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Everything posted by JCon

  1. I don't understand? They're not taking a shot at the Als, they're just saying the conditions are bad. We're not the Riders. We want to play the game.
  2. Yes, when we win, they suddenly disappear.
  3. Hughes will soon be found passed out in his car again.
  4. We're in really bad shape if we haven't even talked about tomorrow's game yet. The weather will certainly be interesting and it's Family Day. Too bad they keep scheduling Family Day in October, as it seems the weather can't hold out. My son was excited about the American Ninja Warrior style obstacle course but I don't think we'll be going to it now. Game time weather is now showing as 2 (feels like -3), mix of sun and clouds, wind 21N gusting to 33. Ed Tait's 48-hour primer from yesterday.
  5. Seems to me conservatives were fine with the blackface too, they just didn't care for the hypocrisy, just sayin'.
  6. Brock's just upset because his parents had three children, two boys and a girl and his brother gets to marry his sister, so he's left all alone.
  7. It confirms neither of those. McGuire hasn't even been tested. And, I think the Bombers would say they're developing both of those. It says we need a third QB going into the playoffs.
  8. We heard how great the Riders were last year from their fan base. They were pretty damn quiet and sad last year leaving Mosaic, I can tell you.
  9. Me too. I want to be proven wrong on this so bad, although I have not given up hope on Streveler yet.
  10. I wonder what they would have called him?
  11. But this assumes Collaros was the only option, which I reject. If you're bringing in insurance, shouldn't that insurance be able to survive more than a play or two? We're going to be onto McGuire in the end.
  12. They're pros. I expect them to treat Collaros well and accept him. I'm not a pro and I don't have to accept him.
  13. We could have picked up Franklin to hold the clipboard and he wouldn't have died on the field.
  14. You’re going to rely on Collaros? Good luck with that.
  15. You're assuming Collaros wants to come here to be a tutor and that, in case of emergency, he won't break like glass.
  16. That's one word for it... I get that it's insurance but the guy is not going to play. Can't play. What did we pay for the right to have Collaros hold a clipboard while standing in a bubble?
  17. Didn't get him for free. It's also going to be really windy on Saturday, so he may get hurt standing on the sidelines. Maybe they can borrow one of the balls from the Power97 race?
  18. Please don't miss with that bullet to my head. Quick and painless, please.
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