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Everything posted by bluto

  1. The only real excuses this week would be if the Bombers fail to capitalize on beating the Champions who are in effect, serving themselves up on a double blue platter for it.
  2. FWIW, I have both of Paul's books in the provided links. They each tell a fascinating story about a bizarre time and place in the lore of a storied team. I don't know if any MBB posters will part with their hard-earned to get them, but they're a great read for any CFL fan.
  3. Saturday was weird. We had nothing to play for (and it showed) and the Cats are in a battle for 2nd, saw the Als win their game earlier and should've been desperate to avoid being swept. The Argos went up by two touchdowns early on and it looked like the Cats just quit. Collaros will be facing a talented defence... but it will be a completely undisguised one. The Argos did absolutely nothing fancy and never so much as tried to hide a blitz. I think that giving Zach the ability to read us that well will likely get us beat. Dinwiddie has said that he plans to sit Kelly in two games. I can't figure that this would be one. (Likely in our pair against Ottawa). So if Kelly is playing, that means that our first choice O-Line definitely is. But they've only let him get sacked 12 times this year (and only once in the last 6 games). I think that what we'll do exactly what we always do on offence. But like against Hamilton, it was a very bland version where we didn't do anything that wasn't pretty straightforward. I'd love to win this one since the Argos are now chasing history (in their 150th season)... But in reality the only thing that matters is getting to November 11th with all of our first choice players healthy. Prediction: Bombers win. Javon Leake runs a punt back for a TD. Kelly has a one play scoring drive at some point.
  4. Just checked in to our room. On the way to the tailgate. Will be using youse guys to keep tabs on the early game.
  5. He didn't come here for the role he is now in either. He was the starter but time had caught up to him and he couldn't do the full workload by himself so we ended up bringing back a stocky personal trainer with a mullet who we'd cut earlier in the season. Apparently he'd accepted his role this season though and signed a contract which reflects it.
  6. Think that he was legit mad? I read it more as if it was the competitive fire of a star veteran who didn't like being supplanted by the newer model.
  7. The early season was definitely soft with our 3 Bye weeks completed by Week 11 (of 21). We always knew that there was a 10 week run with no Bye week to finish the season. So for a change, we got out in front and stayed there. I'm so accustomed to a last month scramble that having 6 weeks to chill is completely alien.
  8. If Kelly is playing, then our first choice O-Line is playing. So as long as 12 is in the game, we aren't taking our foot (all of the way) off the gas. I almost feel the same about Pickett. I don't even think we have a backup who can cover his role.
  9. Makes sense. It was an ugly looking hit and I think that we all were happy to see him get up and trot off the field. The hit may have been the product of a slow or high throw. I don't blame the DB for going low, a DB will always go low on 33. Going to be a lot of 6-game fookery happening to allow us to hit our cap numbers. Guys like Muamba and Bladek are still floating around.
  10. Deonta McMahon (who impressed in TC and looked good in spells last week) and of course there's Javon Leake. We're flush at RB even without AJ and Harris.
  11. AJ Ouellette is fine. (if the video on his FB of him squatting 635 this week is any measure)
  12. bluto


    That's fine if you think that my post is dumb, HCB. I have a similar opinion of being mandated to take an untested, unproven, known bad side effects, brand new technology and calling it the science. Or insisting that isn't blind faith. Either way, you've the freedom to take as many of them as you please. But you don't have the freedom to use the word effective and expect to not hear some pretty obvious, elephant-in-the-room type of questions.
  13. bluto


    No, but I do think that the questions are fair and the answers are factual and typical of what you'd hear.
  14. bluto


    It usually goes like this: Q: Do you think that the C-19 shots are Safe & Effective. A: Absolutely. Q: So you got them? A: Yes. Q: Did you ever get Covid? A: A few times. Q: So they're Effective? A: Yup. Q: It works? A: Yes, I may have gotten even more sick without it. Q: Are you at all aware of this shot's side effect profile? A: A bit. Q: It doesn't concern you at all? A: No, they must have tested it. ... OK, I'm out.
  15. bluto


