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Posts posted by TheSource

  1. 5 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    It's because a quarterback who can't pass from the pocket is the easiest kind of quarterback to defend.  A quarterback who can pass from the pocket weaponizes the whole field and all of his teammates.

    The best scrambling quarterbacks are dangerous because they can pass from the pocket too so they can't simply be defended based on their scrambling, teams have to defend the whole field.


    I agree that you need to be able to do both, unfortunately, encouraging anything outside of the pocket has not been a strong suit of the Bomber organization for over 20 years.

    In my opinion, allowing a rookie QB to take off BY DESIGN now and then opens things up, gives him confidence, and allows for some success BEFORE he gets to the point of 3 years game experience. In fact, if Edmonton kept Reilly, Damon Allen, Dunnigan, or Tracey Ham in the pocket when they were rookies none of them may ever have developed into the QBs they became.  Too bad Bombers are so inept at designing any kind of run and shoot for their young QBs. This *could* have something to do with the fact that Winnipeg has been a grave yard for promising young QBs over the last 20 years... It's not a coincidence that Edmonton has been a QB development powerhouse over that same time. Just saying...


  2. 16 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Streveler's running ability has to be part of this offense regardless of who is starting.  That's a huge weapon and we have backfield weapons that can make that very hard to defend with an option package.  I'd love to see him and Harris and Augustine and Demski and Flanders running over Konar and Sherritt all night.

    <start memo>

    But Bomber tradition (a directive from the BOD down) is that this organization ONLY supports pocket passing style.

    There will be no discussion of QB's running the ball. Any QB who runs will be subsequently benched unless he is tackled for a loss or only a short gain.


    <end memo>


  3. 1 hour ago, BigBlue said:

    Training Camp is over, the roster has been set, and the biggest Q is who should MOS start at QB.

    The Bomber Brass are comparing notes on that and have yet to decide so its not clear cut by any means. The default is Ross by a nose but we could have 3 legit thoroughbreds in our stable all at once.

    I personally believe Steveler has the most upside based on pure talent, scrambling pizzazz, and the ability to see the whole field. He is also the most likely to turn the ball over and make gigantically good plays. Ross will protect the ball best and run the short game well.

    Ross may have played the most regular season downs but Bennett has the most experience especially in the Bomber system. I can see us saying later in the year "why didn't we start using Bennett earlier?" He is my pick for short yardage QB but I would be happy with Steveler in that role too.  My best guess: Ross starts but Steveler comes in as soon as Ross has two or three bad series in a row.

    MOS should hold off on releasing this information until later in the week,

    There is no sense in giving Edmonton the ability to plan for that guy all week.

  4. 52 minutes ago, AKAChip said:

    Whether it means anything or not, after yesterday’s cuts the total number of Internationals on offence on the active roster who are original Walters finds is four. And it’s not a particularly impressive group (Foketi, Bennett, Streveler and Thompkins)

    Now that's what I'm talking about.

    Not very good and this shows poorly on Walters and the scouting staff. The verdict is still out on whether this team has improved or regressed overall this year.

    Very interested to see how these first 6 games go, when the team does not have the capacity to score 40 points each game just to keep it close.


  5. 2 hours ago, Mark H. said:

    This is the worst case scenario, but it’s not impossible. However, with Bowman on the field, some duck and chuck to balance out the 5 yard curls and runs up the gut is a real possibility. 

    Yes, either extreme is bad.

    My point was that you have to mix some longer passes in with the short stuff, otherwise your opponent will just come up and shut you down.

    Hopefully they mix it up and include ** some ** longer passes and attempts when coverage is tight.

  6. 1 minute ago, Atomic said:

    Protect the ball, make smart passes, rely on Andrew Harris.  That's all you can really ask of the young guys.

    If the definition of "make smart passes" is to do that ultra-conservative stuff, then that's going to be awfully easy for a 1st string defense in the CFl to shut down when they know the ball will never go more than 5 yards out of the hands of the QB, if at all.

    You are going to lose any way with that strategy because you can't score points that way unless a team has terrible run defense.

    I'd rather let the kids develop their abilities and open things up. That is the only way those #2 and #3 guys are going to develop. They will not learn much in an ultra-conservative system.

