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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. After a few more gulps, last night.....have concluded that there are far worse things.....than arguing about how the Bombers are winning football games.... Carry on.
  2. Somebody got confused...and pointed the tracks, the wrong way....
  3. ...modern day equivalent...of The Underground Railway...
  4. ....or is it a corkscrew shape?
  5. This thread has taken on a rather circular shape, indeed......
  6. Bulcke goes to the marked Regina house address....and finds it padlocked....
  7. Surprised the Riders haven't signed the CFL's best athlete, yet....
  8. We are 4-4.....don't hear any parade, in the background. But, Bombers have played some pretty good football, in all three phases.....and when it comes to the 6-8 key plays in any game - have been the team making them. Also like the fact, that as far as the physical play - we are now the ones who knock..... Some folks point to Nichols stats and are not that impressed. Well, what good did Willy's "numbers" do us? Confidence is a two-edged sword...and is very contagious... Bombers have been finally finding ways to win. The deal, going forward... is finding other ways, when we don't force a zillion turnovers, or have to come from behind late, etc...
  9. They are already paying Taman and Chamblain for 2 more years......
  10. Don't want to use the ole blanket, here......some Rider posters did blame Jones - but it was the others, who made the most noise....
  11. Hey sometimes I do have to work, you know.......,
  12. Bit of overview, as I have spend some time over there: At the beginning of this season.....RF was just brimming with pretty strident, snide, and real contemptuous comments about how the Bombers were trying to build the wrong way, though FA, with "declining veterans", Harris, Smith and Dressler..... Walters was an inept GM who would have to do plenty of "scrap heaping" to put together a losing roster, team had no depth, etc, etc.. Meanwhile Jones/Murphy and their amazing scouting staff would instantly turn the Riders into a playoff contender....and create some sort of dynasty, in the very near future. Hasn't quite turned out that way. Anyone with a objective eye... would realize that taking over a pretty lousy roster in Sask (end of last year), then applying a big bundle of dynamite to it....would take you right back to ground zero. At least a 2 year job to fix this thing. A lot of the current anger, over there... stems from the unrealistic expectations, placed on Jones, in the first place. In addition, Jones the rookie GM has had some bumps and lumps, along the road in recruitment, trades and his own FA's. Jones the DC, currently has the worst D in the league. Jones the coach, has also had some in-game and roster issues. When some of us attempted to point out the improved depth on the Bomber roster....well, there was plenty of ha ha, ho ho, in response. The Bombers beat the Argos with 2 rookie OL, 3 rookie receivers and 4 rookie DB's. That is called depth. To put this into further perspective - it is Walter's 3rd year... Meanwhile, somewhat ironically.... it has been the Riders, installing a revolving door to their clubhouse and "scrap heaping" wildly in all directions. As far as the cheating thing.....Rider fans were completely correct in the stance that "everyone does it". But Jones simply saw fit to take the existing rules, and in a not so subtle manner.... drive an 18 wheeler right through them, and back it up over them again. When a nail sticks up that far above the others.....it is the one that will get hammered down. As far as people cranking on Riders fans about this - it was in fair measure...their response to these revelations, that helped turn up the heat. BLM was blamed, Orrage was blamed, the (not kidding here)...league wide envy of the Riders, was blamed, the CFL as a league, was conspiring against them.......and so on. It was even suggested that the CFL should dare not single out the "flagship franchise" of the league. Everybody blamed, by a lot of Rider fans - except for Chris Jones. Good news is that the shouting has begun to die down, and folks are talking football again. RF is a very active board with real passionate fans, who live and die, with the ole football team - I will never knock them for that.
  13. We have faced our own challenges. We beat TO with 2 rook OL, 4 rooks in secondary, and 3 at receiver.......in a couple of weeks, this roster should be stronger... The backup QB's we have beat the last 2 weeks.....are 4-1 against non-Bomber teams God, am I turning into a sunshine boy, here?
  14. Also don't see people coming in clean and untouched, while a couple of Bomber OL simply exchange glances.......
  15. See a lot more overall depth. We won a game with 5 rooks in secondary, 2 other games with 4. That is insane.... Past Bomber teams would of been totally smoked back there...
  16. Helps that we no longer have an OC who was completely inept in drawing up schemes against D pressure packages, as well.....
  17. Been on RF for 12 years.....anyone who calls me a troll, there.....can simply take a hike....
  18. After this week, checked to see if had one of these. Nope... the adventure continues...
  19. Jones needs a win or two now....even though he is really not going anywhere.
  20. Thank you mods...for allowing me to drink on-site....
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