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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. What an idiot. Blame everyone else when things dont go your way. You lose, its because of the officiating. You went 3 quarters without a catch. Look in the mirror and then your locker room. The guy is like a 9 year old child.
  2. .....and himself. His pocket awareness is severely lacking.
  3. But im sure they'll be spewing "were the 2nd best team in the league because our game against calgary was closer than yours" using their hillbilly Rider math.
  4. Their "journalists" are the biggest bunch of homer jagoffs on the planet. They dont even pretend to be mildly unbiased. Its embarrassing.
  5. Could never bring myself to cheer for the Riders. I hope their franchise never wins another game.
  6. How does he keep getting hired?? He's literally stunk in every roll he's ever had in the CFL. And to top it off he traded away his best QB prospect. Rocketship straight to the basement with Durant/Willy Combo. Yuck.
  7. Much like Nik Lewis just passing Terry Vaughn for all-time receiving yards, the Alouettes have just passed Hamilton in being the worst team in the league.
  8. Sweet lord Jackson, you gotta catch that. Whats happened to that guy??
  9. Like i said Westerman has been alright but he tends to disappear for stretches and i'd wager he has many more penalty yards than sack/tackles for loss yards. I dont mind Westerman but i'd love a true difference maker on the outside ala Philip Hunt a few years back.
  10. Our d-line still concerns me. Powell probably would have had 200 yards if the game was closer. Poop needs to get back in there, not sure what the hell is going on with that. We also lack that outside QB destroyer. Westerman had his moments but we really lack that big play guy on the outside that gets to/disrupts the QB with regularity.
  11. Yeah he's been a huge bust. I think he's made 1 noticeable play all year. Pretty much invisible.
  12. Dear lord is Lindley terrible. The rain is actually helping the Redblacks, if it was sunny and +20 this game would be like 50-6
  13. Johnny Football come on down! Couldnt be any worse, could he? Atleast it would drum up some excitement and maybe light a spark in a putrid football team.
  14. That looked like a pick to me even if there wasnt a tip. Man Masoli makes some horrible decisions for a "veteran" QB.
  15. Atleast some sanity has finally trickled in to the gappers fan site. One well known frequent poster admitted that IGF was louder in the midst of all the "its a tie" talk. Ofcourse he had to justify it by claiming the stadium roofs, size, etc was the reason. Never the less, it dont matter. Sorry TSN, we the loudest.
  16. No doubt Hill was a beast but lets not forget how great Less Browne was. In his 3 years with the Bombers he had 27 freakin' picks!
  17. idk about that. He's awesome but Less Browne, Rod Hill, and Juran Bolden say hi
  18. They took readings at certain plays/times during each quarter(for both games) and near the end of the game they showed the average decibel level. Ours was at 100.3 or something and last week the priders average was something like 99.6. Ofcourse the play by play guy(not sure who it was) had to mention that last weeks game wasnt as close, hinting that is why we are louder. Im sure Climie agrees.
  19. Yeah he's a big play game changer that weve sorely lacked over the years. Love me some Leggett!
  20. You can add garbage defensive coordinator to that list as well. He was here "coaching" some horrible defenses not too long ago. For a guy with such a poor track record, it amazes me that he keeps getting hired. Never mind hired, promoted lol! He's been mediocre at best seemingly everywhere he's gone.
  21. The league better address these fake "injuries" during our hurry up ASAP or so help me god i will lose my s**t. F***ing bush league
  22. So a Rider homer thinks that Nichols, who is leading the league in QB QUAR, top 3 in almost every other meaningful stat, routinely puts the team on his back in the 4th quarter to pull out late victories, and is like what? 17-5 since taking over starting duties, is a ham n egger? Seriously? Then what the hell do you think of your own QB? How about a heartless, gutless, can never win the big game, cold weather folding, no other option, last resort QB, retread, ho-hum its just a game, career losing record, hasbeen? Sounds about right. If Nichols was your QB you'd be ghostwriting his HOF induction speech while admiring you and your cousins wedding photos in your matching Nichols jerseys.
  23. Except for the fact that he was benched by MOS...? That leads me to believe that the team was not happy with his play.
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