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Posts posted by braddman19


    Too many issues on the team, not a good environment for him. Chose to leave.


    Good riddance if this is true. Bad attitude. Don't need any more 'me first' kinda guys on this team.



    I think it is unfair to label him as "Bad attitude" and a 'me first' kinda guy.


    If the situation is anything other than what you may have been led to believe, then it is better to get out before you get in too deep.    At least this didn't happen after a couple weeks when we had really high hopes.

  2. If a player were to suffer a career ending injury or a concussion, is the team financially responsible for that player (assume a player with a year remaining on a contract suffers a concussion and then can't play for the duration of the contract).


    Is the team able to cut an injured player in the offseason, or are they stuck paying that player who has a carry-over injury?

  3. Curious on this though, if the end-game is to get Rottier off of his team, Hervey sure did a shitty job of trying to hide his feelings.


    Here, I would like to trade you Rottier, but I warn you, he plays like garbage, smells funny, and likes to do needle-work...... so I would like your very best offer.

  4. Here is my hope for Pencer.  


    When he does eventually get put in, he knocks a defender to the ground, and tells them that they can stop bringing the house every down, because they will have to pick a defender up off the field after every play.


    Our O-Line needs to get meaner, knock someone on their ass, and show them that they are tired of having defences running rough-shod all over them.

  5. RBs sucking pretty much falls under the offensive game plan though.


    When we are down 20 points in the 1st qtr, they aren't going to run the ball because they are trying to get points faster.




    RBs suck because the Oline doesn't open up any holes




    RBs suck because everyone keys on the run because we can't move the ball by passing....




    RBs suck because there is no coaching


    Take your pick.


    If Woodson is healthy sure give him some touches, its been a while since he has been healthy.

  6. I voted no, mainly because I come to the site for user created content.  


    I constantly go over the Free Press and the Sun daily for my Bomber news anyways.  I just think that having a separate thread that has only a link to a story creates too much stuff to try and sort through here on MBB

  7. Impressed that the Bombers didn't cave to pressure and put Buck back in.  


    Hall gets a 2nd start, and we can go from there.  


    So could we put an end to the whole Buck should be #1 thing until after the friggin game at least.  The team has made their choice, so accept it for whatever amount of time it lasts.

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