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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. What idiots. I can remember some raunchy all night bonspiels I was in with my buddies. The beer was flowing but we were 18. These guys are in their late 30's & early 40's.
  2. Calgary better win next Sunday because without Mitchell their door to a championship next season slams shut.
  3. Okay, well let's just move on. Not a good day for any of us today. Very frustrating, I know.
  4. You said one of his "horrible qualities" was lack of accountability which draws on his character. I felt that was an unfair swipe. So, I commented.
  5. Mark, for me in a few days but right now I don't even want to think about the GC game.
  6. What, get used to you? LOL. Because pleasing you is Job #1. Criticize his play, sure. That's legit& I have no issue with that. But don't go criticizing his character based on a sound bite after the game. You don't known him or have ever spoken to the guy.
  7. Look, I'm not happy with him tonight but fans trashing him isn't fair either. His "horrible traits"??? What is he, an axe murderer?
  8. Oh get off Nichols case. I wasn't happy with his play either but he doesn't deserve to be trashed by a fan like you so give it a rest.
  9. Any chance you can block all the Rider trolls that have shown up this evening? They're pretty easy to find.
  10. Spot playing with a select group of plays in short yardage is different than being the starter. Can Streveler read defenses? Can he implement a game plan? Can he handle the pressure of being a starter? Even BLM took 3 seasons before he was named the starter in Calgary. I see a kid with great potential but someone not ready to take over as the starter yet.
  11. It's been 28 years since we last won. As a fan, I don't want to "take our lumps" on the premise Streveler may develop with no guarantee that he will. Sorry, I want to win. I want the best player at the qb position playing. Streveler isn't ready to take over & no way I'm willing to suffer thru a 4-14 season again just to see if a hypothesis is worth proving. Neither are the Bombers. .
  12. We just can't stand pat with our coaching staff. Changes need to be made. The Mike O'Shea loyalty "You Have A Job For Life" rewards has to change. This staff has gone stale. Some deadwood has to go. Not happy with our coordinators. That would be a start
  13. Nichols was the worst player on the field today. Of that there is no doubt. And LaPo was the worst coach in the stadium, too.
  14. What did LaPo do today to earn his paycheque?? We played the same way offensively from start to finish. As bad as Nichols played, our OC DID NOTHING to help the guy.
  15. I don't like the RedBlacks & Rose just epitomizes my feelings why. Screw them. C'mon Ti Cats.
  16. Jonathan Rose is ejected. What a moron.
  17. No kidding. At some point the Football Gods have to say enough is enough & it's time we won a Grey Cup. THIS YEAR. No team has been to 3 consecutive Grey Cups since the Eskimos in 1980. They were a special team. The Stamps aren't. We have a real shot. If we play disciplined, smart & mistake free football.
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