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Everything posted by Logan007

  1. Ooo, you're 100% organic? When the world comes to an end I'm eating you first.
  2. We eat a lot of organic stuff, but we also realize the organic market is not regulated as well as it should be. They put the word "organic" on things but the term doesn't mean what everyone thinks it means. I looked up the place you're buying your meat from. And I noticed something in the description of the meat: This beef is raised free range, pastured on grass & natural vegetation "Natural vegetation" could mean corn, barley, etc... That's all natural vegetation. Just because they pasture it on grass doesn't mean that's all they feed them. I'm not saying they aren't all grass fed, maybe you're right and they're telling the full truth. But just be careful, because what you may think you're getting might not be what it is. You sometimes have to read between the lines. It doesn't say they don't feed their beef any filler, but who knows. In any case, it's not that the beef would be bad, but just not what you might think it is. I've bought grass fed beef in the past and normally it's more expensive than regular beef.
  3. According to this whole thread, I have surmised that iHeart watches TV 24/7 and does not ever sleep.
  4. Umm... wow. Ok, well for one, there's no fiber in white flour compared to whole wheat. White flour is basically a simple carb as it's been refined and is one of the causes of diabetes as it spikes your blood sugar. It basically acts like sugar once your body tries to digest it. Don't believe me, ask any doctor if a diabetic should eat white flour. When you're eating simple carbs, you're basically spiking your blood sugar (as I said), which can cause a crash not long after you eat them. Ever wonder why you're tired about a half an hour to an hour after eating white pasta? Eating like that can lead to serious health issues. Just because you're not feeling it now, doesn't mean you won't feel it down the road.
  5. I'm not talking about just losing weight though, I'm talking about overall health.
  6. It's also the type of carbs you're eating as well. White flour vs whole grain. Starchy vs complex. Etc...
  7. To be fair to Leto, we didn't really get to see the Joker he crafted. We only got bits and pieces. They edited out so much of what he did that we never really saw the Joker in full. I remember watching a video with him saying that they cut more then half of what he was led to believe was going to be in the film and when he saw it he was quite taken aback as there was so much more. I wouldn't mind seeing him one more time as the prime villain in a movie to see what he can really do.
  8. There's been a few Robin's in the comics. Jason Todd was the one "killed" by the Joker, so the assumption is that was the Jason Todd Robin suit. **** Grayson turned into Nightwing.
  9. I believe Deathstroke is starting to be removed as the villain of the Batman movie.
  10. As someone who worked with voodoochylde, can confirm the before and after. I remember when you first worked with me you were overweight, then you left and came back and it was like night and day. You did some amazing work to get yourself back into shape.
  11. I've always been skinny. At age 18 I was 120 lbs. My uncle lent me his weight set with some books and in a year I was at about 135lbs. Started getting serious about weight training and over some years I eventually got up to 155 lbs fairly lean. Got married, had kids, still trained but got lax and the added a small bit of fat and reached 165 lbs at my max. Unfortunately almost 5 years ago now, I started dealing with health issues where I'd get wiped out if I did too much exertion. Doctors aren't sure what it was but labeled me with chronic fatigue syndrome. But at a minor level compared to what others with the same thing have. I could still go to work, it was only if I overexert myself or get too stressed out that things got worse. So I had to lessen the kind of weights I lifted by A LOT and because of it my muscle mass started dropping. We've since moved to another house and I had to put my weight lifting on hold because it's all in my garage with half of our other crap because we just had the basement done, but I still go for walks and try and deadlift things around the house to keep me in shape, but I've since gone back down to 135 lbs, and I'm now back up to 140 lbs. I'm also less tired lately (so far) and have been able to do more lifting of boxes and what not, so it's possible I'm getting better. We'll see once I have my weights set up and I can start lifting again to see if it's really going away or if it's just because I've paused on lifting. But otherwise I'm feeling healthy at 44. Go for walks every day. Trying to start doing Tai Chi. Working around the house and yard (we have 2 acres now). We eat fairly good food. Lots of veggies a bit of fruit. Try to not eat at night. I rarely eat chocolate or sweets. I only drink water. My only vice is salty stuff, and I haven't had that for quite some time...except my wife just bought a bunch of chips so...there may be some weakness in my near future.
  12. Shut up! YOU'RE crying! Glad things turned out at least reasonably well for him.
  13. Thank goodness. This could have destroyed a lot of TV/Movies for the next 6 months to a year just like it did back in 2007-08.
  14. Yes it is. I haven't seen it yet but it's had good reviews, but it looks freaky.
  15. I enjoyed quite a few of his movies. But some where bad. Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs, and Split were all good. I also liked The Village but not as much. And The Visit is supposed to be good too. The rest were garbage.
  16. The % yes, I agree, but the rating is usually on point.
  17. Really? RT has it at 87% as of this morning with a rating of 7.2/10 which is pretty decent. The first one had 91% with 7.8/10. Not that I listen to any of those guys, but that seems pretty close.
  18. Not quite the same, but I remember years ago, Deep Impact and Armageddon released the same year, both about asteroids hitting the Earth. And another year it was Dante's Peak and Volcano, both about eruptions. But I know what you mean. I can't see this working if it's just the same story.
  19. I remember hearing that story and it sounds about right. I couldn't remember the exact details but it's something along those lines.
  20. This other Jungle Book is not being made by Disney. This is being made by Warner Bros. Disney is very happy with how their version of the Jungle Book turned out. I don't know why WB's is bothering to do this.
  21. Yeah I'll definitely give it a shot. I just meant the trailer didn't wow me or anything.
  22. I'm curious how they're going to do Aquaman as well. That image of him underwater in BvS was lame. I'm not sure I could handle a completely underwater movie if it looks like that. I also wonder how they'll handle them talking underwater. It will be weird if they have them using telepathy or something like that, or if we're going to have to read subtitles because they're talking like whales or dolphins.
  23. You forgot two major ones: Star Wars: Han Solo Avengers: Infinity War
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