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Posts posted by Chaosmonkey

  1. The transit deal was all but done several weeks ago, with both the Bombers and City declaring it a better solution. Then the Bombers board rejects the nomination of Sam Katz' buddy Jeff Rabb to a seat on the BOD. Now suddenly, "after careful consideration", the city decides to reject the transit deal. Big surprise.


    It was a done deal between the bombers and transit, the city still had to okay it. Which, even in the first article from April 30th, Miller said "If councillors don't want to pass it, then they don't have to pass it."

  2. As per my post last year, I like white beers.


    Tried a new one from the LC this weekend, Shock Top. 


    White beer with a lemon flavor added. I also got a raspberry one that I might get into today.


    The first few sips were terrible, it tasted like furniture polish, the lemon taste was just gross. But after the first few sips, the lemon taste really mellowed out, so I'm assuming it must have separated a bit and had a bunch sitting on top.


    It was really, really good then. I would get it again for sure (if I can, I got the last one of each flavor of the shelf, and from what I hear other LC stores can't keep them on the shelf either), just will pour it into a glass instead of drinking from the can. 

  3. illegal contact on a receiver is what is called when there is interference before the ball is thrown.


    pass interference is what is called when the ball has already left the QBs hands.


    If a DB interferes with a receiver and the ball is already en route to another spot on the field, unless it was something egregious, keep your flags in your pockets. 


    If a DB takes a jam play too far, pulls and tugs, etc. at a receiver before the ball is thrown, which may cause the QB to take another read, maybe even hold onto the ball and get sacked, etc, throw the flag, 10 yard penalty. replay the down.


    Looks like the coach Burke is a big fan of the Gif





    The New York Times profiled Tim Burke, the man responsible for creating the majority of sports gifs that get passed around on the internet. He works 16 hours a day sitting at his workstation staring at 10 monitors, all playing sports.


    I like how they had this gif linked in that article 



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