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Posts posted by bluto

  1. I think BC is in that same boat at qb. Behind Lulay, could Joey Elliott lead that team if he had to?? I know there are fans here who feel he got the short end of the stick from Burke when released. I think Lulay drives that team. Just as Henry Burris, Ricky Ray, Darian Durant, Buck Pierce & AC drive their team. Calgary is fortunate to have Kevin Glenn who can pick up the pieces should Tate go down again. 


    i think Elliot is going to be Wally's next pupil to bloom under his tutelage... then trigger a FA bidding war.

    (which, if it happens, could make things very interesting at 315 Chancellor Matheson Rd.


    In the West, it's gonna be between the Stamps & BC... Discuss...


    maybe maybe not. Stamps (and by that I mean Tate) has something to prove I think. I think that's the safe bet right now but I dunno if Tate can make it through the season healthy or if he can actually be the guy the team needs him to be if he does. Durant takes a lot of crap and I get that but he is still capable of being a good qb in the west so if the stamps have a hiccup then the riders might be able to pass them. I think the only thing everyone agrees on is that Edmonton is looking to bring up the rear simply based on the massive gamble they are taking at qb.


    i'm not sold on the Stamps being back either. that might just be from my particular standpoint (since we pretty much handled them all three times we met them and the one time they were close, it took a 450 yard, record breaking return game by Taylor to even make it close)... but mainly i think it's because in the Grey Cup, Coach Jones exposed them as the one dimensional team that they were.

    once you take away Cornish (as we did, 3 times), they just don't have a viable "plan B"...

    ...i think that Huf and Dave **** have major work to do to avoid all 7 teams employing that (winning) strategy against them. 

  3. PS - how do I respond to more than one quote?  I hit "multi-quote" and it gives me only 1 quote as an option.  How do I change that?



    I don't know... I'm not actually a doctor.


    you click the multi-quote tab on every post you was to reply to... it looks like that ^^

  4. ahh yes, the great and powerful Barker, infallible as a GM, never makes a mistake and has amazing mind control powers and is able to make players do whatever he wants.  :rolleyes:


    The ticats were willing to give Williams a new contract, he decided to be an ass about it and demand his release, even going as far as to take it to an arbitrator to try and get out of it. Clearly he did not want to be in Hamilton, that's the major difference there. He thinks he'd be an NFL player if he only had his release and only his release is enough. You can call it whatever you want but the player has an ego on him that won't allow him to even consider the CFL.


    i respect your opinion (and iso's), but i see that as accepting excuses. i gave 3 examples of where a GM who is a better people-person and salesman (they didn't hang the reputation of Barker the used car salesman for nothing) got a better result.

    situations and people are always different, but looking back at Khalif Mitchell's 8 minute interview vowing never to report, he wanted a release, he wanted to pursue his NFL opportunities, he wanted to be traded to the team of his choosing... and yet Barker brought him in and it never went to an arbitrator. don't tell me Williams isn't easier to deal with than Mitchell...

  5. But, I'm not talking about a new contract because Williams has a valid contract just like Kackert & Owens do. So,  the closing part you refer to, I don't understand because Obie already closed Williams in 2010. No, I'm talking about Kackert & Owens saying they don't want to  play anymore regardless of their contracts so they want out to explore more NFL opportunities. Or say four or five other Argos also expressed the same desire & didn't show up for camp or played during the season. Then how would you feel?


    right, but here's the thing: having a contract to hold him to is leverage. Austin had some and used it wrong. Barker had very little but played it perfectly.


    as for Williams not wanting to play there at all, well, that's Austin's job to persuade him to do so, isn't it?


    Khalif Mitchell didn't want any part of coming to Toronto and was adamant that he wouldn't... but Barker played that right. he called him every day and tried to accommodate his desire to play in Calgary (which didn't happen since Huf hates Toronto) while gently asserting to the press that he expects players to honour their contracts to the Argos... and worked on the situation and now Mitchell is in camp.


    closers close.

  6. Bluto, what if Kackert & Owens did the same thing? Would you still be so understanding & saying use an iron fist covered with a velevt glove? In this situation there was nothing to close. He is still under a valid contract. He's being a Richard.


    Glad you mentioned that, buddy. Excellent examples of my principle:


    When the Chads contracts were up, Barker actually was in a weaker bargaining position than Austin is. Both Owens and Kackert had contract offers from the NFL (both Jets iirc) and were free to go. But Barker closed them on inking deals with the Boatmen... and the rest is GC history.


    Closers close. Everyone else makes excuses why they didn't close.


    yup. the only person he's obligated to look out for is himself. he has one shot in his life to play for hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions. 


    sucks that he likely won't trust them enough to sign a new 1+1 with a "gentleman's agreement" to release him. Hamilton misplayed this situation, imo. the new GM coming in (Austin) could have played "good cop" and offered him Chad Owens type money and promised a release (if he still wanted one) after one season... but instead he circled the wagons and dug in.

    iron fist is fine... but you should wear a velvet glove over it.



