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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Sombody should tell Matt Hasselbeck that getting the ball first is a big advantage.
  2. No it was decided by Falcons D failure to stop Patriots.
  3. The damage was done in the first half for the Falcons D. Even though they were down a pile the Pats had the ball for 20 minutes. By the time 4th quarter came around they were gassed. It ended up being 40 min to 23 min by the end of the game.
  4. The CFL is well known for keeping info out of the medias hands.
  5. Pretty sure independent auditors go over the numbers.
  6. Grey and Vandervoort if they can some how swing it.
  7. Nak vs Zayne at Takeover Dallas was match of the year last year. Really like what they are doing with Eric Young and Sanity on NXT.
  8. I get that Corney plays DE but they rotate guys in and out for different sets.
  9. Maybe the Westerman brothers have been talking to each other while Walters is in the room lol
  10. Jake Thomas Butcher and Corney I think can take up the reps on the DL to keep it 2 Canadians there.
  11. That's how he debuted in NXT jeans and a tshirt
  12. The rumble match had its moments. Did not like ending was really hoping that Jericho would pull out his first rumble then use the next two months to build him and Owens. NXT takeover was really good the night before. Really like what they are doing with Eric Young.
  13. It's league mandated after last years Redblacks and Eskimo arguement over Maas
  14. Believe there is a deadline approaching where other teams coaches are off limits.
  15. Really excited for the Rumble the entrant list is the best in years. Hopefully some good surprises during it. The other matches also look pretty fantastic. Love the build up to mania.
  16. Full list of Rider cuts Wonder if the Bombers will check in with Chambers.
  17. I predict that they make a run at a couple big name guys in the first hours. Sit back and wait and sign a few guys later in the week when you can get some better deals. Hopefully Van Zyle makes it to free agency I would go after him pretty aggressively.
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