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Posts posted by Zontar

  1. Missed the game cause I was out pretending to be an athlete but checked the score in the pub afterwards and was shocked to see it was a high scoring close game. Way The edmonton Offense that good or the Toronto defense that bad or combo of both?


    Combo of both. TOR secondary looked soft often  but EDM had to make tough catches too that boosted Reilly's stats.


    EDM's secondary is a joke -every bit as bad as WPG's and makes HAM's look air-tight.


    Ray used a ton of deek and dunk to goose his stat total, which is fine, but it sent TSN/Cuthbert/Suitor into multiple orgasms ,


    It was awful. Like Rod Black Cahoon/Calvillo awful.

  2. When I was kid watching games at IWS whenever a bad call happened a huge sign would emerge high atop the north stands (those who have been here can visualize) "CFL Refs Suck".


    A serious set - up. Two big poles, the sign must have been made of canvas (probably from an old school tent). Fans would applaud.


    Overly 3 decades later , funny, how little has changed. It's an old accusation from fans "refs ruined the game" but this came pretty damn close.


    What a horribly called game.

  3. Wellington county stuff is great if you get the chance. Their brown ale made me stop getting Newcastle so much - and that's saying something.


    Love Mill St. Stock Ale, less so the Tankhouse. Steamwhistle is great in the summer but pilsner seems less enjoyable other times in the year. Is this just me ?

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