    Have offered him more money, more CFL money isnt what he's after, he wants out. Cant play the nice cop when he doesnt want to be here.


    i don't think "nice cop" was ever put on the table in the first place. but i wasn't in the room or on the conference call so we'll never know.


    all i know is that closers close. and Austin didn't close his deal.

  8. I kind of understand where Williams is coming from.  There are lots of things that could go wrong for him in an 18 game season. Is it worth the risk of ruining his dream of playing in the NFL for the salary he is getting?


    yup. the only person he's obligated to look out for is himself. he has one shot in his life to play for hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions. 


    sucks that he likely won't trust them enough to sign a new 1+1 with a "gentleman's agreement" to release him. Hamilton misplayed this situation, imo. the new GM coming in (Austin) could have played "good cop" and offered him Chad Owens type money and promised a release (if he still wanted one) after one season... but instead he circled the wagons and dug in.

    iron fist is fine... but you should wear a velvet glove over it.

  9. Dont really understand all of the Colin Bashing going on here. At least he has stayed classy on his forum. Posting links to here on his forum was trashy.


    Anyway, site looks good. Hopefully this thread isnt an example of what this site has to offer because you guys have the potential for something great here.


    what? like lying about his mods (that he was so grateful to for running the site that he abandoned and let turn into $h!t) being welcome back... when he'd already delete-banned their butts outta there?


    hopefully this holier-than-thou post isn't an example of what you have to offer...



  10. I don't necessarily disagree but if Arland Bruce can can be traded at any point in the season, Hefney would at least fetch a pick or two I figure.


    As for your question, this is all based on a tweet by Penton and I thought his logic to get to that conclusion was rather weak. If anything it seems like a motivational tactic by Burke.


    if Mack could do that, i'd be impressed.

  11. ...because he wouldn't release him? It's not like he would have no trade value during the season so why would it make a difference now?


    the point is though, if a GM is shopping a veteran, it's unlikely he'll be keeping him.


    anyway, how certain are we that Hefney is in the doghouse?

  12. http://www.edmontonjournal.com/sports/football/edmonton-eskimos/Eskimos+offensive+lineman/8478644/story.html  



    EDMONTON - There’s a good reason why Don Oramasionwu became a consistent force on the Edmonton Eskimos’ defensive line last year.

    The six-foot-two, 289-pound nose tackle is a massive guy with a huge barrel chest and quick feet.

    “Over his last three or four years, he’s really worked on his body,” said Eskimos defensive line coach Leroy Blugh, who played with Edmonton from 1989-99. “He’s kind of unique. There’s not too many guys I played with who were that big who could still move that well. He moves very well for a very big guy.”

    Oramasionwu, or Donny O as he’s sometimes called, said he was always in the weight room during the off-season.

    “If you’re not improving yourself, you’re getting worse, so I just work hard on improving my body and improving my conditioning,” he said.

    Oramasionwu, who celebrated his 27th birthday on Tuesday, doesn’t think he’s any bigger this season than he was last year, although he may have a little more muscle and may be a bit stronger.

    “I’m probably more cut (his physique), my endurance is up,” he admitted.

    Oramasionwu made 25 defensive tackles, three for losses, and five quarterback sacks last season while rotating through the two interior line positions with Ted Laurent and Almondo Sewell.

    “We all played the exact same amount. We pretty much cycled in every three or four plays,” Oramasionwu said. “We’re probably going to do the same thing. We’re all interchangeable and we have fun in there just beating up interior O-linemen.

    “We’re a year more together, so we’ll be more improved than last year.”

    Oramasionwu was upset during the off-season when rumours out of Winnipeg suggested the Eskimos were trying to deal the five-year veteran back to his hometown, where he started his CFL career with the Blue Bombers in 2009.

    “There was something, but coach (Kavis Reed) called me and said that they were exactly that, just rumours, so I was able to concentrate on coming back here,” said Oramasionwu. “Everybody has trade rumours going around at one point in your career, true or false. I just had to focus on making myself better and helping this team win.

    “I love playing here, so you can’t let that affect you. You’ve got to keep training hard and be the best player you can be.”


    © Copyright © The Edmonton Journal


  13. No, rtgere's been instances where players were fined daily for missing camp in a contract dispute. Happened in the CFL in the past & in the NHL, NFL, NBA & MLB. Guys wanted their contracts renegotiated & stayed away & teams fined them by the day for not being there. Players can't have their way here... others will try the same crap.


    right... so fine him from money that he isn't trying to collect since he's staying home?


    catch my drift?

  14. I'm all for teams paying their players what they are worth & would love to see the CFL salary cap go up to $5 million with the new tv deal as the players deserveto be paid much  more... But I'm also not a fan of a player breaching his contract & acting entitled either. In this case, an arbitrator rules against Williams. The Ti cats should do whatever they can legally to make his life uncomfortable to stop more of this kind of thing from happening in the future.Williams threw down the gauntlet. Now, let's see him walk through it.


    he's only breaching it if he tries to play elsewhere. it's his right to sit.

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