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Posts posted by Noeller

  1. that's why PVR's were invented.  Also - if I didn't have a bunch of Bruins and Hawks playing from my playoff pool I wouldn't really be giving two shits about this final.

    We're going to be streaming the Bomber game on CJOB.com and then have the Hawks game on the TV in the background. Best of both worlds...but I'll tell you, if I'd just sat through an entire offseason, and finally had a chance to get to the stadium to FINALLY watch some ball, there's no way in hell I'd be at home. Especially with perfect weather!!

  2. I got laughed at last night after playing flag football for saying I was going to listen to a CFL preseason game on the radio... no one understands just how good Bob Irving is... We Bomber fans are damned lucky to have that man calling games for us. 

    I'm not sure I've been as excited for anything in a long time, as I am to listen to Bob Irving call a Bomber game tomorrow night....

  3. I still remember when Odell Willis phoned me to ask me where I wanted to meet him to pick up my Swaggerville shirts. I don't even want to know what he was on, but I swear it must have been something interesting for him to have introduced himself as "The Master of the Cosmic Universe and Ruler of Swaggerville"

    He was a mess...no question about it.


    For those who aren't following along on Twitter, Mack says it's basically a non-issue and that it's his understanding that the whole thing will just go away. Hefney will play tomorrow vs Toronto, and his status with the club will be judged solely on his performance, and not anything to do with this incident.

  4. yup, same here.


    On top of that, I hate to say it but maybe they're UNDER moderating over there. 8 of the last 9 threads with replies in them were all created by that Access_Blue guy, who is very clearly a troll.

    The only real "over-modding" so far has been Mark H, who I have nothing but respect for. He's (IMHO) prematurely shut down some threads and deleted comments that didn't really need to be, but whatever...all good. 


    Personally, I hate censorship, and love internet fighting...but that's just me......

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