  7. 6 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    Gonna go back and look at that Calgary finale from last year, the one where Lapo had the Fever run the most conservative game plan I've ever seen in the CFL.  Not a pass over five yards.  Bet that's what we see while we're waiting for Nicholls.

    That would be bad, but it may very well happen.

    What I'd like to see is to go down guns blazing rather than a steady stream of 2 and outs, which will be the inevitable result of the above.

    I think Lapo should modify the offence into 2 different reduced package versions to suit each of Ross and Streveler, and then not be afraid to change up from each of them during the games. Make a pocket passing package for Ross and a roll out style run and shoot for Streveler, and then let them both go for it.

    Reality is that Bombers are in trouble no matter what, so at least let your players use all the tools they have and go down that way rather than having no offence at all and just hanging around until the D gets worn out.

  8. 1 minute ago, Bigblue204 said:

    ?? How can anyone with even the slightest knowledge of pro football say anything like this at all? Is Jeff reinbold still finding talent for us? Do you think Walters talks to Jim Daley to get his input on which QB's to sign? Or maybe they go and ask Mike Kelly who they should trade for?


    I'm fairly sure the quoted post is currently leading the race for, dumbest **** I've read on this forum in 2018. congratulations.


    Actually I'm fairly certain that Mike could really help the team find talent south of the border.

  9. Just now, Rod Black said:

    When a current but dead Cal Murphy team, or a long ago a Dave Richie team play and beat a current Marc Trestman or a John Hufnagel team, I’ll agree that your point might be valid. But your talking pure fantasy. 

    Then lets go dig Cal up and I'll get the paddles ready...

  10. 3 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    This post is simply idiotic.

    Well, not completely. Durability is also a trait that a championship team needs. Cant win a GC without it.

    Compared to the last time the Bombers were good in the Cal Murphy era, these Bomber teams lack toughness in my opinion.

    There are exceptions however - Harris would look great in any era.

    In my opinion, Bombers need more old-school guys like that. GMs and coaches should be looking for durability to go along with talent. Still think that after around the era of Dave Ritchie until now the Bombers have done a less than average job of finding players that are both durable and talented.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

    Which players are you referring to.  Outside of Neufeld not sure what to make of what you’re saying.

    Compared to all the other starting QBs, Nichols is very injury prone - that is why we are where we are, and that is well known.

    Other players who are considered Bomber starts who are extremely injury prone are:



    Cory Watson (when he was here)

    Addison Richards (this one was the joke of the league)

    Drew Willy

    Robert Marve

    Isn't it possible that because Bombers have been so very poor at finding quality talent over the last 20 years that they are settling for players who really should not be playing?


  12. 5 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    What's that say about a team's scouting when they cut their own recruits & sign the cuts from the Stamps? That it was a fail. WTH is Murphy doing from November to May? 

    Yes, this is a valid point too.

    And this year Bombers brought in more of their own finds which is good, but not sure about bringing in a boat load of ex-Lions.

    Their D was not dominant the last few years either. We'll have to see if that is any kind of upgrade.

    With Nichols out we'll find out sooner rather than later...

  13. 20 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    I'm not sure it even ensures that, but Nichols won't be the only player to go down for a while this year. Adams, Bowman, Dressler, Wild and Neufeld all have multiple injury histories.

    Why do the Bombers build their team on injury prone players or players close to being wash outs?

    It seems Bombers always have guys who get injured more easily than the other teams.

    Is it because they are lesser quality guys trying to play over their heads or is it because broken players are cheaper?


  14. 6 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You know that Jones loves Stamps cuts. Every year he & Murphy load up on their rejects. The Stamps should send the Riders a bill for scouting. 

    Not a bad strategy to look at the cuts from the deepest, most talented, and best team at finding new talent.

    Better than Bombers who go dumpster diving each year in the cuts or free agents from Sask, Montreal, and BC - the bottom dwelling teams.


  15. 1 minute ago, Mark F said:

    Montreal needs to make a trade for a qb. 

    Can't win many games with this group.

    They already look demoralized.

    They are going to have to rely on their D.

    Will be interesting to see how they match up with Bombers in 2 weeks.

    Both teams are in the same situation QB-wise

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