. I know we are fixated on the fact that Volny is irreplaceable on STs, but honestly, Eisho, Briggs or Jones will simply fill his role... and probably will anyway. With Newman down, we now have to waste a DI on LBs, add a DI at DL and DB... that leaves one for offence - it will be a REC.
  12. 6' and 245lbs... wherever he wants.
  13. Goossen and Morely seemed way more physical than Neufeld...
  14. Winnipeg media wants to have a winning team as much as the rest of us... they always offer up floaters to new coaches... wait for Labour Day.
  15. Taman loves veterans. I've got a newsflash for you... so does Walters and company
  16. Like four posts ago, you were Thunder and Lightning 2.0, get 'er done!
  17. What's with the Volny love? He played like three games last year and in 2012, his only year with meaningful playing time, he had a rushing avg of 3.7. We are not going to field a 44-man roster with two imports RBs, just not happening. Messam is an upgrade over Volny and, yeah, I'm not exactly stressed about replacing Volny's five ST tackles over three years... Talk about setting the bar low. Mack is gone, guys, we can dare to dream now.
  18. Really like his ST play... basically, an upgrade over West.
  19. We have zero non-import depth. Sign Messam, simply to replace Volny - who is our defacto running back and used as a 'change of pace'. Messam provides at least a chance to win the starting spot... Volny does not. If Messam surprises, we have our 7th starter... what's the harm in looking? Maybe a $5000 signing bonus if that? Messam is not going to get $125k... maybe 80-90... bring him in. I think you are overrating Messam by saying he has a chance to win the starting spot. He is a significant downgrade from any International we could put in that spot, and by a large margin. I'm not saying Volny is better but he at the very least is more versatile. We would be essentially be dressing Messam to play perhaps four plays per game? And what use is a running back who hasn't averaged more than 4.7 YPC for over two years? And that was with the Montreal offensive line! Well, there aren't really any other NI options out there - unless you bring in Matt Burke, which I would as well... and secondly, how do you know Messam won't perform unless you give him a look? Alouettes offence was a mess last year. Messam still got 500+ yards in 13 games... about the same as Will Ford... One of the Bombers problems that last few years is that we pronounce 'nope we don't want him, he doesn't fit' and pass on a lot of quality players... If KW is concerned about injuries, fine but to say that 'we are going import' is the wrong path, imo.
  20. We have zero non-import depth. Sign Messam, simply to replace Volny - who is our defacto running back and used as a 'change of pace'. Messam provides at least a chance to win the starting spot... Volny does not. If Messam surprises, we have our 7th starter... what's the harm in looking? Maybe a $5000 signing bonus if that? Messam is not going to get $125k... maybe 80-90... bring him in.
  21. 300 yards receiving for Messam last year... not asking to replace Cotton or Ford - and who cares if Volny plays ST, he still can't hold onto the ball Messam will not be commanding top dollar
  22. Didn't realize that Messam refused to play offence. You may have a point there, I don't think he fits with Etch's system.
  23. Well, Buono had no interest in Glenn... so fingers crossed.
  24. I think we will be fighting Montreal for last in the league... but am hoping for five or six wins. Linebackers and NI will hurt us. Linebackers - Biggest concern is Korey Banks and Desia Dunn - Etch seems to have them pencilled in as starters from Day One but they haven't shown much. Banks looks to have lost a step, maybe he's waiting for regular season... still, 35 is 35. Kuale - glad to have him, but for me, he's always been a poor man's Brandon Isaac... Didn't see enough speed from him last game - again, maybe he'll pour it on versus Toronto. Wild looks good, but he's better at WIL. NI Depth - passing over Laurent and then Messam, cutting NIs early in TC, banking our whole ratio on Watson's health... yikes.
  25. Cory Boyd can't block too. I think that was his point.
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