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Everything posted by MrFreakzilla

  1. I mean stop talking about him and constantly wondering if he will or won't come back. Hoping won't make it so
  2. Let him go, if he doesn't want to play then wish him luck. The ex gf rarely comes back no matter if you think there's a chance.
  3. Says the expert of everything to do with football or hockey lol
  4. Nichols threw for an average of 215 yards per game. It isn't difficult or time consuming to do some simple research. Also 304 yards in 42 attempts isn't impressive in any league.
  5. Ask him if he'd rather have impressive stats or a win. Do you think he is satisfied with a loss? They play to win the game, not to move up on any leaderboard.
  6. The team lost the game, football isn't tennis
  7. Why doesn't he throw it out of bounds near Lucky instead in the ground?
  8. Calling a screen with no passing game won't work
  9. 2 hands on the ball in a crowd what a concept!
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