    Looks like "safe & effective" is finally dead as a trope. From the NCI commissioners report (Sept 15): “It is important to understand that the COVID-19 vaccines were never approved under the traditional approval process for drugs in Canada,” “Under the alternative authorization process, the necessity to establish the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines through an objective manner appears to have been set aside.” “This cannot be an appropriate standard for approving a drug that the Government intends to administer to the entire population. It is difficult to conceive of a less-scientific test for drug authorization than that found in the Interim Order.” “The result was that while chief medical officers across the country repeatedly assured Canadians that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’—the general Canadian population had no understanding that their authorization process had not required objective proof of safety nor efficacy.” “We all know there's a new vaccine that's coming around the corner, [a] new mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. And there's essentially no evidence for it, there's been no clinical trial done in human beings showing that it benefits people, there's been no clinical trial showing that it is a safe product for people. And not only that, but then there are a lot of red flags.” https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/commissioners-report/
  16. It comes back to visit every few years... But then we win a Grey Cup and it's all better. Actually forgot to add to the rundown that the Als had us so dead to rights that we were going for it on 3rd and long inside our own 10 yard line! High stakes stuff. You ought to... Presuming we both can make it to Hamilton in late November. I have a keen interest in who we may play on 11/11 and 11/19 ...also, if I wasn't supposed to offer opinions on this game, why was there a thread several pages long before I even got to it?
  17. Finished my Re-watch. It was a lot less of a gut-wrenching rollercoaster the second time through it, thank Flutie. Montreal found some ways to successfully attack the Argo D and to slow down our offence... No doubt that OCs & DCs around the league were taking notes. The game started the way pretty much every single game has for us. We were moving the ball easily and it looked like we'd cruise out front to a solid lead and lock up the points... but then after we were up 7-3 our offence went stone cold. Like, glacial. We set up to play them on D in what pretty much looked like a reaction to how we'd seen them before: we tried to take screens and deep balls away from them. Largely, this worked. Best I can figure is that Montreal switched to having 2 Mikes. Sankey came in. Sort of a jumbo package? This neutralized the Argos run game and without that being as reliable as it has been, we started seeing a lot of 2nd & longs. And The Chad started missing targets. Pretty bad misses on a few. Still had a 10-3 lead at HT and figured like the half came at the right time so we could figure this out... But it was the Alouettes who benefitted from the break. We got a quick FG, but they finally started having some time for Fajardo to operate. In the first half he had no time at all. Couldn't set himself, no chance to read the D before he was flushed or brought down. But now he had time and they had a new plan: They took the time which they'd found for Cody and went after the receivers who had HBs and CBs laying 7 yards off of them. (That's a typical setup for the Argos, and when we have a two TD lead, like normally we do, we can sit back and go after them aggressively and force a turnover while they are rushing to try catching up to us.) Once the Alouettes changed their focus to just taking the free yards that were on offer, they marched downfield at will on us and Fajardo went on a crazy completion streak. And then we were behind. And it felt a bit Playoff-y. Nobody has pushed us yet or forced us to dig ourselves out of trouble. Peters' interception (and he needed to do something for us after that stupid misconduct he took for flexing over a player) happened because of the hit on Fajardo's backbone by Pickett who, yet again, had a monster game. And yeah, the blocked kick (Sorry if it triggered any PTSD) we actually had two guys come through that gap... shame on their blocking. The Chad: our "rookie" QB looked deadly in the No-Huddle. I wish we'd do that more, but maybe it is so effective for us because we only break it out now and then. He basically came out with the game on the line and engineered 2 straight touchdown drives (not his fault that the first one was called back by a senseless, unrelated to the play penalty). Poise & confidence. Particularly on that 2nd TD throw to Coxie (the one that counted). That looked like it was his third read and he launched it sky high to let his man run his way underneath it. The Takeaways It was a really good weekend for the Argos overall. We lock up 1st on September 15th and don't have to play a game that matters for almost 2 months. Great news for a team with some key injuries/niggles that need to be given time to heal. No more Bye weeks, but we can strategically "make" a few of them. conversely, the Als and Tabbies are 6-6 each and will be killing themselves just to win the right to come play us. and the West is still a fight for top spot too. Bonus Takeaway: Tommy Nield is gonna be good. Already is.
  18. I think you're partially correct about some things, but a mile off on others... I'll do my post mortem Monday. Was interesting to watch because we weren't blowing a team out, we had to come back and it was the last game we'll play for real stakes untill November 11.(Nice sunny day on a Saturday so we're out for a ride.)
  19. Not going to defend how he hit Fajardo, that was bad. But he was being pinwheeled around. Difficult to hit precisely at speed that way.
  20. No disrespect to him. But Pickett has been unearthly this season.
  21. The best defensive player in the East may have had something to do with that soft serve.
  22. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/plot-armor
  23. The Chad is a rookie. He'll fold when the pressure is on.
  24. What an awful penalty to take. Game killer.
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