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Posts posted by braddman19


    If we put this time into Muamba and he walks, we end up being farther behind than we were in the beginning.


    Trying to Build that MLB position as NI, without a viable exceptional backup, is short-sighted.


    There are two starting NI LB's in a whole league.  Your alternative to Muamba is another NI receiver.



    Sorry, I meant moreso that you have to have another viable NI who can step in, regardless of the position.   Thanks for pointing that out.

  2. It is really too bad they FA system kicks in so early in the CFL.  3 seasons is just not enough to evaluate and mold the player.


    A "franchise" like tag could potentially help retain players for longer periods of time.


    I guess no matter what though, if you don't have a good team, you can't expect to retain your players without throwing ridiculous amounts of money at them.

  3. For real, I was happy after the win.....


    But I am ecstatic after the trade.  The media is going to be peeing themselves in happiness over all the positives to write about.


    .... until it comes to light that Goltz's knee injury is far far worse than any of us suspected  (just a prediction).


    I was all for Buck in year one, marvelled at his fearlessness, willingness to take a hit to make a play..... but that excitement went away as the injuries ramped up, and the production went down.  Who knows, the move to BC behind a better OLine might re-ignite his career.


    Best of luck Buck in the future.

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