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Everything posted by Tiny759

  1. Guy had a full head of hair in college
  2. You are asking for them to do a lot there.
  3. Jones had inside, if huff takes it from jones once they are on the ground, it’s still an interception
  4. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t even know he has legs right now.
  5. Is bede the worst Fg kicker in the league?
  6. Don’t be silly, us fans on here know way better than any coach ever!
  7. Serious question though, how does a Canadian guard go from being on an active NFL roster to being benched for a rookie?
  8. I did read somewhere that he is practising, but also just fell down the depth chart. read it from everybody’s new favourite media guy, darrin bauming
  9. When they blitz, they have to apply effective pressure . Sending 6 guys and having no one reach blm can cause nightmares for our secondary. But bring on the snow.
  10. Was at this game. I have to give it to sask. the stadium there is really nice. I honestly think it’s the only thing they got going for them!
  11. I’m assuming you remember the 249 yards he put up against us last time too then 😬
  12. But the return of Kamar Jordan. Don’t forget how unreal this guy was before he got injured.
  13. Is this a thread about the wsf against the stamps or a political thread? Can’t tell
  14. Oh how I miss Matty ice. Never forget the game against Montreal where the bombers scored 2 tds in last 1:50. Back when Matt was consistent and healthy
  15. So In the NFL, failing a test for peds results in the person not being able to receive league awards, but can still receive individual game awards. Ex) Edelman. Won super bowl mvp but could not get any league awards.
  16. I do think the league needs to have a rule in place for situations like this, either it being that player in ineligible to receive awards or eligible.
  17. Hey I believe Harris should have been nominated too. But if he took PEDs either knowingly or just due to carelessness, I can see the argument of why they wouldn’t want to leave them off the ballot. It seems to be if you take a drug one year, the next year is a clean slate for you.
  18. And if The test comes back negative, does that make the decision to leave him off the awards list the right one?
  19. So what happened to the product sample Harris sent in to get tested? Haven’t heard anything about that. Wouldn’t that prove if it was his mistake or the products mistake.
  20. Haha ok didn’t realize this was such a sensitive topic. My bad.
  21. Everyone on here may not agree with it, but calm down man. It’s not the end of the world.
  22. Yikes if Farjardo is awful, how bad are Nichols and strev 😬
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