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Everything posted by Logan007

  1. Interesting. Not wowed or anything.
  2. Didn't I say where to skip to in the trailer. It's the only good part.
  3. My favorite part of that trailer starts at 1:31.
  4. I much preferred IM2 to IM3 personally. IM3 just felt so un-marvel.
  5. Stop reading my mind. I'm in the same boat. I enjoyed Thor, but found Thor 2 to be lacking. And that trailer was not what I expected either. I'm still not sure what to think about it.
  6. So basically this is A Different World?
  7. Yeah that doesn't bother me. Not all superhero's need to be adults.
  8. Actually I read the comments made by the producer who said that. But most people think she meant that after the second Spiderman movie, they're contract is up, meaning that they need to renew it to keep him in the MCU. I doubt Marvel/Disney will let him slip away again. And you're correct on the first part. This isn't an origin story. I believe he's been Spiderman for about 6 months to a year at this point.
  9. How am I supposed to know if they're magically inclined or not?
  10. Apparently. He has to share a spaceship with mudbloods. He's obviously going to kill them all.
  11. I'd love for him to help them out, but last time he did this for Marvel he burned himself out. I think he's trying to stay with just doing single films.
  12. Yeah, I'm getting tired of it but my wife wants to watch it so... But yeah, I liked it up until last year. They drag a story out all year long and in the last show clean everything up so easily.
  13. Noeller you watch Lethal Weapon? I tried watching an episode but I just couldn't get into it. I just don't feel the connection like the old Murtaugh and Riggs. I'm not sure when these shows come on, some I continue to watch because my wife likes it, others we both enjoy. Just me: - Iron Fist (finally got internet), Arrow, Agents of Shield, and The 100 (also old Star Trek, Friends and Corner Gas episodes) My kids and I: - The Flash and Star Wars Rebels (use to watch Supergirl but some of the content got sketchy for my kids in season 2) Wife and I: - Scorpion - Once Upon A Time (mostly for her) - This is Us - Gotham - Gilmore Girls (shut up I like it...this is an old show but we never watched it so we use this as filler when other shows aren't on) - The Big Bang Theory - Modern Family (only Faux show I don't mind...but the last few years it's been losing it's luster) - The Odd Couple (it's ok...not great but it does the trick when you need a comedy) Honorable mention, the new comedy Man With a Plan with Matt Leblanc is ok. Not really watching it, just every once in a while.
  14. She was terrible in the Office. She tries way too hard to be funny and it just comes out flat. Most of her comedy just seems more stupid then funny.
  15. Thank the maker. She is SO not funny. That show was awful.
  16. Saw that, looks pretty freaky. I'm not into horror but this looks good.
  17. Doom's voice was just so lame too. That guys voice is too nasely. You need someone with a baritone voice or something lower. And make him menacing for crying out loud. He was just so fluffy.
  18. That guy in the Wolverine costume is SO LUCKY!!!!!ONE!!1111!!!
  19. I really enjoyed Michael Chiklis as the Thing. I even liked the costume. The only thing that needed to be different for me was that he could have been taller. But Chiklis's voice to me was dead on for the Thing. Personally I like the first 2 F4 movies. They weren't "fantastic" by any means, but I didn't think they were bad. They were just a bit too slapstick and Dr. Doom needed to be more sinister then the weirdo that played him. With the effects now and if they gave it back to Marvel, I think it would all work out.
  20. Still, the Vulture costume has always been based on tech. But the old costume look just isn't realistic unless he had actual powers. Yes, it looks a bit too mechanical, but it needs to be something similar to what Falcon uses seeing as how their wings where pretty much similar. I'm not a HUGE fan of the Vulture costume in the movie, but I have to ask myself, how else could they have done it without looking hokey? The reason the costume doesn't sit well with me is because it reminds me of what they did with the Rhino in the Amazing Spiderman. But even more so in that movie because the Rhino was supposed to have powers and they just made him into this stupid machine costume which looked horrendous.
  21. Spiderman looking good. Looks like he starts off with the suit Stark made for him and then reverts back to the old suit when Stark takes the new one away.
  22. They're being tight lipped about it. Also, GL will probably only be at the very end of the movie. Superman will probably come in at about the 2nd or 3rd act.
  23. Looks ok. I can't stand the look of Cyborg though. It just looks CGI and takes me right out. They should have done a CGI/Real Costume combo. I don't like the Flash's costume either but at least it looks real.
  24. Zack Snyder...he lifts up your hopes, only to then throw them down on the ground and crush them while laughing.
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