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Posts posted by Zontar

  1. i hate this ruling.


    the judge found the TiCats letter notifying Williams that they were exercising their right (as expressed in his bleeping contract!) to his option year insufficiant...


    what in the tapdancing **** were they supposed to do that would be sufficiant?


    send him an invitation engraved on a silver plate written in gothic caligraphy in iambic pentameter?




    Irony being the ruling proved Wms. agent to be a liar as the first version of their argument they peddled was they received no notification.


    Like Regina cops are going to go out of there way to trump up an assault charge against two Riders and let supposed gang members off the hook.


    Exactly.  Just doesn't make sense.


    Cops probably spent three weeks trying to figure out how to water down the charge or add a token charge to one of the victim's buddies to make look like a run of the mill bar fight but Dwight and Taj did a hospital job on the guy - cops hands were tied.

  3. I had to laugh when I went on RF and saw that a couple posters thought aggravated assault meant assault you were provoked into.




    Like Regina cops are going to go out of there way to trump up an assault charge against two Riders and let supposed gang members off the hook.


    its a fishbowl out there all right for players and silly, dumb fans.


    You sign dickbags like Anderson and this is what you get. SSK , the whole org., deserves every bit of negativity they get.

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