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Everything posted by AKAChip

  1. Who would by a CD at Safeway???
  2. The saddest thing about this game to me is that I've been the staunchest supporter of the CFL for as long as I can remember. I'd rather watch a CFL pre-season game between Calgary and BC than the Super Bowl and it's not even close. What's starting to turn me off is officiating. This game has been officiated so poorly on both sides that it's pathetic. Glen Johnson is widely considered one of the best officials in the league and it makes it even more depressing. The pass interferences called in this game on both sides on almost every deep ball have all been pathetic and after watching a few weeks of NFL football and seeing the significantly lower number of flags in a league that has rules that are even more strict than the CFL gets me so angry. Let them play. It's getting absolutely ridiculous.
  3. Boltus must be the worst QB in CFL history, He can't even do short-yardage properly.
  4. The snap was far from horrid... Usually when Rod Black says something like "the snap was way over his head" it usually means the exact opposite is true.
  5. After years of hoping, Jovon is finally hurt. It's about damn time.
  6. In Calgary there's Brad Sinopoli. He was a Hec Creighton winning qb who sat on the bench for 3 seasons. He was converted to receiver this season at training camp, a position he's never played & the guy has been great. He catches everything & makes good YAC yards after each catch. We have a first round pick with 16 catches in 3 seasons & Sinipoli with just a few months of experience at receiver is outplaying Etienne. This is pretty much a terrible argument. Brad Sinopoli has 33 catches for 411 yards and zero touchdowns this year. Granted that's not bad production out of a 4th or 5th option but to say he's been great is vastly overrating the guy. Despite being in a vastly inferior offense and missing games, Kohlert has one fewer catch. I accept that his numbers are better than Etienne's are this year but as I believe Mike said before, when he's actually played, he's been getting separation and making plays which in this offense is saying quite a bit. Is he incredible? No, but to praise the accomplishments of a very average Brad Sinopoli who no doubt has been put in every position to succeed and has put up no better per-game numbers than Jade is insanity.
  7. Jade Etienne is not Chris Bauman. Bauman was never supposed to be a "project" and he has been given multiple opportunities (including starting jobs) and has been injured or ineffective. We are a looooong way from putting Jade on that same list.
  8. You see it your way, I'll see it mine.
  9. I said I like Coehoorn as a player. He's decent enough and probably a top 10-NI receiver in the league (if that's saying anything). Let's keep in mind that he has Mike Reilly throwing to him and for the games Etienne was in and actually having success in, it was an entirely different story. I'm a fan of Etienne and am rooting for his success, you aren't. Simple as that and no need to argue it further. Although, I don't think anyone, including yourself, can deny that you are unnecessarily harsh on the guy. As far as Coehoorn being an ass, he's the kind of guy that likes to get up in the DBs grill after making a routine catch for a first down. I hate when Bomber receivers do it (even if they haven't had much chance to) and I really hate when other teams do it. Watch from any scrums that happen while the Esks are on offense. Guarantee you Coehoorn is to blame or at least a main antagonist in 80% of them.
  10. I'm digging this idea of going without a head coach for the last part of the season. Hopefully we actually win one of them to prove that literally having no coach is better than Tim Burke.
  11. We are happy to see Etienne succeed, however limited that success may be, because of people like you who seem to relish his failures. I know personally, the happiest moments of the season for me were his big play in Montreal and his TDs against Calgary. He's a good kid and he absolutely deserves credit for becoming a reasonably productive player this year. Poblah on the other hand, came in with all kinds of accolades and was given 10x the opportunities that Jade has and has shown nothing to inspire confidence from anyone. Two completely different scenarios and to compare Jade to Kito is completely ridiculous. I'm still confused about your point about Arthur. So you are reveling in Arthur's success and blame it on lack of playing time? Jade hasn't been given nearly the opportunities that Arthur has. Could this be one of your "rare" double standards? And as for Coehoorn, I think he's an ass but he's a serviceable receiver. However, I guarantee you that had Coehoorn been drafted by Mack you'd be crapping all over that pick as well because it's your MO and always has been. Coehoorn would be a slight upgrade over Jade right now, not nearly the upgrade you want to believe he would be and he's 3 years older.
  12. Also, just because Burke is an abomination as a head coach and we'd probably be in better hands with LaPo, it doesn't mean that LaPo was a competent coach by any stretch of the imagination. People pining for him are brainwashed by seeing him on television breaking down plays.
  13. And we'd be 5-0 in our last 5 if we kept Buck, right????
  14. He may flourish & he may not like Chris Bauman. Etienne has started & gone entire games without a catch. Jabari Arthur is finally playing like everyone thought he could in Calgary. How long do you wait? Considering you've been finding every excuse under the sun to not wait for him for almost 3 full years now, I find that comment to be pretty amusing. Three full years says it all. Thanks Mike. I think the point is, are you implying we should have waited 5 or 6 years for Jabari Arthur? That's what your previous post implies.
  15. After some time to think about this and get over the loss of one of the best DEs I have seen in my Bomber lifetime (IMO Hall is far better than Philip Hunt ever was), I guess I'm alright with this? I don't care much about the picks and Neufeld is at least something. I suppose my only issues stemmed from being in denial that Hall would leave and praying for the best. Neufeld is far from a can't miss prospect or even a marginal starter at this point but NI tackles, even half-decent ones are worth their weight in gold. I suppose it gives us some wiggle room in case one of Pencer or Swiston completely crap out as players. If all three end up being solid, it's a good problem to have. I'm sad because Alex Hall was one of the few bright spots on this team and was a favourite of mine since TC last year but no one with half a brain can deny that trades like these are the ones that have to be made to improve this roster. Once Burke is canned and we start filling holes with young players with a future rather than the hair-brained use of veterans for no apparent gain, there is no reason why things can't turn around much quicker than most of us suspect.
  16. Teague Sherman is not a prospect. He's a depth Canadian at best.
  17. Pretty valid point. Why does it bother you??? We are lost at quarterback. There is absolutely nothing new that can be said about the topic. Saying that Boltus and Hall sucked and aren't the answer is fine, but the bringing in a veteran angle has been played to death.
  18. I have very little interest in protecting January, Kelly or Edwards. I'd almost rather protect Jarvis Jones and use the other two spots for a signed Hall and Matthews if possible. Protecting a guy like Aaron Kelly would almost make me cry at the state of this team.
  19. How does how Levi Brown does have any influence on whether Kyle Walters should continue being GM of this team? What a ridiculous statement.
  20. Thank god someone brought up this entirely new topic of discussion.
  21. Boltus will never be ready. He was brought in as a warm body and putting him that game served no purpose. Hall wasn't great. He wasn't even good, but he led the team on a drive to end the half and while the pick-six was entirely his fault, he threw two TD passes (which with this offense is a miracle) and deserved to finish the game. Tanner Marsh throws four picks a game and he gets to finish them.
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